Post:Some information about vouchers - 02/22/2012 - 14:29

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Some information about vouchers · on 02/22/2012 02:29 PM CST 143
Recently we've had an influx of emails to regarding very old vouchers. I'd like to take a minute to explain how redeeming these old vouchers works.

First thing you should do is examine your voucher. Some of them say that they are good for an appointment with a merchant, some say that they will only guarantee you a spot on the merchant's list. Some act only as line passes during regular sessions, and some explicity promise an alteration with that specific merchant - and sometimes those are free, while other times the cost has not been specified.

Unless the voucher specifically says what you are entitled to, we cannot generally redeem them. Many times, the merchant the voucher is good for is no longer on staff, so we can't ask them what their intention was. In the circumstance that your voucher IS clear about what it entitles you to, you can generally redeem it with another merchant if they are willing to accept it (most will).

A couple of recent examples: an embroidered cloth strip look at my strip The name "Karrir" has been embroidered upon the maroon fabric in gold thread. Two small puppy paw prints are seen in the bottom left corner.

The above is not redeemable.

A silver voucher reads: "This voucher entitles the holder to one alteration by the hand of Alimia Akatasta. Cost to be determined at time of the services. To redeem this voucher present it to Alimia in person the next you see her or contact her at

This one is redeemable, but the GM who ran Alimia is no longer on staff, so emailing this address will get you nowhere.

You can email and let us know that you have one of these old vouchers in your possession and are interested in redeeming it. You can also post in the Events and Happenings -> Vouchers folder.

Please include the TAP, LOOK, and READ of your item, so that we are aware of what it entitles you to.

We want to know when you have these old vouchers, but just so you are aware - a post or an email is not going to guarantee that the merchant in question will show up next week or even next month. Generally, when we've got a significant amount of them that we're aware people are waiting on, someone will run a "voucher only" alteration session to get some of them taken care of.

We're due for one, I think! Keep your eyes on the calendar.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Vouchers, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.