Post:Question for the Necromancer community? - 03/20/2013 - 13:47

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Re: Question for the Necromancer community? · on 03/20/2013 03:47 PM CDT 3628
>>Your not seeing how once your outted this is just an invite for purge as soon as someone knows your in town.

Well, no, I am seeing it. It is an invite for a purge as soon as an outed Necromancer is known to be in town.

>>Now they know for sure and I don't have 1k stealth and whatnot to avoid anyone seeing me and I don't think I should be entirely banned from in town RP anyway.

I've been called a RP literalist, and for what it's worth it's a reasonable accusation. Roleplaying, to me, is not an isolated event that happens when you are not otherwise playing the game, but is enmeshed in everything that does not explicitly reject the "reality" of the game setting. Your character getting purged by the Hounds doesn't stop roleplaying, it's a perfectly valid and logically consistent event to take place in Elanthia, though it may take your character's roleplaying in a direction you did not wish. Learning to deal with that and still have fun is part of the art of roleplaying, and it can be difficult to cultivate.

So, what about Necromancer roleplaying? There are two defining characteristics of the roleplay that the game systems actively portrays:

1) Necromancers are the hunted. Necromancers take on the role of the persecuted and the oppressed. They have seen something glorious and terrible and society hates them for it. Society is big, frightening, and wields inordinate power. Necromancers are outcasts in the not-sexy sort of way, the soul-grinding lack of home and relations that defines the state in closer to real-life terms.

2) No one has the moral high ground. This may have gotten lost in the shuffle, but the Hounds? They're kinda evil. The gods? Not nice people. Random PC adventurers? Usually not great people either. Necromancers? Oh God what a moral screw up that becomes. The best you can say is that Necromancers are actively out to subvert the universe, for whatever that's worth, while the Temple is out to enforce hegemonic order, for whatever value that has.

You don't have to agree with it all, but you are subject to it.

Ultimately, Necromancers were more of an experiment in DR-as-an-artful-medium than DR-as-game, with all the pitfalls that comes with it. They still remain story-directed rather than game-directed, even though we're fully aware that not many players will enjoy portraying their side of the story. Perhaps in the final reckoning the Necromancers will prove to be a failed experiment, but, if I may be bold, that day will tell us more about DragonRealms than about Necromancers.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers \ General Discussions, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.