Post:Where for art thou Terald? - 03/07/2002 - 14:42

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Post:where for art thou Terald? · on 03/07/2002 02:42 PM 1114
you know 2.5 years ago at Theren fest I pondered long and hard and went back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to commit to and fork out 100 plat lirum for "a class-A Terald share". 2.5 years ago 100 plat was a HUGE chunk of change to invest in future artifacts found in archaeological dig/endevor.

Anyway I took the leap of faith and bought one. I seem to remember APU a fairly young Trader at the time bought one as well. I am not sure who else may have commited 100 plat but am sure a few did.

Anyway I been packing it around and still have it on me. Sort of like some Lotto ticket... Sometimes I think it may pay off some and other days I think I got scammed for a huge nest egg back then but that was the gambel.

Shadow Judge

P.S. Info for the currious:

get my share
You come out of hiding.
You get a class-A Terald share from inside your leather longcoat.

look at my share
This share is written on yellowed parchment in an elegant script.
There appears to be something written on it.

read my share
A class-A Terald share reads:
The bearer of this share understands that there is risk and uncertainty associated with archaeological digs. In return for the financing of one-hundred (100) platinum lirums of standard weight, the bearer of this share will be entitled to a portion of the proceeds of ancient goods discovered in Terald's next expedition. This portion will take the form of a 20% return on the money invested, or a single item found with an appraised value of under 175 platinums, *only* if the venture is successful.

app my share

You believe that the Terald share is worth about 1600000 lirums.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

Notice it is no longer worth the purchase price of 100 plat but is now worth 160 plat?

If nothing else it is a good small appraisal teaching aid.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings (29) \ Festivals / Merchants (5), by ENHANCEDCOMMONER on the forums.