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Akul'tiz Visions
All sorts of visions have been experienced by Elanthia since the birth of the Akul'tiz from the chrysalis. Most of them seem to be associated with the Akul'tiz deciding to show up. Others are possibly just malicious gifts from Dergati!
Guild-based Visions
All of the known Guild-based visions signal the start of an invasion.
Barbarian: An intense rage overtakes you, blotting out the world in a blood-red haze. Mottled, shadowy shapes seem to flit in and out of your vision, barely perceptible but undeniably a target that you feel compelled to engage. Though your vision clears, the rage does not fully subside, leaving you with a nagging need to search out and combat these shadows, whatever they might be.
Bard: A beautiful, complex song fills your mind so completely as to block out all other sensory input. Suddenly, a sense of dread grasps you so tightly that you feel your heart may burst! A strangled, torturous note cuts off the song, punctuating your reorientation to the world around you. A profoundly disturbing sense of dread remains, however, and you can't quite shake the feeling that something truly awful has happened.
Cleric: You abruptly realize that you can no longer see, your whole world plunged into blackness. Your other senses stretch out as you attempt to make some sense of what is happening to you. You detect the sickly-sweet scent of rot and feel something like a fetid breath on the back of your neck. A crushing feeling of divine contempt assails you, then just as quickly abates as your normal vision returns.
Empath: A feeling of uneasy panic rises in your throat. After a few moments, you realize that it's not your own feeling, but a subtle sense of unease coming from every life essence around you. The feeling of wrongness grows and grows until it threatens to overwhelm you, then abruptly abates as if forcibly ripped from your psyche.
Moon Mage: Darkness. Distortion. The world warps and shifts and you find yourself watching your scaled body from a distance you can't quite place. Space and time mean nothing, there is only pain. Pain, and the knowledge that what was begun must not stop. You feel your power slipping, something you never once before felt possible, and yet it is so. A great sadness washes over you and you sink farther into the darkness, left only with the sound of claws upon stone as you snap back to your more mundane senses.
Thief: Nearby shadows seem to writhe and distort, accompanying a feeling of extreme unease. Your confidence erodes away, leaving you feeling hollow and empty. The shadows seem to undulate toward you, and you are certain that if they touch you, everything you are will be lost. Strangely, you feel unable to flee their gradual approach, watching them inch closer and closer with rising horror. Abruptly, the world seems to return to normal, though your confidence is still badly shaken.
Necromancer: A shadow flits near the edges of your vision. As you attempt to locate its source, you find yourself gripped with a profound sense of being watched by many, many eyes.
Universal Visions
Climax: This vision appears to be associated with the mid-point of an invasion.
- A subtle sense of malaise rises within you, as if despite all your efforts nothing you do will ever truly amount to anything. The feeling slowly subsides, leaving you feeling a little morose.
Dergati Hates You: These visions may be associated with the start of an Akul'tiz invasion, but do not appear to be specific to any particular Guild. Instead, they are wonderfully indiscriminate gifts from the lady of nightmares.
- You suddenly feel naked, as if your body and psyche are exposed for all to see. A tide of humiliation rises within you as a sharp pain rises in your throat. You feel, briefly, on the verge of tears. The sensation abruptly abates, leaving you slightly embarrassed and perplexed.
- You struggle to draw breath, slowly suffocating as dark spots dance in your vision. Wracked by a ghastly feeling of rising horror, you realize that you have no mouth or nose.
Just as your vision goes completely black the sensations subside, your face and body just as they always have been. The clammy feeling of terror leeches from you more slowly, leaving you with the beginnings of a headache.
- Nearby shadows seem to writhe and distort, accompanying a feeling of extreme unease.
- The coppery taste of gore fills your mouth. The sensation grows and grows, until you feel as if you are choking on your own blood. Suddenly, the feeling is gone.
- You are grasped by an overwhelming feeling of vertigo. Suddenly, you are sure you are...
Just as you're certain you are about to mortally crunch into the ground, you realize that you're still right where you were when the sensation first began.
- You are suddenly certain that no matter how hard you run, how loudly you scream, you will never be able to escape from the things that are coming -- now -- to torment you. Your heart races and you steel yourself for the coming oblivion. Nothing happens. Your thoughts, in retrospect, seem rather silly, and you're not certain why you were entertaining such flights of fancy.