Post:Stealth Fix - 12/15/2012 - 13:53

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Re: Stealth Fix · on 12/15/2012 01:53 PM CST 158
Well, I did just bump bow damage up another 10%. See how that feels. Looking into thrown a bit now too. I see half the people complaining throwing blades are useless, and half saying they are still king. Funny, that :P

As for poach and ambush.. they were never really intended to increase damage in 2.0. Backstab was, and snipe oddly was not. The damage increase came as a side effect of more OF = more damage, until everything died in 1 hit. Now they function by increasing OF, which is more of a to-hit bonus than an outright damage bonus.

I am leaning towards making poach/ambush give a moderate to-hit bonus and small damage bonus, and backstab/snipe will have a moderate to-hit bonus and a moderate damage bonus. Backstab/Snipe keep the user in hiding, which is a chief reason why they aren't going to get an even larger damage bonus.

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.