Updated Kraelist Travel 1/22/13 (script)

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Revision as of 18:11, 22 January 2013 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (This swappedf out athelics for swimming and climbing and survival, this goes on the assumption that your perception is better than your Athletics)
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put set RoomNames put set Description


INSTRUCTIONS: ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ======================================================== ECHO ECHO *** VALID DESTINATIONS: Any settlement on the mainland ECHO * * * Only the first 3 letters of the destination need to be inputed ECHO * * * To see a full list of destinations begin the script without specifying a location ECHO ECHO ======================================================== ECHO pause goto %1

CHECKLOCATION1: pause match leaveallferries ["Hodierna's Grace"] match leaveallferries ["Kertigen's Honor"] match leaveallferries ["Her Opulence"] match leaveallferries ["His Daring Exploit"] match leaveallferries Deck] match leaveallferries a wooden flatboat mounted atop steel match toleth1 [Southern Trade Route, Outside Leth Deriel] match toleth2 [Deobar Bower Gate, Esouvar Deriel] match tocrossing1 [The Crossing, Alfren's Ferry] match tocrossing2 [Middens, Crossbow Bend] match tocrossing3 [Eastern Tier, Outside Gate] match tocrossing4 [Northeast Wilds, Outside Northeast Gate] match tocrossing5 [North Turnpike, Forest] match tocrossing6 [Mycthengelde, Flatlands] match tocrossing7 [The Crossing Docks, South End] match totiger1 [Grassland Path, Village Gate] match toarthe1 [Valley, Village Gate] match tokaerna [Northern Trade Road, Kaerna match toriverhaven1 [Riverhaven, Ferry Dock] match toriverhaven2 [Riverhaven, Pier] match toriverhaven3 [Riverhaven, Stone Bridge] match toriverhaven4 [Riverhaven Exterior, Southwest Gate] match toriverhaven5 [Riverhaven, Outside North Gate] match toriverhaven6 [Salt Yard, Barge Dock] match tolang1 [Langenfirth, Wharf] match tolang2 [North Road, River's Edge] match tohorseclan [Gilen Otso Steppes, Grasslands] match MUS-BARGE [Outside Muspar'i] match GoDesertEast [Outside Muspar'i, Barge Platform] match mus-hva Dry Dock] match fal-fer bridge that once spanned the expanse of the river match CHECKLOCATION2 You glance put look put glance matchwait

CHECKLOCATION2: pause match totheren1 [Mistwood Forest, North of a Ravine] match tofornsted1 [Arnshal Road, Keep Entrance] match tostone2 [Lairocott Brach, Saverack] match towolf1 [Wildulf Woods, Needlenose Creek] match towolf2 [Wildulf Woods, Dirt Road] match toknife1 [Wilderness, Gully] match kni-tig [Knife Clan, Sentry] match wol-tig towering trees of Wildulf Woods. match ace-let [Acenamacra Pier] match thr-riv Stone Docks, Covered Shore] match sha-n [Shard, North Bridge] match sha-e [Shard, East Bridge] match sha-s [Shard, South Bridge] match sha-w [Shard, West Bridge] match skiff-ila [Ilaya Taipa, Baso Dock] match startfaldesus The town of Riverhaven, the bridge's match AINFERRY1-FORF [Haalikshal Highway, Ferry Dock] match ainferry-ain [Ain Ghazal, Ferry Dock] match toraven1 [Seord Kerwaith, North Gate] match tohib1 [Haalikshal Highway, East Park] match tohib2 [Gate to Hibarnhvidar] match tohib3 [Outer Hibarnhvidar, Before the Great Gate] match leaveallferries so that it slips through the water match leaveallferries ["The Riverhawk"] match leaveallferries ["Imperial Glory"] match leaveskiff Skiff]


match todirge1 [Kraelyst's Home] match NOSTART You glance put look put glance matchwait


startfaldesus: pause move se move s move s move s move se move s move se goto croc-dir

tohib1: pause move go raven gate move w move w move w move s move se move se move se move go gate goto %1

tohib2: pause move go gate move e move e move e move e move e move e move se move e move e move s move se move se move se move go gate goto %1

tohib3: pause move go double gate goto %1

toraven1: pause move go gate move se goto %1

toleth1: pause move go gate move se move se move se move se move se move se move se goto %1

toleth2: pause move go gate move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne goto %1

tocrossing1: pause move go square move ne move e move e tocrossinga7: move e move e move ne move go bridge move ne goto %1

tocrossing7: pause move out goto tocrossinga7

tocrossing2: pause move ne move n move n move w move sw move sw move w move w move w move n move nw move nw move w move s move s move sw move w tocrossing3: pause move go gate move w move w move w move w goto %1

