Post:The High Level Creature Thread - 06/16/2012 - 03:47

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The High Level Creature Thread · on 06/16/2012 03:47 AM CDT 845
>>I wonder if anyone else has considered this but...

>>My theory has been that the head designers or whoever is in charge of the Big Decisions wish that they had capped RANKS a long long time ago. This is why high level training is isolated from the rest of the game; it's too late to create a resonable rank cap now and this is the next best thing.

* I'm redirecting this thread to its proper home from the Therengia Events folder *

Whoa whoa whoa.

Could we spin down the conspiracy theories here just a little?

The deal with high level hunting is really simple... Players grew up faster than development did. Projects were started to fix that and most of them have been derailed for some reason or another, which leads to more delays (Which is why I'm doing stop gap measures while full fledged hunting areas are being developed) and all of... whatever it is people think is going on with high level hunting. Some facts to keep in mind:

This is a volunteer staff. Things happen to staff members and they don't always leave their projects in the condition we might like so someone else can pick it up. Staff is also much smaller than it once was, even if we've got some of the most productive people ever on staff currently working for us.

Making a hunting area isn't as simple as most players think it is. Could I make a 10 x 10 room full of level 150 skinnable/box dropping peccaries? Sure. It wouldn't even take that much time. Would anyone enjoy it? Well... some people would (you know who you are!). But it wouldn't be balanced and it wouldn't be healthy for the game long term.

Combat 3.0. I know most of you are sick of hearing it but combat at high levels is, quite frankly, broken. You're talking about a system that was designed with a rank cap of about 100 trying to work an order of magnitude higher (or more). That's the main motivation behind Combat 3.0. We literally cannot, currently, make creatures harder. The system just doesn't support it. And even if we can we're already well into the point where the fact that combat works at all is a fairly major miracle. We need Combat 3.0 to develop the hunting areas you want.

We have high level main land hunting now (Not much, but it's there) -- P5 is not the islands.

I know of at least four or five super high level hunting projects at various stages of development right now (Two of which are mine, neither for P4 or P5). Some of them have been delayed for some of the reasons above, others are very early on in development. One of my projects I just haven't had time to work on significantly (The other I just put into proposals a few days ago). I can't speak for everyone on staff but I'm trying find time to move these projects higher up the list, because I recognize the lack of high level hunting as a major concern for a quickly growing portion of the player base, but I'm also currently responsible for Lore systems, two guilds and a race, plus general development projects (Festivals, Quests, contributions to X3.0 and so forth).

So I'm asking you all, please, just simmer down about it a bit. We're aware it's a problem. We're working on it. I know I sound like a broken record here, and it's unfortunate that we are where we are, but you're just going to have to be patient a little longer.


This message was originally posted in Creatures of Elanthia \ General Discussions - Creatures, by DR-RAESH on the forums.