Post:Urvkil at the Observatory - 1/10/2009 - 17:40:51

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Urvkil at the Observatory · on 1/10/2009 5:40:51 PM 2260
Since I was the only person there...

Urvkil fades into view

Urvkil says, "The jackal is stalking."
You gaze thoughtfully at Urvkil.
You ask, "Is that so?"
Urvkil says, "Stalking everyone who does not align themselves with constellations."

You arch your eyebrow.
Urvkil asks, "Have you not seen the visions?"

You say, "I have seen visions."
You say, "Myself walking upon a familiar but uncomfortable path."
You say, "A mage coming toward me surrounded by wolves which abandon him."

You say, "Nothing of a jackal..."
Urvkil says, "Just remember that not all kittens do not grow up to be cats."

After speaking with me he went to the NE Gate and unleashed a torrent of shadowmasters and what not. I have that effect on people...

Lets all remember there is a meeting tomorrow (Sunday) at 9pm EST one west of Kssarh. We'll have more to talk about now.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages (24) \ Guild Events (8), by MALZART on the forums.