tocrossing4: pause move go gate move w move s move s move s move s move sw move s move s move s move w move w move w goto %1

tocrossing5: pause move go arch move e move e move s move e move s move e move s move w move w move s move s move s move s move s move s move se goto %1

tocrossing6: pause move go gate move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move s move s move s move s move s move s move se goto %1

totiger1: pause move go gate pause goto %1

towolf1: move s towolf2: put sw move s goto %1

toknife1: pause pause put go bridge move n goto %1

toarthe1: pause move up move up move w goto %1

tokaerna: pause match to1kaerna [Kaerna Village, By the Well] match tostone1 The store is squat but neat, put go town gate matchwait to1kaerna: move n move ne tostone1: move go town gate move nw move nw move n move e move e goto %1

tostone2: pause put out move down move climb trail goto %1

todirge1: pause put unlock door pause put open door move go door put close house pause put lock house move n move n move se move e move e move go path goto %1

toriverhaven1: pause move go ramp move go wooden archway move ne move w goto %1

toriverhaven2: pause move e move s move e move go wooden archway move ne move w goto %1

toriverhaven3: pause move go east gate move w move w move w move w move w move w move w goto %1

toriverhaven4: pause move go narrow gate move e move e move e move e move e move e move e goto %1

toriverhaven5: pause move go north gate move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s goto %1

toriverhaven6: pause move n move n move ne move nw move out move w move w move w move w move w move w goto %1

tolang1: pause move w move s move w goto %1

tolang2: pause put go bridge match tolang2north Obvious paths: south. match tolang2south Obvious paths: north. matchwait tolang2north: pause move s move s tolang2south: pause move go shore move s move s move s move se move s move sw move se move s move s move s move se goto %1

tofornsted1: pause move go gate move e move go ironwood door move e move go gate goto %1

tohorseclan: pause move go path pause goto %1

BEGINSCRIPT: pause goto %1

fay: fayr: fayri: fayrin: fayrins: fayrin's: fayrin'sr: fayrin'sre: fayrin'sres: fayrin'srest: fayrinsr: fayrinsre: fayrinsres: fayrinsrest: fayre: fayren: fayren': fayren's: fayren'sr: fayren'sre: fayren'sres: fayren'srest: fayrens: fayrensr: fayrensre: fayrensres: fayrensrest: mara: maracheck: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-fay The greying wooden boards of the platform match finish [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-ste Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

ste: stee: steel: steelc: steelcl: steelcla: steelclaw: steelclawclan: stea: steal: stealc: stealcl: stealcla: stealclaw: stealclawclan: SCC: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-fay The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match finish [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-ste Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

sha: shar: shard: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match shard-directions Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

hor: hors: horse: horsec: horsecl: horsecla: horseclan: zal: zald: zaldi: zaldit: zaldita: zalditai: zalditaip: zalditaipi: zalditaipa: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-hor Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match finish [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-hor [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

gon: gond: gondo: gondol: gondola: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match finish [Gondola, Cab match finish The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

let: leth: lethd: lethde: lethder: lethderi: lethderie: lethderiel: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

ace: acen: acena: acenam: acenama: acenamac: acenamacr: acenamacra: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match let-ace Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match finish [Acenamacra Pier] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

alf: alfr: alfre: alfren: alfrens: alfren's: alfren'sf: alfren'sfe: alfren'sfer: alfren'sferr: alfren'sferry: alfrensf: alfrensfe: alfrensfer: alfrensferr: alfrensferry: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match finish Segoltha South Bank] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match let-alf Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

cro: cros: cross: crossi: crossin: crossing: crossings: thec: thecr: thecro: thecros: thecross: thecrossi: thecrossin: thecrossing: thecrossings: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish facade of the First Provincial Bank match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

art: arth: arthe: arthed: artheda: arthedal: arthedale: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-sto [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match cro-art facade of the First Provincial Bank match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish small, white-washed sign staked along match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

kae: kaer: kaern: kaerna: kaernav: kaernavi: kaernavil: kaernavill: kaernavilla: kaernavillag: kaernavillage: kea: kear: kearn: kearna: kearnav: kearnavi: kearnavil: kearnavill: kearnavilla: kearnavillag: kearnavillage: match sto-kae You travel through a small match art-kae small, white-washed sign staked along match stoneclan Obvious exits: match stoneclan Obvious paths: put look matchwait

sto: ston: stone: stonec: stonecl: stonecla: stoneclan: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-sto [North Roads Caravansary] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match cro-art facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish You travel through a small match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

