Post:RPA Award Use Only for Pulses - 03/03/2012 - 00:23

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Re: RPA Award Use Only for Pulses · on 03/03/2012 12:23 AM CST 1183
Been having a brief discussion about it before saying anything...

First off, don't let anyone's rabble rousing and drama-starting work you into a panic over the minute details of gameplay. If you start over-thinking everything you do and wondering if it's ok or not, then you can back yourself into a corner of paranoia with a quickness.

Secondly, 99.9999 times out of 100, a single act of abuse (either bug or mechanics) will not result in any problems, much less your ultimate demise. Particularly something like this which is clearly in a very grey area, if it came up and a GM figured out what was going on, you'd likely be asked not to do it anymore and that would be that, unless, of course, you kept it up.

Now, as for the actual question...

The more we've talked about this, what you've described is not really within the bounds of the spirit of the system. While we certainly want you to be able to toggle RPAs off and on for the sake of convenience if you'd like to stop training to participate in an event or if something comes up and you have some free time to kill and want to focus on training for a set amount of time, turning them on for a matter of a couple of seconds to catch a pulse and then immediately turning them off again will effectively stretch out a 1 hour RPA and make it last exponentially longer than it was intended to last as you min/max the bejeezus out of it.

We'll be looking into a couple of minor tweaks to the system to eliminate the possibility of this happening, without significantly impacting your ability to toggle them on and off to suit your current mode of play.


This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy \ Discussions General Discussions on Policy, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.


This was in a response to a question about whether it was against policy to toggle an RPA award on to catch a single experience pulse and then back off again.