Updated thief scripts

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Revision as of 19:20, 22 January 2013 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (locksmithing script. Pop goes the box with verbs changed for DR3)
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  1. Box Popper 4.1! (StormFront) 11/19/09

#This script was created by Mordamore #http://sites.google.com/site/mordamoresscripts/Home #Any questsion or comments can be directed to #AIM: Cheesman96 #E-mail: chessman@play.net

        • ***
        • Customization Section! Follow the written instructions! ***
        • Replace the <text> with your customized data. ***
        • Don't forget to remove the <>s ***
        • ***
  1. What are the modifiers you use while humming?

setvariable hum dirge

  1. What container do you get you keep your lockpicks in?

setvariable lockpickcontainer high belt

  1. How do you dismantle your boxes

setvariable dismantle thump

  1. Do you wish to keep your trap components?

setvariable keeptraps yes

  1. Do you wish to attempt to disarm Snowball or Cliff jumper traps?

setvariable hardtraps yes

  1. What is the name of your gem container?

setvariable gembag bag

  1. Does the game consider your container to be a "Gem pouch?"

setvariable gempouch no

        • If you answered "No" to the last question ***
        • You can skip the rest of the questions. ***
  1. Is your "Gem pouch" worn?

setvariable gempouchworn no

  1. Would you like to use the "Fill" command to transfer gems to your "Gem pouch?"

setvariable fillgempouch yes

  1. What container do you keep your empty "Gem pouches" in?

setvariable newgempouch backpack

  1. What container do you keep your full "Gem pouches" in?

setvariable fullgempouch duffel bag

  1. Would you like to tie your full "Gem pouches"?

setvariable tiegempouch yes

  1. What container do you keep your currently in use "gem pouches?"
  2. Skip it you wear your "Gem pouch".

setvariable currentgempouch cloak

        • ***
        • End of the customization section of the script ***
        • ***

setvariable turquoise no setvariable boxesopened 0 setvariable awake awake setvariable quick normal setvariable give normal setvariable drain drain setvariable fix no setvariable lockpick yes setvariable ground yes setvariable overide no setvariable gempouchopen no counter set 0 save crate

start: if_1 goto commands goto getbox

commands: goto %1

qui: quic: quick: setvariable quick quick shift goto start

fix: setvariable fix yes shift goto start

dra: drai: drain: setvariable drain drain shift goto start

giv: give: setvariable give give shift setvariable person %1 echo ****************** echo *** You are popping boxes for %1 echo ****************** shift goto start

getbox: goto getbox_%give

getbox_give: goto accept getbox_normal: goto openbox

accept: put accept accept_wait: match accept_wait You have no offers to accept. match accept Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. match accepted You accept matchwait

accepted: put glance match accept_trunk trunk in your match accept_strongbox strongbox in your match accept_Skippet skippet in your match accept_coffer coffer in your match accept_crate crate in your match accept_casket casket in your match accept_caddy caddy in your match accept_box box in your match accept_chest chest in your matchwait

accept_trunk: save trunk goto openbox accept_strongbox: save strongbox goto openbox accept_skippet: save skippet goto openbox accept_coffer: save coffer goto openbox accept_crate: save crate goto openbox accept_casket: save casket goto openbox accept_caddy: save caddy goto openbox accept_box: save box goto openbox accept_chest: save chest goto openbox

nextbox: goto %s

crate: save trunk goto openbox

trunk: save box goto openbox

box: save skippet goto openbox

skippet: save strongbox goto openbox

strongbox: save coffer goto openbox

coffer: save casket goto openbox

casket: save caddy goto openbox

caddy: save chest goto openbox

chest: goto done_%awake done_sleep: put awake done_awake: echo *************** echo *** Thank you for using Mordamore's Pop!-Goes-The-Boxes! echo *** You have opened all of your boxes. echo *************** goto ground_%ground ground_no: exit