car: cara: carav: carava: caravan: caravans: caravansa: caravansar: caravansary: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match CRO-CAR facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish [North Roads Caravansary] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

dir: dirg: dirge: dark: darks: darkst: darksto: darkston: darkstone: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match CRO-CAR facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match todirge2 [North Roads Caravansary] match finish [Dirge match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

nor: nort: north: northr: northro: northroa: northroad: northroadf: northroadfe: northroadfer: northroadferr: northroadferry: northroadd: northroaddo: northroaddoc: northroaddock: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match finish [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match CRO-CAR facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match car-northroad [North Roads Caravansary] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

riv: rive: river: riverh: riverha: riverhav: riverhave: riverhaven: hav: have: haven: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match finish [Riverhaven, Town Square] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

fal: fald: falde: faldes: faldesu: faldesur: faldesuri: faldesuriv: faldesurive: faldesuriver: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match CRO-CAR facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-faldesu [North Roads Caravansary] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match fer-faldesu [North Road, Ferry] match riv-faldesu [Riverhaven, Town Square] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

thr: thro: thron: throne: thronec: throneci: thronecit: thronecity: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match riv-thr [Riverhaven, Town Square] match finish Stone Docks, Covered Shore] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

ros: ross: rossm: rossma: rossman: rossmans: rossman's: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-the Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-the [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match skillcheck7 [North Road, Barony Pass] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match finish [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

the: ther: there: theren: therenb: therenbo: therenbor: therenboro: therenborou: therenboroug: therenborough: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match lan-the Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-the [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match finish [North Road, Barony Pass] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

lan: lang: lange: langen: langenf: langenfi: langenfir: langenfirt: langenfirth: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match the-lan [North Road, Barony Pass] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match finish Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-lan [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

for: forn: forns: fornst: fornste: fornsted: fornstea: fornstead: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match lan-the Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-the [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-for [North Road, Barony Pass] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match finish [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

hva: hvar: hava: havar: hvara: havarl: hvaral: match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match lan-the Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-the [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-for [North Road, Barony Pass] match for-hva [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match finish [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

mus: musp: muspa: muspar: muspari: muspar'i: match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match lan-the Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-the [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-for [North Road, Barony Pass] match for-hva [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match hva-mus [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

tig: tige: tiger: tigerc: tigercl: tigercla: tigerclan: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-tig facade of the First Provincial Bank match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match finish The Pig's Pannage, match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

wol: wolf: wolfc: wolfcl: wolfcla: wolfclan: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-tig facade of the First Provincial Bank match tig-wol The Pig's Pannage, match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

kni: knif: knife: knifec: knifecl: knifecla: knifeclan: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-tig facade of the First Provincial Bank match tig-kni The Pig's Pannage, match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

el: elb: elba: elbai: elbain: elbains: elbain's: el': el'b: el'ba: el'bai: el'bain: el'bains: el'bain's: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match the-elb [North Road, Barony Pass] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match let-cro Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match ferry-cro Segoltha South Bank] match GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH facade of the First Provincial Bank match art-sto small, white-washed sign staked along match sto-dir You travel through a small match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match dir-riv [North Roads Caravansary] match riv-ros [Riverhaven, Town Square] match ros-the [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match lan-elb Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match finish [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match GROUPCHECK11 [North Road, Ferry] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match ila-let hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

ila: ilay: ilaya: ilayat: ilayata: ilayatai: ilayataip: ilayataipa: tai: taip: taipa: ill: illa: illay: illaya: illayat: illayata: illayatai: illayataip: illayataipa: ile: iley: ileya: ileyat: ileyata: ileyatai: ileyatap: ileyataipa: riverc: rivercl: rivercla: riverclan: match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match let-ila Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match south-platform The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-gon [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-fay [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-gon Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-sha [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match finish hard to see the road beyond the match ain-ila Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match raven2-raven1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match rav-sha [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

ain: aing: aingh: aingha: ainghaz: ainghaza: ainghazal: ainga: aingaz: aingaza: aingazal: aingah: aingahz: aingahza: aingahzal: aingazh: aingazha: aingazhal: aingazah: aingazahl: gha: ghaz: ghaza: ghazal: gaz: gaza: gazal: gah: gahz: gahza: gahzal: gazh: gazha: gazhal: gazah: gazahl: pause match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match GETCROSSINGDOKORA facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match GETLETHDOKORA Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match gon-let Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-rav Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-rav [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-ain hard to see the road beyond the match finish Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-ain The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match GetHibDokora [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match GetRavenDokora [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match raven1-raven2 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

