Post:Ranger Meeting - 12/17/2010 - 22:49:09

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Ranger Meeting · on 12/17/2010 10:49:09 PM 17189
You notice an odd, almost godly aura about Audacia.

You see GameMaster Audacia Susurro, a Ranger. Audacia has slightly pointed ears and alert but playful silver eyes. Her purple-streaked red hair is waist-length and wavy, and has a tendency to levitate above her head when she is mad. Luckily, she always seems to be smiling, but it is in such an obviously innocent way that you are sure she's up to something. She has a farmer tan and a spritely bounce in her step. She is young and beautiful. What else did you expect? She is in good shape.

She is wearing a tarnished crown, an anthill, some bug antennae, a river slug, a thorn-covered gown that enhances her figure perfectly, some teflon-coated goretex-lined tyveck armor with kevlar inserts, a brightly burnished animite wristband cast in the form of a silvery dragon with gleaming emerald eyes, a pair of bright green slugs with wiggly antennae, a fig leaf, a chicken coop, a Vorclaf leg and a pair of rabid weasels that seem to have attached themselves to her feet.

You notice an odd, almost godly aura about Sithix.

You see GameMaster Sithix, a Prydaen. Sithix has slitted amber eyes, black scales and a slender tail. He has transcended time. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dark purple ring glowing with violet energy, a redwood horse bow, a serrated tailband, a shadowy nightsilk wrist sheath, some worn stalking boots, a ru'at bracelet and a nightsilk assassin's cloak.

Audacia says, "OK, Lets do the tree impersonation thing." Audacia says, "We aren't going to silence you." Audacia asks, "If you can, please shuch your noisy things you're wearing too?" Audacia exclaims, "And welcome everyone!" Falkonis asks, "What's a prydean doing at a killing prydean's anonymous meeting anyway?" Falkonis exclaims, "Is this a trick?!" Audacia says, "This is the first time we get to torture GM Sithix with a ranger meeting, but honestly it was his idea! He's very brave." Tenteth says, "Where the crap did taz go." Taljin says, "Woot." Audacia says, "He is our very own coder. First we've had in ages, makes me want to cry." Audacia says, "When I interviewed him, he bribed me with a 25 page companion rewrite proposal." Audacia says, "And he's making good on it." Falkonis says, "Nice." Sithix says, "It's true." Taljin says, "Ohhhhhhh." Zinaca says, "Go companions." Falkonis says, "Maybe I know who he is then." Purnay exclaims, "Companions!" Kesava asks, "Shouldn't this meeting be in the archery yard then.....with a bullseye painted on him?" Audacia says, "Chort." Taljin asks, "Can we toss you in a pack and run away with you then?" Audacia says, "OK, SO I'll turn the floor over to him." Audacia says, "Once he;s finished, we'll open the question list." Sithix says, "Alrighty then." Audacia says, "PLEASE please be silent as you can, and we'll promise to give you a chance to ask your questions." Sithix says, "Let's hold questions, please. I'll be going rather quickly to make room for more questions, but feel free to say "too fast" if I'm going too fast for someone." Audacia says, "And please stop moving." Falkonis says, "Probably best to sleep your companions." Zinaca says, "That is NOT Lucky by the way." Sithix says, "First, I am part of the Survival Team... that is, I am the Survival Team." FJestak says, "Hmm I forgot how to send the lil fellow away." Nefidyne says, "Signal wolf to sleep." Sithix says, "That means Rangers, Thieves, Necromancers, Survival Skills, and systems specific to a survival skill ... like bundles." Nefidyne says, "Imo." Zinaca says, "Just told him to sleep." Zinaca says, "I speak Wolf." Sithix says, "So, this past year I mainly worked on the Bonus and some other Survival-y things that aren't necessarily Ranger-only. Lockpick rings, bundle rewrite. Etc. Oh, and that "fire" bug trap everyone loves." Sithix says, "Right now there are two main projects that I have for Ranger's." Sithix says, "And they're obvious and on the list I posted. They are the Trails rewrite and the Companions rewrite." Sithix says, "Both of those things are too broken to attempt to simply fix it up here or there. Trust me. I looked." Sithix says, "Both of these projects have an approved proposal." Sithix says, "Let me brief you on both of them..." Sithix says, "Trails is going to involve a lot of new trails as part of the rewrite, and there's a possibility that I may have a contest in that regard." Zinaca says, "Oops sorry." Sithix says, "Main goals are to simplify some aspects, make some aspects more detailed, fix experience, make them