Post:Prediction Tool Quality Posts - 02/27/2012 - 04:43

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Re: Prediction Tool Quality Posts · on 02/27/2012 04:43 AM CST 705
>>What is there TO do, other than predict often, vs. not so often?


>>Predict on certain skills

>>during certain times?


>>Use certain fluff verbs??


>>Want... to... collect.. data...

By all means, I don't want to discourage this. Making sure systems are doing what they're suppose to be doing as opposed to assuming they're doing what they're suppose to be doing is how nasty bugs get found. Just keep in mind to collect the amount of data to be statically meaningful in this case would either take a lot of people or likely years.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools, by DR-RAESH on the forums.


This was in response to a post that questioned the information in Post:Prediction Tool Quality Posts - 02/26/2012 - 22:35