out: oute: outer: outerh: outerhi: outerhib: outerhiba: outerhibar: outerhibarn: outerhibarnh: outerhibarnhv: outerhibarnhvi: outerhibarnhvid: outerhibarnhvida: outerhibarnhvidar: hib: hiba: hibar: hibarn: hibarnh: hibarnhv: hibarnhvi: hibarnhvid: hibarnhvida: hibarnhvidar: hibarnv: hibarnvh: hibarnvhi: hibarnvhid: hibarnvhida: hibarnvhidar: hibarnvi: hibarnvid: hibarnvida: hibarnvidar: inn: inne: inner: innerh: innerhi: innerhib: innerhiba: innerhibar: innerhibarn: innerhibarnh: innerhibarnhv: innerhibarnhvi: innerhibarnhvid: innerhibarnhvida: innerhibarnhvidar: pause match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match GETCROSSINGDOKORA facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-rav Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-rav [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-ain hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-hib The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hibfinish [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match rav-forf [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match raven1-raven2 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

boa: boar: boarc: boarcl: boarcla: boarclan: pause match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match GETCROSSINGDOKORA facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-rav Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-rav [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-ain hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-hib The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-boa [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match rav-forf [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match raven1-raven2 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match finish [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

rav: rave: raven: ravens: ravensp: ravenspo: ravenspoi: ravenspoin: ravenspoint: raven': raven's: raven'sp: raven'spo: raven'spoi: raven'spoin: raven'spoint: pause match hva-for [Arnshal Road, Mountain Approach] match for-the [Outside the Fornsted Walls] match lan-riv Wheels and hooves clatter on the wood match elb-riv [El'Bain's Stop, Picnic Area] match the-ros [North Road, Barony Pass] match ros-riv [Rossman's Landing, Southeast Gate] match fer-dir [North Road, Ferry] match riv-dir [Riverhaven, Town Square] match dir-car [Dirge, Outside Gate] match car-cro [North Roads Caravansary] match sto-art You travel through a small match art-cro small, white-washed sign staked along match cro-let facade of the First Provincial Bank match fer-let Segoltha South Bank] match let-gon Sana'ati Dyaus Drui'tas] match north-platform Like an aerie forgotten in the wilderness match on-gondola [Gondola, Cab match gon-sha The greying wooden boards of the platform match fay-ste [Fayrin's Rest, Anloraten Crossing] match ste-sha [Steelclaw Clan, Entrance] match sha-rav Wyvern Mountain towers far into the sky match hor-rav [Zaldi Taipa, Cedar Path] match tig-cro The Pig's Pannage, match ila-ain hard to see the road beyond the match ain-forf Ghazal, East Pier] match forf-rav The Dwarven road, smoothly cobbled, match hib-forf [Inner Hibarnhvidar, Entry] match finish [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match finish [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match boa-hib [Boar Clan, Before the Gate] match CHECKLOCATION1 You glance put look put glance matchwait

nen: nena: nenav: nenavd: nenavde: nenavdel: nenavdela: nenavdelar: nenavda: nenavdal: nenavdala: nenavdalar: pause ECHO ECHO *** Just Kidding! Nobody knows where the lost village of Nenav Delar is located! ECHO *** Let me know if you find it! ECHO pause pause ECHO ECHO *** Here's the story from the book "The Lost Village" by Trefinja Giln ECHO ============================== ECHO It was a cool fall afternoon in the year 157; we were having our typical meeting of the clan council discussing matters for our coming weeks festivities. The light-hearted discussions within the council's chamber was abruptly shattered by a young Dwarven messenger. The trembling and bloodied messenger barely managed to make it through the entrance before collapsing to the ground. His bloodshot and glassy eyes looked up at me as I stood over him, he clasped my hand and said in a dusky, broken voice, "Nenav... Dalar... village in the mountains... slaves... help them... help... them." He closed his eyes and breathed his last breath. I immediately called for the village Empath but it was too late, he could not be saved. In his right hand he was clutching a tattered and torn piece of parchment which I soon pried loose from his grip, and it read: ECHO ECHO ------------------- ECHO Khenea's Prophecy ECHO ------------------- ECHO ECHO The watchers wait on a Hero's breath. ECHO To bring forth an end to darkness reign. ECHO Death shall sow, and time will burn, before the Hero comes. ECHO ECHO Now time won't slay the ancient wrong ECHO Nor part the evil's deed ECHO In blood they plead, in heart as one, one day the Hero comes. ECHO ECHO When the new day opens and travelers approach ECHO The curse is nears its end ECHO All could be the one we need, so watch... the Hero comes. ECHO ECHO And so it shall... come to pass ECHO What evil made, be undone ECHO By the Hero's hand we do await, for now the Hero comes. ECHO ECHO But fail it could this rite of good ECHO And lead us down the starry road ECHO ECHO If the Kvika Heart is not retrieved, then death is what will come. ECHO ECHO So we pray the answer will unfold ECHO The prophecy we do speak ECHO We wait on one to liberate, our souls... our lives... ECHO we seek. ECHO ECHO Please my lord, heed Khenea's prophecy and send us ECHO help. I don't know how much longer we can wait, just ECHO follow along the great mountains on the edge of the ECHO horizon until you find the break in the... ECHO ECHO -------------------------------------- ECHO The rest of the parchment was torn off ECHO -------------------------------------- ECHO ECHO After receiving this letter we searched for more information about this hidden village, but unfortunately we found nothing. I write this journal in hopes that someday someone will be able to resume the search and maybe decipher the cryptic message within the parchment. ECHO ECHO =========================== ECHO EXIT