not take horrifidly long, and add those extra trails in the skill ranges and/or locations where they are lacking." Sithix says, "The biggest issue for you guys is probably the experience / training one. And teh speed." Sithix says, "In regards to speedier trails, there will probably be timers so you won't be running one trail over and over and over and over." Sithix says, "Experience, timers, and how many trails in a particular skill range within the same geographical range will all be considered and tested heavily to ensure the system works well and for everyone." Sithix says, "That's enough for now on that." Sithix says, "Companions..." Sithix says, "Also a total rewrite. Also approved." Sithix says, "There's a backend system that's nearly completed that is pre-requisite, and then work can begin." Sithix says, "This one is an overhaul, but much more significant than Trails." Sithix says, "The system will look nothing like what it does today, but for some important exceptions, like how your companions "grow" with you over time. How you can watch them go from some stage of development to another. The "baby" companion and so on." Sithix says, "We're thinking three types to start out with, with small differences. They'll be more unique, grow in terms of capabilities, have to be trained. Their abilities will be entirely focused on Survival type things. Useful things, but not combat-oriented. There should be a cyclical spell some time after Magic 3 and Companions 2 are both done to allow this, however." Sithix says, "They will also not get lost and die all the time unless you're exceptionally negligent. And even then, by the time they are full adults, that will probably be impossible." Audacia says, "I tried to get him to make them die, but he refused. He's too nice." Sithix says, "I picked these two projects over Beseeches due to the reward. Beseeches are limited as has been posted a few times by both Zeyurn and myself. They need fixed, but I felt these other two more important right now. I'm pretty sure players would rather have them over what a Beseech redo would look like, but I'm open to player's arguing against that prioritization." Sithix says, "Both Trails and Companions are going to take some time, although Companions a decent bit more, so I am curious and will probably be posting a poll about the prioritization between these two things." Sithix says, "That said, I don't have much to say about Beseeches except that I'll be revising it, redoing them all slightly, and looking at the quests. And new quests for the ones that don't have them. They will be better, but the obvious caveats still apply." Sithix says, "With that said, we won't be changing the "core" of the quests that already exist at a conceptual or "how-to" level." Sithix says, "After Comps and Trails are done, Beseeches will be the next thing in line." Sithix says, "I will then be taking a look at scouting, and expanding it some." Sithix says, "There's really no existing plan or proposal on that, but I do keep notes on everything you guys post so... enough said." Sithix says, "By post, I mean anything in any of the Ranger forums." Audacia says, "SIlence again guys, please." Audacia says, "Next time we'll hold this in crossing if you can't act like trees tonight." Sithix says, "After all of this, there are various other potential, undesigned, unapproved projects that I may be doing: mostly things related to a specific Survival skill that effects everybody. Scalable, lethal traps with experience gain modifications (effort/danger = gain). New lockpicking / lockpicks. Probably some kind of swim practice. Etc." Sithix says, "All of that is very un-approved and up in the air." Sithix says, "Also, trails and cache rooms themselves are going to have wilderness settings readjusted for pure wilderness, which impacts your Bonus there positively." Audacia asks, "Was that the "my turn" nod?" Sithix asks, "Indeed. Did you miss the signal?" Audacia says, "Apparently." Audacia says, "OK, I don't have a lot..." Audacia says, "First off, is the Ranger Retreat. 