Post:Ranger Bonus 2.0 - 6/21/2010 - 11:33:00

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Re: Ranger Bonus 2.0 · on 6/21/2010 11:33:00 AM 8619
>>Rangers who have literally spent years in the wilds, beseeching nature, casting spells, and otherwise acting rangerly perhaps should have a stronger connection with nature that allows them to retain their bonus longer.

>>Nature says: "Bully for you. I don't care." It's a primal and whimsical force, not a benevolent one. This is a design decision that has been in place forever that I greatly agree with.

Nature is nature. It is the biological and in some regards metaphysical ebb and flow from death to life to death again. It is not anthropomorphic; it does not come when you call because it cares. It flows as it will flow in a primal stream of growth, decline and energy, and the Life magician learns to ride high on the cycle. Until he is kindly but firmly told to step aside for the next generation.

It's sort of the counterpoint to the existentialist and Lovecraftian themes that get played out with Moon Mages and Necromancers: the Life magician in his archetype is the wise man who knows the world is going to keep turnin' and how to use that fact for his benefit.

tl;dr -


This message was originally posted in The Rangers (31) \ Responses to GM and Official Announcements (2), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.