GON-LET: ECHO ECHO * * * Leaving the Dragonspine Mountains via the Obsidian Pass ECHO * * * Beware of snowbeasts, particularly down that track ECHO pause move go ridge move n move ne move nw move n move n move ne move ne move n move ne move n move ne move n move ne move n move ne move ne move e move e move n move n move ne move n move ne move n move ne move e move ne move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move ne move n move n move ne move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Now nearing the Endrus Forest, home to Leth Deriel. ECHO UNDERGONDOLA-LETH: pause move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move n move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move n move n move ne move ne move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by the the manor of Lasarhhtha Oshu'ehhrsk the Bone Dancer ECHO * * * Home to bone wolves, zombies, germish'din, and kartais ECHO move ne move ne move n move ne move go gate move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LETH DERIEL ECHO *** Ancient stronghold of the Forest Elves ECHO *** Constructed around the sacred Sana'ati Dyaus tree ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

LET-ACE: pause move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move go e'erdream gate move ne move e move ne move se move ne move ne move go sequoia tunnel move go eastern opening move ne move e move ne move n move ne move ne move e move go rope bridge move go north face move e move go crevice move e move ne move go cavern opening move n move ne move e move ne move ne move ne move e move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move e move down move down move down move down move e move e move e move go pier pause ECHO ECHO *** ACENAMACRA PIER - GATEWAY TO M'RISS ECHO *** On the Bay of Nemethyo ECHO goto %1

ACE-LET: pause move go beach move w move w move w move go cliff trail move up move up move up move w move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move w move sw move sw move sw move w move sw move s move go cave move sw move w move go opening move w move go rope bridge move go south face move w move sw move sw move s move sw move w move sw move go sequoia tunnel move go western opening move sw move sw move nw move sw move w move sw move sw move go e'erdream gate move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LETH DERIEL ECHO *** Ancient stronghold of the Forest Elves ECHO *** Created by the Forest and Celestial Elves ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

LET-CRO: SAVE PAS-CRO CHECKGUILD2: match GROUPCHECK5 Guild: Thief match MONEYCHECK5 Gender: put info matchwait

GROUPCHECK5: pause match BURDENCHECK5 You have no group match BURDENCHECK5 You must be visible match MONEYCHECK5 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

BURDENCHECK5: pause match SWIMCHECK5A Encumbrance : None match SWIMCHECK5A Encumbrance : Light match SWIMCHECK5B Encumbrance : Somewhat match SWIMCHECK5C Encumbrance : Burdened match SWIMCHECK5D Encumbrance : Heavy match SWIMCHECK5E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match SWIMCHECK5F Overburdened match SWIMCHECK5G Encumbrance : Tottering match SWIMCHECK5H even able to move? match SWIMCHECK5I amazing you aren't squashed! put encumbrance matchwait

SWIMCHECK5A: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match MONEYCHECK5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 25 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5B: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 40 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5C: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 75 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5D: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 110 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5E: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 140 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5F: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 175 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5G: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5H: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 240 matchwait

SWIMCHECK5I: pause match LET-CRO-CONT Athletics: match OVERBURDENED5 EXP HELP put experience athletics 275 matchwait


MONEYCHECK5: pause SAVE FER-CRO match LET-CRO-CONT I don't know who you are referring to. match LET-CRO-CONT But no one can see you. match GETMONEYLETH But you don't have that much! match GETMONEYLETH You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 35 kronar matchwait

GETMONEYLETH: pause move e move e move go ebony door move u put withdraw 35 copper pause put withdraw 35 copper move d move out move w move w goto LET-CRO-CONT

let-alf: SAVE toalfren goto LET-CRO-CONT

LET-CRO-CONT: pause move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move go bower gate move nw move n move n move nw move nw move n move n move nw move nw move ne move n move ne move ne move ne