70% done and fully approved." Audacia says, "For those of you who don't know what it is.." Audacia says, "A while back, one of you suggested a retreat-like area for Rangers only..." Audacia says, "Expanding on the idea what we have is an area that will move around about every 7-10 days or so to one of 10+ designated locations.. randomly." Audacia says, "It will have a furrier, bank, gemsmith .. the Ranger only shop- though much expanded - that you saw at Guildfest.." Audacia says, "And some other cool stuff." Audacia says, "The premise is some really nifty NPCs like to travel around. It will be heavy wilderness and just be a fun place to hang out." Audacia says, "I don't want to give you all of the specifics but there will be a lot of cool roleplay surrounding this, for those of you who like that." Audacia says, "Next thing I have about 40% done is the Ranger obstacle course." Audacia says, "Another player suggestion from the forums." Audacia says, "It will be an army bootcamp like obstacle course of varying skill levels and checks, with a little bit of experience gain." Audacia says, "I'm thihnking right now to put it in the Crossing Guild, because that guild is old and a little boring. but thats subject to change." Audacia says, "If you have suggestions on obstacles, theres still time to add a few, so feel free to post." Audacia says, "Likewise, if theres something you'd like to see in the retreat I didn't mention... post away, I can add some things pretty fast without too big a delay." Audacia says, "Finally, the Experience changes." Audacia says, "Socharis will be here later to answer any major questions you might have." Audacia says, "For now the new reqs look to be pretty similar to what we have now with a couple minor changes." Audacia says, "I wanted to make them harder... Some of you'd love me for it, while more of you would kill me, so we're not going to do that." Audacia exclaims, "Questions!" Pfanston says, "Yeah." Audacia says, "Join list." Sithix says, "While you're joining..." Falkonis says, "Remember there is such thing as a dumb question." Sithix says, "Keep in mind I have nothing to do with Magic 3.0." Pfanston says, "Elves." Audacia says, "Also, please have your questions as ready as possible so we can get to as many of you as we can." Audacia says, "OK lets get started." Sithix says, "Hooray." Audacia says, "And please folks, be respectful and silent." Falkonis says, "Trails, are the current ones going to remain where they are, or are they all going to be moved around to make more sense, etc." Sithix says, "Remain, but feel free to expand "make more sense" and I'll consider it." Falkonis says, "Will we have trails that go around barriers." Pfanston says, "I suspect he means the gondola." Falkonis says, "Like across rivers." Falkonis says, "Gondola." Falkonis says, "That we can already do." Falkonis says, "But takes skill." Audacia says, "I would think they could be additions." Falkonis says, "I asked." Falkonis says, "He didnt answer." Audacia asks, "O don't know that we'd have to remove any of those that are already there?" Pfanston exclaims, "You put him to sleep!" Diggan says, "First question, we broke him." Sithix says, "For now, I'll say no, as it's not something we've considered as a part of the approved proposal..." Audacia says, "He's probably typing. Coders aren't as fast as those of us who live in the light." Falkonis says, "Also..." Zinaca says, "Now we know why it takes so long." Falkonis asks, "Are there anything else on the table that we've asked for over the years?" Falkonis says, "Zen archery, skill feats, etc." Kesava asks, "Well my question was in the same subject....maybe a trail from Wolf Clan area to somewhere near here and back?" Falkonis says, "I know I posted a big list a few months back." Audacia says, "Thats something for the forums Falkonis. Right now, we have one coder and he;s doing what he can. I promise, I'm working on hiring more." Audacia asks, "Celitha?" You say, "Yes." You say, "I had a question/request, could we please have trails shortened on time." You ask, "With skill and could we have a few added in remote areas as well , please?" Sithix says, "That was mentioned when I spoke of them - the speed issue." You say, "Oh sorry I must have been distracted with the movement around." Sithix says, "As to the other question..." Sithix says, "I'll make note of it. Also, I mentioned there may be a contest related to new trails." You say, "Thank you the other things I will post." Audacia exclaims, "Diggan!" Diggan says, "As a start, I'd like to second or third that the trails be increase in speed, right now they aren't as fast as a good travel script." Diggan asks, "But, the real question is what kind of timeline - understanding that there is one of you, and understanding that we have heard companions 2.0 since early 2000, do we have a qtr goal?" Sithix says, "That's a good question. I don't really know of a goal right now, as both projects have just begun. I think, depending on contest runtime, trails will take a couple of months. Companions a good six, easy." Audacia asks, "Contest to be posted on the forums, right?" Pfanston asks, "Contest?" Sithix says, "Yes. Also a poll on prioritizing Companions and Trails." Falkonis says, "Companions will win that, trust