Post:Scripting Policy Addendum - 12/3/2008 - 12:24:17

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Scripting Policy Addendum · on 12/3/2008 12:24:17 PM 36
I will preface this by saying that Multi-Accounting is not against policy, however, if you can't Multi-Account and pay attention to all of the characters you have logged in at one time, then maybe you should limit yourself to 1 (or 2 or however many you CAN keep track of) at a time.

Policy Addendum:

In situations where there are violations of the "Scripting" Policy involving multiple "linked" accounts (i.e., accounts all owned by the same person), the penalties for Policy Violations will be escalated by 1 step after the first initial Warning has been issued.

What This Means:

Say Mary has two accounts: MARY1 and MARY2 (she's very unoriginal with her naming)

Sue, on account MARY1, gets the first Scripting Warning that Mary's ever had.

Sue is sent to the little room where she has to affirm that she understands and agrees to follow the Policy and then she's released, hopefully to sin no more.

Later that week/month/year, Mary decides that she's going to log in Beth on MARY1 and Susan on MARY2 and script them both. Beth and Susan are both found, tested, and warned when they fail the test.

As this is Warning 2 and 3 for Mary, due to the Multi-Account violation, Beth and Susan are penalized one step higher, resulting in a 25% penalty. If only one account had been logged in, it would be 10%, but multi-account violations are considered to be a blatant disregard for the Policy, so their violation is considered to be one level higher.

If Mary makes a new character on either account and that one gets caught later on, then she's looking at a 40% hit, provided it's just one account online (and in violation) at the time.


This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions (2) \ Policy Announcements (Staff only) (20), by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.