WEBNORTH1: match NOWEBNORTH Along the north, the trees and shrubs match WEBNORTH2 Roundtime match WEBNORTH2 You can't do that while match WEBNORTH2 ...wait put ne MATCHWAIT

WEBNORTH2: pause ECHO ECHO *** You are stuck in a spider's web. Be patient. ECHO match WEBNORTH1 Using your escape match WEBNORTH1 The webs break apart and fall away, releasing you. matchwait

NOWEBNORTH: move nw move nw move n move n move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the Forest of Night, created by mad mage Sithsia ECHO * * * Home to nyads, dryads, and death spirits ECHO move ne move nw move n move ne move ne move ne move n move n move nw move nw move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move n GOTO %s

toalfren: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Leaving the Endrus Forest and entering the flood plains of the Segoltha ECHO pause move n move n move n ECHO ECHO *** ALFREN'S FERRY ECHO goto %1

FER-CRO: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Leaving the Endrus Forest and entering the flood plains of the Segoltha ECHO pause move n move n move n goto CROSSINGFERRYNORTH

CROSSINGFERRYNORTH: put stand pause put go ferry match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYNORTH wait for the next one. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYNORTH until the next one arrives. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYNORTH I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYNORTH What were you referring to? match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYNORTH There is no ferry here to go aboard. match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYNORTH You hand him your match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYNORTH The Captain gives you a little nod match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYNORTH You silently slip aboard, match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYNORTH But I see you're pretty young match GETMONEYCROSSINGFERRYNORTH You haven't got enough matchwait


put hide

ECHO ECHO ============================ ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE FERRY TO ARRIVE ECHO *** It costs 35 Kronars to ride (unless you are a citizen of Zoluren) ECHO *** If you don't have enough it's time to start begging ECHO ============================ ECHO put wealth kronar waitfor pulls into the goto CROSSINGFERRYNORTH



put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding the ferry north across the mighty Segoltha River toward The Crossing, heart of the Five Provinces ECHO *** The ferry takes two minutes to cross the river. ECHO pause 15 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing is also known as River Crossing because it is the site where the Oxenwaithe River crosses the mighty Segoltha River ECHO * * * The Segoltha River runs from the Himineldar Shel Mountains near Ain Ghazal all the way to the Reshal Sea ECHO * * * It is large enough for galleons to sail upon all the way upriver to Ain Ghazal ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 15 ECHO ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing is the heart of the Five Provinces and has seen many wars ECHO ECHO * * * Akroeg led the Ram Clan in gathering and conquering most of the continent under one banner. ECHO * * * When Akroeg died his son Verek created the Seven Starred Empire from the Ram Clan. ECHO ECHO * * * When the Empire collapsed Lanival The Reedemer fought Teiro ECHO * * * in the Resistance Wars and divided the continent into Five Provinces. ECHO ECHO * * * Lanival was known as the Dragon and so the lands became known as the Dragon's Realms. ECHO * * * At the end of the war, Lanival founded The Crossing at the center of the former Empire. ECHO ECHO * * * The 10 months of the calendar are named for great figures in history, particularly in the time of Lanival. ECHO * * * You can read more in "Human Histories: Lanival's Tale" at the Asemath Academy in The Crossing ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 15 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 3 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * In more recent days The Crossing has seen war with the Gorbesh, Lord Sorrow, and the Outcasts ECHO ECHO * * * The Gorbesh hail from the continent of Albaria. During their invasion ECHO * * * they destroyed the gweth mines of Zoluren and the Crossing temple. ECHO * * * Gorbesh fortresses can still be found throughout the provinces ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 15 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 4 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * Lord Sorrow lived in the Reach east of Kaerna and Stone Clan among the S'lai who fought for him ECHO * * * He was a Moon Mage of immense powers whose life was magically lengthened, he was once offered a seat on the Moon Mage council ECHO * * * Lord Sorrow brought war in 359 AV with the help of Shartug, Darkensi, Prayk, and Parnore ECHO * * * He died while trying to harness the power of the Zaulfung Stones near Riverhaven ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 15 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 5 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The Outcasts are named because they were thrown out of Shard many years ago ECHO * * * Around 375 AV the Outcasts, led by King Raenilar, marched from the deserts north of Therengia down to Shard ECHO * * * They brought war to all the provinces with help from Goblin Prince Tnok, Grishnok, the Shark Clan, Jomay, Naarg, and others ECHO * * * The Outcasts murdered Ferdahl Kukalakai and occupied Ilithi until one day with little warning they left Ilithi in peace ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause waitfor crew ties the ferry off. put stand pause move go dock move go square move ne move e move e move e move e move ne move go bridge move ne ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THE CROSSING aka River Crossing ECHO *** Capital of the province of Zoluren ECHO *** Located where the Oxenwaithe River crosses the mighty Segoltha River. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