me." Falkonis says, "Almost pointless." Sithix says, "That's my best guess." Nefidyne says, "You'd hope so." Audacia exclaims, "Nefidyne!" Nefidyne says, "K, so as someone who uses their companion about 60 times a week. im gonna throw this out there to my boy Sithix." Nefidyne asks, "Three questions really, what happens to those of us that already have a companion above a baby state, i.e. young/fullgrown/senile wolves? and will any other compainions bearing an archtype (i.e. not a wolf or anything we currently use) still be trackable to find others such as our wolves now and is there any possiblity of them losing the track ability all together?" Sithix says, "I have plans to allow them to be used in tandem with tracking, yes." Nefidyne says, "Awesome." Sithix says, "As to the pre-existing companion question..." Falkonis says, "Make sure there are Falcon companions, that is all." Sithix says, "I've been thinking about that one some, and I'm still waffling on that." Jestak says, "Like send wolf to asery and scout wolf im comfused." Tenteth says, "Wolves and coons, pretty crap. need mroe for sure." Sithix says, "There are some very real issues with a conversion of pre-existing companions." Nefidyne says, "Wolves are the best thing since sliced bread." Purnay says, "Also one raven companion... for her." Tenteth says, "I want a squirrel." Pfanston says, "Dam sounds like I got to get the little nipper senile in a hurry." Sithix says, "The system is very broken and companions can do about 10% of what they'll be able to do in the future." Nefidyne says, "So you're saying, we'll lose our current wolves." Audacia says, "Remember to please be quiet folks." Taljin says, "You are a squirrel." Nefidyne asks, "So if we are to lose our current wolves, what of the 180+ hour RL timer to grow them?" Audacia says, "I can silence you but you won't like it so please do it on your own." Zinaca says, "Its more than that for me." Nefidyne says, "Thats why theres a + on it." Sithix says, "Also, all the stuff they'll be able to do will be trained, so that isn't going to convert very well." Sithix says, "Also, they are going to be very, very unlikely to get lost." Pfanston asks, "Or drown?" Sithix says, "But, I'm still waffling on which way I'm going to go with that. If there is a conversion likely all the training you could have done with your companion's abilities and prowess won't be there anyway." Gallivant asks, "How about a bonus for those who have fully trained companions?" Sithix says, "I'll consider any suggestions... but we do need to try to get a couple more questions in. Please utilize the forums." Sithix asks, "Who's next on the list?" Nefidyne says, "Im fine with that. thank you." Nefidyne says, "I assumed the current compaions to be lost soon anyways, its a trade up." Audacia exclaims, "Pfanston!" Pfanston says, "Heh ok 3 questions and a sort of question/request." Audacia says, "Closing the list in 10 seconds..." Pfanston says, "Ok, a while back at the guild only ranger shop at a fest they sold these trail maps. You are going to make sure those work with the new trails right? And the big problem with trails is more for younger folks. They are pretty well stuck if they trails to running only one or two over and over... so that means they need more of the easy ones. With currently learning, that wont help the older rangers at all either." Audacia says, "I can take the map question. They will work fine." Sithix says, "They will work..." Sithix says, "The systemic changes will take care of the new player issue." Sithix says, "New trails or not." Pfanston says, "Ok the main problem then is the easy trails for younger folks if they cant run one over and over they got a real problem." Pfanston says, "And of course the way things are now lots of new easy trails will not help the older folks at all." Sithix says, "It won't be an issue." Pfanston says, "Second how is this going to fit in with the experience changes because most of us are going to be hurting magic and lore wise with the new changes, which is where most all of the new changes are going. This going to be before or after the new changes to experience." Pfanston asks, "Third, I realize beseeches are further down the road, but I had the impression some of them were going away, and from the sounds of things they might be getting worse than they currently are now. So how does fixing them do much for us at this point?" Pfanston exclaims, "And last!" Pfanston says, "ANd companions if we are allowed to put in a request.... I want a wyvern companion! SOon! I want it to sit on folks and crush em into the dirt on command, etc...." Sithix says, "As to your second question, I can't really