Post:New TDP Method (Racial Redo) - 10/03/2012 - 20:24

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Re: New TDP Method (Racial Redo) · on 10/03/2012 08:24 PM CDT 3563
>>The mere fact that magic is changing.

"Different" does not mean "harder". I get that for you it translates to 'harder', but if you're going to assess the difficulty of the game, you have to assess it from the same perspective each time. Assessing DR2 as "The game I believe to be well informed about" and assessing DR3 as "The game I don't know much about" doesn't give you that objective perspective.

>>I do not see this as abuse. Any contrary opinions?

It's not abuse, though it's certainly not necessarily the 'intended' use of it. However, I should clarify how the respec is going to work (I'm working on that code right now):

- Let's say that DR3 comes out November 1, 2012
- Everybody converted to DR3 before January 1, 2013 (2 months later) will be given 2 free respecs. These respecs expire February 1, 2013.
- Everybody converted on or after January 1 is given 1 free respec. This respec expires 30 days from the day it was given to you.


Deep breaths. Your speculation is wildly out of line with what the actual impact is going to be.

>>Then they'll be perfectly happy with the results when they end up driving a lot of the higher end people out of the game because they care so much for that new subscriber!

Again, seriously take a step back and at least wait until you have any information at all before reacting violently to an idea when you have no data, especially when the people talking about the idea DO have a whole lot of data.

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ The Experience System, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.