ground_yes: echo *************** echo *** You emptied at least one box by dismantling. echo *** Please check the ground for loot. echo *************** exit

getfirsttrunk: getfirstbox: getfirstchest: getfirstcasket: getfirstcrate: getfirstcoffer: getfirstcaddy: getfirststrongbox: getfirstskippet: pause put get my first %s pause goto disarm_exp

openbox: pause put open my first %s match getfirst%s It is Locked. match nextbox referring to? match get_to_loot That is already match get_to_loot you open matchwait

get_to_loot: put get my %s pause goto lootbox

disarm_exp: put exp sk locksmith match disarm_sleep_%awake mind lock match disarm_awake_%awake fluid match disarm_sleep_%awake murky match disarm_sleep_%awake thick match disarm_awake_%awake clear matchwait

disarm_sleep_awake: goto disarm_sleep_awake_%drain

disarm_sleep_awake_drain: disarm_sleep_sleep_drain: goto disarm_drain

disarm_sleep_sleep: goto disarm_sleep_sleep_%drain

disarm_sleep_awake_normal: setvariable awake sleep put sleep disarm_sleep_sleep_normal: goto disarm_ident

disarm_awake_sleep: put awake setvariable awake awake disarm_awake_awake: goto exphum

exphum: put exp sk vocal match disarm_ident mind lock match disarm_ident murky match disarm_ident thick match starthum fluid match starthum clear matchwait

starthum: put hum %hum goto disarm_ident

disarm_ident_wait: pause 1 disarm_ident: counter set 0 put disarm my %s ident match disarm_ident_wait ..wait match disarm_ident fails to reveal to you what match disarm_blind An aged grandmother could defeat this trap in her sleep. match disarm_quick you could do it blindfolded! match disarm_quick you can take down any time. match disarm_quick will be a simple matter for you match disarm_normal should not take long with your match disarm_normal think this trap is precisely at your match disarm_normal only minor troubles. match disarm_careful has the edge on you, but match disarm_careful have some chance of being able to disarm match disarm_careful odds are against you, but with match disarm_careful would be a longshot. match disarm_hard really don't have any match disarm_hard prayer would be a good start match disarm_hard same shot as a snowball match disarm_hard pitiful snowball encased in match disarm_hard you could just jump off a cliff and match lockpick_exp You guess it is already disarmed. match lockpick_exp roundtime matchwait

disarm_blind_wait: pause 1 disarm_blind: goto disarm_blind_%awake disarm_blind_awake: goto disarm_blind_%quick disarm_blind_normal: put disarm my %s blind match disarm_another not yet fully disarmed. match disarm_blind_wait ..wait match disarm_quick This is not likely to be a good thing. match disarm_blind progress match disarm_analyze roundtime matchwait

Disarm_quick_wait: pause 1 disarm_blind_sleep: disarm_blind_quick: disarm_quick: put disarm my %s quick match disarm_another not yet fully disarmed. match disarm_quick_wait ..wait match disarm_normal This is not likely to be a good thing. match disarm_quick progress match disarm_analyze roundtime matchwait

disarm_normal_wait: pause 1 disarm_normal: put disarm my %s normal match disarm_ident not yet fully disarmed. match disarm_normal_wait ..wait match disarm_careful This is not likely to be a good thing. match disarm_normal progress match lockpick_exp roundtime matchwait

disarm_careful_wait: pause 1 disarm_careful: put disarm my %s careful match disarm_ident not yet fully disarmed. match disarm_careful_wait ..wait match disarm_careful This is not likely to be a good thing. match disarm_careful progress match lockpick_exp roundtime matchwait

disarm_hard: put drop my %s echo ***************************** echo *** This box is too difficult to disarm echo ***************************** pause goto getbox