comment on Magic issues, and I have no idea when Magic 3 will be released. We'll have to field that as it gets close to release." Tenteth says, "...spent so much times breaking through magic walls to have magic totally nerfed and nearly usless." Sithix says, "Your third question about things going away, there may be one or two that become spells instead." Sithix says, "As to any of them getting worse, that's pretty much the antithesis of the herat of changing them in the first place so..." Pfanston says, "Ok guess then the only thing I not sure about is the trail isse." Pfanston says, "Say 50 ranks for a new ranger to find one. Then he can only find 1 or 2." Pfanston says, "SO if he wants to learn from trails he has to run them over and over." Audacia says, "The goal is to eliminate that need." Pfanston says, "Course an older than dirt ranger like hanryu probably wont learn much on a bunch of new trails." Sithix says, "As I said, it will not be an issue. I'm not ready to go into the detail of why it won't be an issue." Audacia asks, "Did we get all your questions Pfanston?" Pfanston says, "Yep." Aleyden asks, "Okay i'll be quick. What skill will Companions use in our dealings with them. Scouting I hope. And if anything will Beseeches be moved to a skill based progression or are you leaning towards leaving them an out there ability. Also... what about ranger combat moves any plans for those still?" Sithix says, "Companion skillsets will be more than just one, but scouting will be primary." Sithix says, "Er, skills, not skillsets." Aleyden says, "So there will be a reason to work on Scouting." Sithix says, "Beseeches... there's no approved proposal so I can't say for certain, but I probably will leaev them with simple circle requirements." Sithix says, "In my book, effort / danger = reward." Itharl quietly says, "I like that book.." Sithix says, "Combat maneuvers ... I haven't yet had that discussion with anyone on the combat side of things, so I can't really say." Aleyden says, "There was some talk at the last meeting about some. Was why I asked, thanks for the answers." Audacia says, "Siobhannic." Siobhannic says, "I've always wanted the ability to set up a camp or a tent and have it function somewhat like an ice fortress, either as a spell or a beseech or something I actually make. So, i could provide a sanctuary in the wilderness say for a group I'm leading . it seems to me something rangers shoujld be able to do." Sithix says, "That's not a bad suggestion." Tenteth exclaims, "You can't make camp here with what you have!" Audacia says, "It would be really fun." Celturian confidently says, "Thatd be a neat beseech." Audacia says, "Thank you for the suggestion." Sithix says, "That would most likely be a spell, though." Pfanston says, "Specially right in the middle of armadillos." Falkonis says, "Overrated." Audacia says, "Taljin." Taljin says, "This is more lore." Taljin says, "But I would like to see if Rangers could get tanner's brand, or fletchers mark." Tenteth says, "Beseech forest to protect. You call upon nature to protect you from the elements and dangers within. Trees come to life, enveloping you within a temporry...yeah." Taljin says, "We craft alot as a guild, and it would be a nice incentive to keep training." Dreadnym says, "As well as more patterns." Tenteth says, "Mark would be damn nice." Audacia says, "That would be really awesome." Sithix says, "I can talk to some folks, see what kind of effort is inovled in doing that." Taljin says, "Thank you." Falkonis says, "Been asked for a long time." Audacia says, "I'm hoping its somethign they can work into the forging changes, etc." Kesava says, "Maybe what Jalika did for the naked ranger race prizes." Audacia says, "Kesava." Sithix says, "The rewrites should definitely see it, but if it's quick enough to be in quick fix territory..." Kesava says, "Ok...please no more companions eatin spoiled food don't care if I have to train them." Kesava says, "I'd love to see a trail from Wolf Clan area to here and works geographically." Sithix says, "I'm against instant death. Audacia isn't though." Kesava asks, "And......what skills, stats and abilities will be in the Ranger guild's sphere of influence?" Audacia exclaims, "They die instantly in real life!!!" Audacia says, "He refused to put that in, don;t worry, you're companions will likely live." Sithix asks, "As in, very specific to Rangerdom versus anybody else?" Kesava says, "I'd be fine with having to train a wolf to not eat spoiled long as it won't after." Audacia says, "I saw that question on the forums and am not sure I understand it either." Kesava says, "Um.....I am sort of a puppet for that