Seardaz Cove

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Within the Strand lies a tree-lined path. Just past the path, and over a large dune, lies the Seardaz Cove. It is a small cove, sheltered by the landmass to the North and a line of rocks to the South. Just outside the cove is where the Oxenwaithe and the Segoltha rivers meet, creating eddies and undertows liable to push the unwary swimmer back to shore. Along the outer edges of the cove lie strings of buoys to prevent unlucky swimmers from being dragged out into the shipping lanes.

Staying along the shoreline is very safe for the beginner athletic. A strong westerly current will prevent the weaker swimmers from venturing too far out, and if you do manage to find yourself farther out, the currents will safely bring you back to shore.

All in all, this is an excellent place to practice swimming while enjoying the sightings of otters and various birds.