disarm_another: counter set 1 goto disarm_analyze

disarm_analyze: goto disarm_analyze_%quick

disarm_analyze_quick: goto stow_%c

disarm_analyze_normal: goto disarm_analyze2

disarm_analyze_wait: pause 1 disarm_analyze2: put disarm my %s analyze match disarm_analyze_wait ..wait match disarm_analyze You are unable to determine a proper match disarm_ident not fully disarmed match disarm_ident what could you possibly analyze? match stow_%c unsuitable for match disarm_harvest roundtime matchwait

disarm_harvest_wait: pause 1 disarm_harvest: put disarm my %s harvest match disarm_harvest_wait ..wait match disarm_harvest unable to extract match stow_%c Your inept fumblings have damaged match stow_%c The mangled remnants of this match stow roundtime matchwait

stow_wait: pause 1 stow: goto stow_%keeptraps stow_yes: put stow left match stow_%c you put your match stow_%c You drop match stow_wait ..wait matchwait stow_no: put empty left match stow_%c you put your match stow_%c You drop match stow_wait ..wait matchwait stow_1: goto disarm_exp stow_0: goto lockpick_exp

lockpick_exp: put exp sk locksmith match lockpick_sleep_%awake mind lock match lockpick_sleep_%awake murky match lockpick_sleep_%awake thick match lockpick_awake_%awake fluid match lockpick_awake_%awake clear matchwait

lockpick_sleep_awake: goto lockpick_sleep_awake_%drain

lockpick_sleep_awake_normal: setvariable awake sleep put sleep lockpick_sleep_sleep_normal: goto lockpick_get

lockpick_sleep_sleep: goto lockpick_sleep_sleep_%drain

lockpick_sleep_sleep_drain: lockpick_sleep_awake_drain: goto lockpick_drain

lockpick_awake_sleep: put awake setvariable awake awake lockpick_awake_awake: goto lockpick_get

lockpick_get_wait: pause 1 lockpick_get: goto lockpick_get_%lockpick lockpick_get_no: lockpick_broke: setvariable lockpick yes put get my lockpick from my %lockpickcontainer match lockpick_ident You are already holding that. match lockpick_get ..wait match lockpick_ident you get match lockpick_ident You need a free hand to pick match no_lockpick What were you match no_lockpick what? matchwait

no_lockpick: goto start

lockpick_ident_wait: pause 1 lockpick_get_yes: lockpick_ident: put pick my %s ident match lootbox It's not even locked, why bother? match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_ident teach you anything about the match lockpick_blind_analyze_%quick an aged grandmother could open match lockpick_blind_analyze_%quick blindfolded! match lockpick_quick_analyze_%quick junk barely worth your time match lockpick_quick_analyze_%quick simple matter for you to match lockpick_quick_analyze_%quick should not take long with match lockpick_normal_analyze_%quick precisely at your skill level. match lockpick_normal_analyze_%quick only minor troubles match lockpick_normal_analyze_%quick has the edge on you, but match lockpick_normal_analyze_%quick some chance of being match lockpick_careful_analyze_%quick odds are against you, match lockpick_careful_analyze_%quick longshot. match lockpick_careful_analyze_%quick amazingly minimal chance match lockpick_careful_analyze_%quick really don't have any match lockpick_hard prayer would be a good start match lockpick_hard snowball does match lockpick_hard pitiful snowball match lockpick_hard jump off a cliff and match lockpick_ident roundtime match lockpick_ident_wait ..wait matchwait

lockpick_hard: goto lockpick_hard_%hardtraps

lockpick_hard_yes: goto lockpick_careful_analyze_%quick

lockpick_hard_no: put drop my %s echo ****************** echo *** Lock is too hard echo ****************** pause goto getbox

lockpick_blind_analyze_quick: goto lockpick_quick lockpick_quick_analyze_quick: goto lockpick_quick lockpick_normal_analyze_quick: goto lockpick_normal lockpick_careful_analyze_quick: goto lockpick_careful

lockpick_blind_analyze_normal: goto lockpick_blind_analyze lockpick_quick_analyze_normal: goto lockpick_quick_analyze lockpick_normal_analyze_normal: goto lockpick_normal_analyze lockpick_careful_analyze_normal: goto lockpick_careful_analyze

