Post:Simple update - 6/23/2009 - 23:11:28

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Re: simple update · on 6/23/2009 11:11:28 PM 4196
>>I mean, I could understand a grand sense of a necromancer's soul/being/whatever you call it being thrown aside for a final time, but not if they had or hadn't been redeemed or whatever else happened to them.

There's no conceptual difference between "sensing a Necromancer's soul was damned" and "sensing a Necromancer's soul got a special reprieve." If you accept at all that you get some inkling about the fate of a man when he finally passes (and in DR, we do), the amount of information that can be transmitted is arbitrary until otherwise defined.

>>But I think it's something that can be explained within the lore of the game. I wouldn't mind a GM-bestowed explanation, but meh.

You see the comet (or not, based on if there's a roof involved) and you just sort of... know. The gods are announcing their judgment and it's kinda hard to pin point just how they speak. It's happening somewhere between your soul and your brain, like all good divine epiphanies.

When a Y'Shai's soul is forsaken, they want you to know they disapprove of that path and will make you suffer forever by going down it.

When the Profane Aegis is destroyed, they want you to know that demonic magic and alchemical voodoo are mortal and fallible, and that their justice was done.

And when a Necromancer found redemption in death, they wanted every remaining Necromancer to know glory and doubt.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.