question." Hanryu says, "There used to be talk of "X guild is Master of Y." Hanryu says, "Now we call them "sphere's of influence." Sithix says, "Gotcha." Hanryu says, "And that affects what spells we can get and what stats we can boost." Sithix says, "I want Ranger's to masters of single-person travel." Sithix says, "Where Moonie's master group travel." Hanryu says, "Don't say that." Hanryu says, "We're not allowed to use "masters of" anymore." Pfanston asks, "YOu mean moonies master group death by incineration dont ya?" Sithix says, "True." Dreadnym asks, "Does it take anyone else way longer to lock bows as opposed to blades?" Kesava asks, "So any chance on that trail?" Tenteth says, "Much longer." Sithix says, "I'll say that I intend to make good on this, although group trails running will probably be penalized more than it is now (but be possible). I don't want anybody looking for a Ranger post-rewrite for a Ranger to take a group somewhere." Pfanston asks, "How about a group of rangers?" Sithix says, "But I intend for it to be possible. And I intend for alone travel to be very good." Pfanston asks, "Should we not at least be able to take a group of rangers?" Siobhannic asks, "So I can go rescue my crazy dad still when he gets lost?" Purnay says, "No Ranger Stands Alone.... Except when running a trail...." Kesava asks, "Perhaps make it easier for a ranger to travel with one other person along though?" Sithix says, "The verb 'be able' insinuates that I said you wouldn't be able to take groups." Sithix says, "Which I didn't." Sithix says, "Other things Rangerly..." Hanryu says, "It's not like a trail ever won anyone a tourney." Sithix says, "Obviously anything that could be related to scouting, tracking, that sort of thing." Kesava says, "Well I can understand where we wouldn't be group masters....but should still be quite capable with only one other......especially another ranger." Purnay says to Hanryu, "Actually...." Kesava asks, "And are we never gonna drag corpses on trails or climbing or swimming?" Sithix says, "If I wanted to compare something to say "that's your thing"..." Kesava says, "That should be something we can do....drag a corpse climbing or swimming." Falkonis says, "I'd like to see skills expanded to the 1000+ range, like at 1000 scouting, we DO become group travel masters." Pfanston says, "Even if its not yet a corpse too." Tenteth says, "We can drag the dead climbing last i checked. or at least in certain areas." Zinaca says, "Yeah if I could die on a trail and arrive at my destination, it should be do able." Sithix says, "It's hard with Rangers and Thiefs, because your Bonus is your thing chiefly. Your potentially max passive bonus to every survival skill except evasion." Kesava says, "We should be better at it than other guilds though." Sithix says, "As to dragging corpses through a trail, I'll consider it for sure." Zinaca says, "Or water." Purnay says to Zinaca, "You can drag through water." Zinaca says, "Oh yeah." Zinaca says, "Sorry." Kesava says, "Ok I'll shut up now....and just hope you comment on that possible trail I asked about." Taljin asks, "Can we have a tusky only area?" Zinaca says, "I'm venerable...I'm allowed to forget." Sithix says, "That trail I will make note of." Audacia says, "Actually hunting areas are definitely on the overall list for expansion. So maybe." Taljin exclaims, "Yay!" Audacia asks, "Valeres?" Valeres says, "Years ago, we had the ability to track straight to our target. Is is possible to bring that ability back? Don't get me wrong, I like the trail / scouting but being able to track straight to a critter to retrieve ranged ammo would be a big plus for alot of us." Falkonis says, "Hunting ground that is accessable by trail only." Siobhannic asks, "Ability to call dolphins or turtles to take us to the islands?" Tenteth asks, "Or to swim to the islands?" Zinaca exclaims, "Yeah!" Sithix says, "I'll consider that when we look at revising and expanding scouting." Zinaca says, "Dolphins already are helpful." Valeres says, "I would like to see maybe a 10 room limit to track straight to the target." Audacia asks, "Raleembis?" Tenteth says, "Scale." Audacia says, "And again, Quiet." Raleembis asks, "You mentioned companion skills will be trainable - how will the ranger learn the skill to train the companion? Learn from other rangers, circle requirement, learn from quests?" Audacia says, "We're almost done and then you can fidget. Please hang in there." Sithix says, "Yes." Sithix says, "And then some." Raleembis asks, "And also - Any companion on companion combat?" Zinaca says, "Or fam." Raleembis asks, "Underground wolf fighting?" Sithix says, "Yes, but if you send your