Post:Some ideas - 09/14/2011 - 15:37

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Re: some ideas · on 09/14/2011 03:37 PM CDT 1375
It's generally not safe to assume that the theory of relativity even applies to Moon Mages except where it might be thematically appropriate. Lunar magic plays a lot on abstraction and symbolism -- starlight is cold, rather than fusion-hot, because Stellar Magic is drawing on something mythopoetic rather than objectively scientific. The Moon Mages use their mathematics and research to try to tame a realm of alien creativity and malice. Sometimes they're not wholly successful.

Unless there's a Plot reason for it, flinging a Moongate at the speed of light wouldn't necessarily produce anything other than a really fast moving Moongate.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ General Discussions - Moon Mages, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.