lockpick_blind_analyze_wait: pause 1 lockpick_blind_analyze: goto lockpick_blind_analyze_%awake lockpick_blind_analyze_awake: put pick my %s analyze match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_blind_analyze_wait ..wait match lockpick_blind_analyze You are unable to determine anything match lockpick_blind This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... match lockpick_blind roundtime matchwait

lockpick_quick_analyze_wait: pause 1 lockpick_quick_analyze: goto lockpick_quick_analyze_%awake lockpick_quick_analyze_awake: put pick my %s analyze match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_quick_analyze_wait ..wait match lockpick_quick_analyze You are unable to determine anything match lockpick_quick This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... match lockpick_quick roundtime matchwait

lockpick_normal_analyze_wait: pause 1 lockpick_normal_analyze: goto lockpick_normal_analyze_%awake lockpick_normal_analyze_awake: put pick my %s analyze match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_normal_analyze_wait ..wait match lockpick_normal_analyze You are unable to determine anything match lockpick_normal This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... match lockpick_normal roundtime matchwait

lockpick_careful_analyze_wait: pause 1 lockpick_careful_analyze: goto lockpick_careful_analyze_%awake lockpick_careful_analyze_awake: put pick my %s analyze match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_careful_analyze_wait ..wait match lockpick_careful_analyze You are unable to determine anything match lockpick_careful This lock has already helpfully been analyzed... match lockpick_careful roundtime matchwait

lockpick_blind_wait: pause 1 lockpick_blind_analyze_sleep: lockpick_blind: goto lockpick_blind_%awake

lockpick_blind_awake: put pick my %s blind match lockpick_blind_wait ..wait match lootbox It's not even locked, why bother? match lockpick_blind Unable to make any progress match lockpick_exp You discover another lock protecting match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_quick This is not likely to be a good thing. match lootbox Roundtime matchwait

lockpick_quick_wait: pause 1 lockpick_quick_analyze_sleep: lockpick_blind_sleep: lockpick_quick: put pick my %s quick match lockpick_quick_wait ..wait match lootbox It's not even locked, why bother? match lockpick_quick Unable to make any progress match lockpick_exp You discover another lock protecting match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_normal This is not likely to be a good thing. match lootbox Roundtime matchwait

lockpick_normal_wait: pause 1 lockpick_normal_analyze_sleep: lockpick_normal: put pick my %s normal match lockpick_normal_wait ..wait match lootbox It's not even locked, why bother? match lockpick_normal Unable to make any progress match lockpick_exp You discover another lock protecting match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_careful This is not likely to be a good thing. match lootbox Roundtime matchwait

lockpick_careful_wait: pause 1 lockpick_careful_analyze_sleep: lockpick_careful: put pick my %s careful match lockpick_careful_wait ..wait match lootbox It's not even locked, why bother? match lockpick_careful Unable to make any progress match lockpick_exp You discover another lock protecting match lockpick_broke Find a more appropriate tool and try again! match lockpick_broke With a grimace, you discard the now match lockpick_hard This is not likely to be a good thing. match lootbox Roundtime matchwait

lootbox_give_wait: pause 1 lootbox_give: put give my %s to %person wait_accept: match lootbox_give_wait ..wait match wait_accept You offer your match lootbox_give has expired. match accept has accepted your offer and matchwait