FERRY-CRO: CHECKGUILD10: match GROUPCHECK10 Guild: Thief match CROSSINGFERRYNORTH Gender: put info matchwait

GROUPCHECK10: pause match BURDENCHECK10 You have no group match BURDENCHECK10 You must be visible match CROSSINGFERRYNORTH You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

BURDENCHECK10: pause match SWIMCHECK10A Encumbrance : None match SWIMCHECK10B Encumbrance : Light match SWIMCHECK10C Encumbrance : Somewhat match SWIMCHECK10D Encumbrance : Burdened match SWIMCHECK10E Encumbrance : Heavy match SWIMCHECK10E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match SWIMCHECK10F Overburdened match SWIMCHECK10G Encumbrance : Tottering match SWIMCHECK10H even able to move? match SWIMCHECK10I amazing you aren't squashed! put encumbrance matchwait

SWIMCHECK10A: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match CROSSINGFERRYNORTH EXP HELP put experience athletics 25 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10B: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 40 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10C: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 70 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10D: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 120 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10E: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 150 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10F: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 200 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10G: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 250 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10H: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 300 matchwait

SWIMCHECK10I: pause match PAS-CRO1 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED10 EXP HELP put experience athletics 350 matchwait


PAS-CRO1: move s move s move s goto PAS-CRO

PAS-CRO: match FER-CRO I could not find match FER-CRO What were you referring to? match PASNORTH You duck quietly put go boulder matchwait

PASNORTH: move go root move ne move e move ne move down ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * You have entered the fabled 5th Passage of which many Thieves spent years trying to find ECHO MPN: pause put n match MPN1 You splash north match MPN1 You wade north match MPN You slap match MPN You struggle match MPN You flounder match MPN make much headway match MPN ...wait match MPN type ahead matchwait

MPN1: pause put ne match MPN2 You splash northeast match MPN2 You swim northeast match MPN1 You slap match MPN1 You struggle match MPN1 You flounder match MPN1 make much headway match MPN1 ...wait match MPN1 type ahead matchwait

MPN2: pause put ne match MPN3 You splash northeast match MPN3 You swim northeast match MPN2 You slap match MPN2 You struggle match MPN2 You flounder match MPN2 make much headway match MPN2 ...wait match MPN2 type ahead matchwait

MPN3: pause put n match MPN4 You splash north match MPN4 You swim north match MPN3 You slap match MPN3 You struggle match MPN3 You flounder match MPN3 make much headway match MPN3 ...wait match MPN3 type ahead matchwait

MPN4: pause put up match MPN5 You splash up match MPN5 You swim up match MPN4 You slap match MPN4 You struggle match MPN4 You flounder match MPN4 make much headway match MPN4 ...wait match MPN4 type ahead matchwait

MPN5: pause put ne match MPN6 You splash northeast match MPN6 You swim northeast match MPN5 You slap match MPN5 You struggle match MPN5 You flounder match MPN5 make much headway match MPN5 ...wait match MPN5 type ahead matchwait

MPN6: pause put ne match MPN7 You splash northeast match MPN7 You wade northeast match MPN6 You slap match MPN6 You struggle match MPN6 You flounder match MPN6 make much headway match MPN6 ...wait match MPN6 type ahead matchwait

MPN7: pause put north match MPN8 You splash north match MPN7 You slap match MPN7 You struggle match MPN7 You flounder match MPN7 make much headway match MPN7 ...wait match MPN7 type ahead matchwait

MPN8: pause put north match MPN9 You splash north match MPN8 You slap match MPN8 You struggle match MPN8 You flounder match MPN8 make much headway match MPN8 ...wait match MPN8 type ahead matchwait

MPN9: pause move climb step move out move s move e move go ware move up move n move out move s move s move go bridge move ne ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THE CROSSING aka River Crossing ECHO *** Capital of the province of Zoluren ECHO *** Located where the Oxenwaithe River crosses the mighty Segoltha River. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

GETCROSSINGDOKORA: pause match CRO-LET I don't know who you are referring to. match CRO-LET But no one can see you. match GETCROSSING2 But you don't have that much! match GETCROSSING2 You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 180 dokora matchwait

GETCROSSING2: pause move go bank move go window put withdraw 3 silver pause move out move go booth put exchange 3 silver kronar to dokora pause move out move out goto CRO-LET

