Post:The amazing stunlock... - 5/28/2009 - 3:41:35

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Re: The amazing stunlock... · on 5/28/2009 3:41:35 AM 3564
>>I view it as a sort of mini-unconsciousness. Like when you can feel that you're about to pass out, but can still have thoughts like "I better not hit my head on the wall" or "I shouldn't have eaten that taco," or even say "oh @#$@#".

I very it as an abstract state where you are out of your gourd for any number of reasons. Much in the same spirit of how the Webbed state covers everything from spider webs to slaver nets to shadow tentacles from another dimension.

In the current state of DR, where we have only four defined disability states, it's not prudent to too rigidly define what they mean. In a game where we had Blinded versus Concussed versus Confused versus Sensory Overload, we would have more luxury here.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Complaints, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.