lootbox_normal_wait: pause 1 lootbox_normal: counter set 0 put open my %s match look That is already open. match zircon zircon match turquoise turquoise match tsavorite tsavorite match tourmaline tourmaline match topaz topaz match tanzanite tanzanite match sunstone sunston match star-stone star-ston match spinel spinel match sapphire sapphire match ruby ruby match quartz quartz match peridot peridot match pearl pearl match opal opal match onyx onyx match morganite morganite match moonstone moonston match lazuli lazuli match kunzite kunzite match jade jade match ivory ivory match iolite iolite match hematite hematite match garnet garnet match emerald emerald match diopside diopside match diamond diamond match crystal crystal match coral coral match citrine citrine match chrysoprase chrysoprase match chrysoberyl chrysoberyl match chalcedony chalcedony match carnelian carnelian match bloodstone bloodston match beryl beryl match dira Imperial dira match aquamarine aquamarine match andalusite andalusite match amethyst amethyst match amber amber match alexandrite alexandrite match agate agate match gem gem match nugget nugget match bar gold bar match bar platinum bar match bar silver bar match bar bronze bar match bar copper bar match loot_done There is nothing in there. match coin coin match loot_done In the match look_wait Sorry, you may match lockpick_ident It is locked. match lootbox_normal_wait ..wait matchwait

lootbox_wait: pause 1 lootbox: setvariable lockpick no put put my lockpick in my %lockpickcontainer match lootbox_%give You put your match lootbox_%give What were you referring match lootbox_%give Stow what? Type 'STOW HELP' for details. match lootbox_wait ..wait matchwait

look_wait: pause 1 look: lootlook: goto turquoise_%turquoise turquoise_yes: put look in my %s match zircon zircon match turquoise turquoise match tsavorite tsavorite match tourmaline tourmaline match topaz topaz match tanzanite tanzanite match sunstone sunston match star-stone star-ston match spinel spinel match sapphire sapphire match ruby ruby match quartz quartz match peridot peridot match pearl pearl match opal opal match onyx onyx match morganite morganite match moonstone moonston match lazuli lazuli match kunzite kunzite match jade jade match ivory ivory match iolite iolite match hematite hematite match garnet garnet match emerald emerald match diopside diopside match diamond diamond match crystal crystal match coral coral match citrine citrine match chrysoprase chrysoprase match chrysoberyl chrysoberyl match chalcedony chalcedony match carnelian carnelian match bloodstone bloodston match beryl beryl match dira Imperial dira match aquamarine aquamarine match andalusite andalusite match amethyst amethyst match amber amber match alexandrite alexandrite match agate agate match gem gem match nugget nugget match bar gold bar match bar platinum bar match bar silver bar match bar bronze bar match bar copper bar match loot_done There is nothing in there. match coin coin match loot_done In the match look_wait Sorry, you may matchwait

No_turquoise_look_wait: pause 1 No_turquoise_look: turquoise_no: No_turquoise_lootlook: put look in my %s match zircon zircon match tsavorite tsavorite match tourmaline tourmaline match topaz topaz match tanzanite tanzanite match sunstone sunston match star-stone star-ston match spinel spinel match sapphire sapphire match ruby ruby match quartz quartz match peridot peridot match pearl pearl match opal opal match onyx onyx match morganite morganite match moonstone moonston match lazuli lazuli match kunzite kunzite match jade jade match ivory ivory match iolite iolite match hematite hematite match garnet garnet match emerald emerald match diopside diopside match diamond diamond match crystal crystal match coral coral match citrine citrine match chrysoprase chrysoprase match chrysoberyl chrysoberyl match dira Imperial dira match chalcedony chalcedony match carnelian carnelian match bloodstone bloodston match beryl beryl match aquamarine aquamarine match andalusite andalusite match amethyst amethyst match amber amber match alexandrite alexandrite match agate agate match gem gem match nugget nugget match bar gold bar match bar platinum bar match bar silver bar match bar bronze bar match bar copper bar match loot_done There is nothing in there. match coin coin match loot_done In the match No_turquoise_look_wait Sorry, you may matchwait