smaller ones after big ugly things, don't come crying to me if they get beat up." Tenteth says, "My wolf will so kick yer wolves arse." Zinaca asks, "Perhaps empaths can heal them?" Taljin asks, "Mountain lions as a companion?" Sithix says, "They won't permadie." Falkonis says, "Marion has one." Purnay says, "I want a white Tiger." Sithix asks, "I mean, YOU don't. Why should they?" Dreadnym says, "War mammoth." Sithix asks, "Next? Last?" Zinaca says, "We could get first aid for tending to our companions wounds." Xelten asks, "What kind of animals will be available as companions, or will we be able to tame wild ones of our choosing? Will there be multiple species of various types (flying, canine/feline/mammal, arachnid, et cetera), or will they all essentially have the same abilities? Will we be able to have more than one at a time? - As to trails, will anything ever come of that old notion to track to the nearest Ranger Guild from any location?" Sithix says, "I will keep the raccoon and wolf and add one more. It will probably be a larger one. Post-release, we will be able to add more types pretty easily. The first such post-release add will probably be the first flying one." Tenteth says, "Owl." Pfanston exclaims, "Wyverns!" Zinaca says, "Falcons." Ishimmer says, "Humans." Tenteth says, "Wolf....raccoon.... gonna be a damn owl, something plain an borin." Pfanston exclaims, "Or maybe a medium sized dragon!" Tenteth says, "L." Zinaca asks, "A dragonlet?" Marney says, "Or a gryphon." Celturian confidently says, "Hawk." Sithix says, "Ability-wise, you can teach your companion to do whatever you want. Some might be better suited to do certain things." Falkonis says, "It will be a falcon, or we will have our one and only coder mysteriously dissappear." Purnay says, "Or and oversized flying lizard." Tenteth says, "Im down." Kesava asks, "So in theory.....a dolphin companion maybe?" Tenteth asks, "Dolphins fly?" Sithix says, "Some also might be faster learners." Dreadnym says to Sithix, "AL based." Dreadnym asks, "?" Kesava says, "Later on perhaps....after the flying one......something that can help swimmin the ocean." Pfanston says, "WHy have a dolphin when you can ride yer wyvern to the islands." Audacia says, "Ok folks, calm down." Tenteth says, "NO YOU CALM DOWN." Audacia says, "We'd welcome ideas on the forums." Kesava says, "I would think in progression a dolphin would come before a wyvern." Sithix says, "You will be able to have probably, with skill / circle / whatever we decide, three companions probably, only one "out" at a time." Pfanston says, "NOw that would be nice." Sithix says, "It is not going to matter which one you get first." Taljin asks, "Will they be more descriptive?" Falkonis says, "Where is the beastmaster mentality." Sithix says, "Yes." Taljin says, "Awesome." Audacia says, "OK, before we clear out.." Dreadnym says, "Seeing what they see perhaps." Audacia says, "Sithis had one more thing to mention..." Audacia says, "Sithix." Falkonis says, "Where is Soc." Xelten says to Audacia, "And he didn't finish my question yet." Jestak asks, "Ok so the first companion points you to the dock, second swims ya and the third flys you to islands?" Sithix asks, "Tracking to a Ranger Guild?" Sithix says, "That'd be a part of scouting expansions, and I'll make note of it." Pfanston says, "Its the one thing every ranger should know by heart." Xelten says, "One more companion question - companions as mounts? Presuming the mount system gets rewritten eventually." Sithix says, "I'll say it doesn't sound like a bad idea." Xelten says to Sithix, "That's more or less what Jent said about the idea, but that was several GMs ago." Aleyden says, "Deal, companion mounts, sounds good to me too." Sithix says, "That I'm not sure of, but I'm sure the initial release will be before a mount system rewrite." Audacia says to Xelten, "I've stuck around a while, I'll keep him in line and hire him more help." Falkonis says, "Mounts dont like prydeans on their back." Kesava says, "If not that....maybe a way to at least wrangle a wild horse and ride it for a bit.....a beseech perhaps." Audacia says, "We have a good one now." Diggan says, "I'm not even a tin can, and I would object to companion mounts." Audacia asks, "Valynn?" Sithix says, "Alright, two quick fixes." Valynn asks, "May I make a comment?" Sithix says, "Go for it." Audacia says, "Quickly." Valynn says, "I'm excited about getting new trails." Valynn says, "That sounds great." Audacia says, "Thank you." Valynn says, "But what I really want is Rangers to be feared like they used to be." Valynn says, "Our magic is taking a dive." Celturian confidently says to Valynn, "Grow taller." Valynn says, "Our stealth is taking a tanking..." Dreadnym says, "Our magic took a dive long ago." Valynn asks, "We can't even take groups on trails soon?" Tenteth says, "Granted they you two may have nothing to do with magic, we know you know who does deal with it. hook us up." Siobhannic says, "I want to squish things with trees again." Valynn says, "Seriously...." Valynn asks, "What is our purpose?" Valynn says, "This is an RP game..." Tenteth says, "Magic is hard enough to train as a ranger, make it worthwhile." Falkonis says, "Long comment." Valynn says, "We're being pigeonholed into a single role." Valynn says, "Recluse." Diggan says to Valynn, "Don't forget nerfing retreating." Kesava says, "Or compensate the magic loss with beseeches." alynn says, "That's my comment. I apologize for my anger, but I love being a ranger." Pfanston says, "Nerfing retreating? I musta missed that one." Siobhannic says, "I want to tie things up in webs with poisonous spiders and then have bees and hornets sting them to death." Xelten says, "Which reminds me, fleshing out Ranger Guild lore would be one of my biggest things." Valynn says, "I want us to not be laughing stocks." Diggan says to Pfanston, "Insta retreat won't be the norm." Zinaca says, "I wanna drop a cliff on smoeone." Falkonis says, "Ok, so two quick fixes." Sithix says, "Yep." Siobhannic says, "Call the river and drown them." Sithix says, "I like doing quick fixes on systems that I'm looking at rewriting, so long as they're really quick, and the system rewrite will take a while." Purnay says, "They're bad ass ranger..." Purnay says, "I fear them." Sithix says, "There are two, they'll be release today or tomorrow." Pfanston says, "Use to be. Now hes just old." Audacia says, "Everyone Hush." Sithix says, "First, a couple Beseech quests with outrageous requirements will be tweaked down. The quest itself won't be touched." Sithix says, "The general requirements for you to go on the quest and 'level-of-skill' isn't necessarily going down much overall." Sithix says, "The quest itself won't be changing." Diggan asks Falkonis, "But we can just use CJ's for quests anyways right?" You whisper to Sithix, "can we opt to do a quest over again just for fun, I want to be beaten down by Dryads again, please?" Audacia says, "Quiet guys, he's almost done." Pfanston says, "Heh." Sithix says, "In any case, none of it will be an uptweak." Dreadnym asks, "Any chance we are getting 100+ beseeches or did I just miss that info?" Sithix says, "Second, meat rot is going to double and the Beseech the Wind to Preserve will be quadrupling its time instead of what it does now." Sithix says, "Double in time that is." Lhun asks, "How does that affect the new boxes from the last fest?" Zinaca says, "'good." Lhun says, "The storage boxes that is." Sithix asks, "Lunchboxes?" Marney says, "Meat keepers." Sithix asks, "I think those are going to be a part of the Ranger Retreat, right?" Falkonis says, "I keep my meat in a box." Sekoria says, "We need more types of food for them." Kesava asks, "Will the time the boxes keep increase as well?" Lhun says, "The meat storage boxes I mean. They increase rot time." Audacia says, "And yep." Kesava says, "Or will the box that holds 4 or 5 pieces be worthless now with how long the beseech lasts." Sithix says, "I think the lunchboxes will be coming. I believe they will be a better option, but I'm not 100% sure on that." Ishimmer says, "How about a meat smoker." Audacia asks, "They were released in the last Auction, correct?" Sithix says, "This is just a quick fix." Dreadnym says, "Or salting." Marney says, "Last festival had a shop with them too." Audacia says, "There will be smaller ones available in the ranger retreat. And yes all of them will still work with the meat rot changes." Kesava asks, "There was some big ones in the store that weren't 5 pieces for 4 hours I think?" Marney asks, "Same time increment?" Aleyden says, "But if preserve increases the time, then... they are sort of out of dated already." Pfanston says, "Heh I never go to festivals and there not much point in pulling out my wolf smokey since training horses teaches better than having him out." Audacia says, "She will update them I am sure, no worries. We've talked about it." Audacia says, "She will update them I am sure, no worries. We've talked about it." Kesava asks, "My point.....did I buy a soon-to-be antique?" Audacia says, "No." Audacia says, "It will still be beneficial." Audacia exclaims, "OK! Thank you all for coming!" Lhun says, "Good enough, thanks for the updates."

This message was originally posted in The Rangers (31) \ General Discussions (3), by LERASHA on the forums.