zircon: setvariable loot zircon goto loot turquoise: setvariable loot turquoise setvariable turquoise no goto loot tsavorite: setvariable loot tsavorite goto loot tourmaline: setvariable loot tourmaline goto loot topaz: setvariable loot topaz goto loot tanzanite: setvariable loot tanzanite goto loot sunstone: setvariable loot sunstone goto loot star-stone: setvariable loot star-stone goto loot spinel: setvariable loot spinel goto loot sapphire: setvariable loot sapphire goto loot ruby: setvariable loot ruby goto loot quartz: setvariable loot quartz goto loot peridot: setvariable loot peridot goto loot pearl: setvariable loot pearl goto loot opal: setvariable loot opal goto loot onyx: setvariable loot onyx goto loot morganite: setvariable loot morganite goto loot moonstone: setvariable loot moonstone goto loot lazuli: setvariable loot lazuli goto loot kunzite: setvariable loot kunzite goto loot jade: setvariable loot jade goto loot ivory: setvariable loot ivory goto loot iolite: setvariable loot iolite goto loot hematite: setvariable loot hematite goto loot garnet: setvariable loot garnet goto loot emerald: setvariable loot emerald goto loot diopside: setvariable loot diopside goto loot diamond: setvariable loot diamond goto loot crystal: setvariable loot crystal goto loot coral: setvariable loot coral goto loot citrine: setvariable loot citrine goto loot chrysoprase: setvariable loot chrysoprase goto loot chrysoberyl: setvariable loot chrysoberyl goto loot chalcedony: setvariable loot chalcedony goto loot carnelian: setvariable loot carnelian goto loot bloodstone: setvariable loot bloodstone goto loot beryl: setvariable loot beryl goto loot aquamarine: setvariable loot aquamarine goto loot andalusite: setvariable loot andalusite goto loot amethyst: setvariable loot amethyst goto loot amber: setvariable loot amber goto loot alexandrite: setvariable loot alexandrite goto loot agate: setvariable loot agate goto loot stone: setvariable loot stone goto loot bar: setvariable loot bar goto loot nugget: setvariable loot nugget goto loot gem: setvariable loot gem goto loot

dira_1: pause 1 dira: put get dira from my %s match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match diraput You pick match diraput You get match dira_1 ..wait matchwait

diraput_1: pause 1 diraput: put stow my dira match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootlook You put your matchwait

coin: put get coin from my %s match coin platinum match coin gold match coin silver match coin bronze match coin copper match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find matchwait

loot: counter add 1 goto loot_%c loot_1: loot_2: loot_3: loot_4: loot_5: goto loot_gempouch_%gempouch loot_gempouch_no: put get %loot from my %s match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootput You pick match lootput You get matchwait

lootput: put put my %loot in my %gembag match loot Perhaps you should be holding that first. match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootlook You put your matchwait

loot_gempouch_yes: goto overide_%overide overide_yes: overide_loot: put get %loot from my %s match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match overide_lootput You pick match overide_lootput You get matchwait

overide_lootput: put stow my %loot match overide_loot Perhaps you should be holding that first. match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootlook You put your matchwait

overide_no: goto loot_gempouchworn_%gempouchworn

loot_gempouchworn_yes: goto gempouchopen_%gempouchopen gempouchopen_no: setvariable gempouchopen yes put open my %gembag gempouchopen_yes: goto loot_worngempouch_fillgempouch_%fillgempouch

loot_worngempouch_fillgempouch_yes: put fill my %gembag with my %s match loot_closegempouch You fill your match loot_closegempouch There aren't any gems match loot_worn_cantfill You can't fill match loot_newgempouch_worn You've already got a wealth of gems matchwait

loot_worn_cantfill: setvariable fillgempouch no goto loot_worngempouch_fillgempouch_%fillgempouch

loot_closegempouch: done_gempouchopen_yes: setvariable gempouchopen no put close my %gembag waitfor You close goto lootlook

loot_worngempouch_fillgempouch_no: put get %loot from my %s match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootput_worngempouch You pick match lootput_worngempouch You get matchwait

lootput_worngempouch: put put my %loot in my %gembag match loot_worngempouch_fillgempouch_no Perhaps you should be holding that first. match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootlook You put your matchwait

loot_done: loot_6: setvariable turquoise yes counter add 1 goto done loot_7: counter set 0 goto done_gempouchopen_%gempouchopen

loot_gempouchworn_no: goto loot_unworn_fillgempouch_%fillgempouch

loot_unworn_fillgempouch_yes: put get my %gembag from my %currentgempouch put fill my %gembag with my %s match loot_stow You take match loot_stow There aren't any gems match loot_cantfill_unworn You can't fill match loot_newgempouch_unworn_hand You can't fit anything matchwait

loot_cantfill_unworn: setvariable filllgempouch no put put my %gembag in my %currentgempouch goto loot_unworn_fillgempouch_%fillgempouch

loot_stow: put put my %gembag in my %currentgempouch goto lootlook

loot_unworn_fillgempouch_no: put get %loot from my %s match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match unworn_lootput You pick match unworn_lootput You get matchwait

unworn_lootput: put put my %loot in my %gembag in my %currentgempouch match loot_unworn_fillgempouch_no Perhaps you should be holding that first. match loot_newgempouch_unworn_bag You can't fit anything match lootlook What were you match lootlook I could not find match lootlook You put your matchwait

loot_newgempouch_unworn_bag: put put my %loot in my %s put get my %gembag from my %currentgempouch goto loot_newgempouch_unworn_hand loot_newgempouch_worn: goto loot_newgempouch_worn_%fillgempouch loot_newgempouch_worn_no: put put my %loot in my %s loot_newgempouch_worn_yes: put hold my %gembag loot_newgempouch_unworn_hand: goto loot_tiegempouch_%tiegempouch

loot_tiegempouch_yes: put tie my %gembag loot_tiegempouch_no: put put my %gembag in my %fullgempouch match loot_getnewgempouch you put your match loot_open_fullgempouch But that's closed. matchwait

loot_open_fullgempouch: put open my %fullgempouch goto loot_tiegempouch_no

loot_getnewgempouch: put get my %gembag from my %newgempouch match loot_newgempouch_%gempouchworn You get match loot_nogempouches I could not match loot_nogempouches what were matchwait

loot_newgempouch_yes: put wear my %gembag setvariable gempouchopen no goto lootlook

loot_newgempouch_no: put put my %gembag in my %currentgempouch goto lootlook

loot_nogempouches: echo ************************************** echo ** You are out of gem pouches, reverting to stowing gems. echo ************************************** setvariable overide yes goto lootlook

done_gempouchopen_no: done: counter set %boxesopened counter add 1 setvariable boxesopened %c counter set %lifetimeboxes counter add 1 setvariable lifetimeboxes %c echo ******************* echo *** %boxesopened boxes opened this session! echo *** %lifetimeboxes boxes opened overall! echo ******************* pause 1 put dismantle my %s %dismantle match dismantle2 15 match gofix roundtime matchwait dismantle2: put dismantle my %s %dismantle waitfor roundtime pause 1 pause 1 setvariable ground yes goto gofix

fix_no: goto getbox

goFix: goto fix_%fix fix_yes: put get my lockpick from my %lockpickcontainer match fixlockpick2 You get match no_lockpick What were you match no_lockpick what? match fixlockpick2 You are already holding that. match fix_yes ..wait match fixlockpick2 You need a free hand to pick matchwait fixlockpick2_pause: pause 1 fixlockpick2: put fix my lockpick match fixlockpick2 roundtime match fixlockpick2_pause ..wait match fixlockpick3 like it needs any repairing. matchwait fixlockpick3_pause: pause 1 fixlockpick3: put put my lockpick in my %lockpickcontainer match getbox You put your match getbox What were you referring match getbox Stow what? Type 'STOW HELP' for details. match fixlockpick3_pause ..wait matchwait

lockpick_drain: pause 30 goto lockpick_exp

disarm_drain: pause 30 goto disarm_exp