GETCROSSINGMONEYNORTH: pause match CRO-CAR I don't know who you are referring to. match CRO-CAR But no one can see you. match GETMONEY2 But you don't have that much! match GETMONEY2 You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 30 lirum matchwait

GETMONEY2: pause move go bank move go window put withdraw 1 silver pause move out move go booth put exchange 1 silver kronar to lirum pause move out move out goto CRO-CAR

CRO-ART: pause move nw move n move n move n ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union since 366! ECHO move n move n move n move e move e move n move w move n move w move n move w move w move go crumbling archway move n move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Northward is a monastary surrounded by gargoyles and death spirits and a bramble full of badgers and trollkins ECHO move ne move e move ne move go birch copse move se move e move e move ne move ne move e move nw move n move n move ne move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ARTHE DALE ECHO *** A Halfling village, founded by Daffleberry Tanglefoot ECHO *** Patron god is Glythtide the ram, god of joy, wine, song, and fellowship, and patron to Bards, gourmands, and drunks ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

ART-KAE: pause move nw move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move e move e move e move n move n move n move n move n move n move ne move go town gate move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO *** Home to the Gilded Unicorn Inn and Tavern, owned by Savrin Kaerna ECHO *** Westward is the Journelai Route towards the Journelai mountains, inhabited by rock trolls ECHO =================== ECHO goto finish

ART-STO: pause move nw move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move e move e move e move n move n move n move n move n move n move ne move go town gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO *** Home to the Gilded Unicorn Inn and Tavern, owned by Savrin Kaerna ECHO *** Westward is the Journelai Route towards the Journelai mountains, inhabited by rock trolls ECHO =================== ECHO pause move n move ne move go town gate move nw move nw move n move e move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STONE CLAN aka STAAN STOK (in Dwarven Haakish) ECHO *** Home to the Stone Clan Militia, led by Paragon Redarch ECHO *** Site of the book of power which was sought by Lord Sorrow and which could remove the wards on the Zaulfung Stones. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

STO-DIR: pause move n move n move ne move n move e move e move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing a wilderness path where leucros, vipers, geni, and rock guardians dwell ECHO move ne move nw move n move n move n move n move n move n move go wood bridge move n move n move ne move n move nw move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * This copse holds a Dark Temple with skeletons, zombies, and other undead. ECHO move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the Silverwater Mines and Silverwater Lake, inhabited by faenrae reavers and wind hounds. ECHO move ne move ne move n move n move ne move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move n move nw move nw move nw move nw ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** NTR CARAVANSARY ECHO *** A large traveller's outpost at the border between Zoluren and Therengia ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

CRO-CAR: pause move nw move n move n move n ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union since 366! ECHO move n move n move n move e move e move n move w move n move w move n move w move w move go crumbling archway move n move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Northward is a monastary surrounded by gargoyles and death spirits and a bramble full of badgers and trollkins ECHO move ne move e move ne move go birch copse move se move e move e move ne move ne move e move nw move n move n move ne move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ARTHE DALE ECHO =================== ECHO move nw move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move e move e move e move n move n move n move n move n move n move ne move go town gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO =================== ECHO move n move ne move go town gate move nw move nw move n move e move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STONE CLAN ECHO =================== ECHO move n move n move ne move n move e move e move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Wilderness path: where leucros, vipers, geni, and rock guardians dwell ECHO move ne move nw move n move n move n move n move n move n move go wood bridge move n move n move ne move n move nw move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Dark Temple: skeletons, zombies, and other undead. ECHO move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Silverwater Mines: inhabited by faenrae reavers and wind hounds. ECHO move ne move ne move n move n move ne move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move n move nw move nw move nw move nw ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** NTR CARAVANSARY ECHO *** A large traveller's outpost at the border between Zoluren and Therengia ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

DIR-CAR: pause move s move s move s move e move ne move se move e move sw move w move sw move w move go faint roadway GOTO %1

TODIRGE2: pause move go narrow track move e move ne move e move ne move w move nw move sw move w move n move n move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** DIRGE, formely known as DARKSTONE ECHO *** Nestled beneath the shadow of the Greater Fist of Heaven, ECHO *** a volcano which has smothered Dirge in lava and ash. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

DIR-RIV: GROUPCHECK3: pause match BURDENCHECK3 You have no group match BURDENCHECK3 You must be visible match GROUP3 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait


BURDENCHECK3: match BURDENCHECK3A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK3A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK3B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK3C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK3D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK3E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK3F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK3G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK3H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK3I amazing you aren't squashed! put encumbrance matchwait


BURDENCHECK3A: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match CANTSWIM3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 120 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3B: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 170 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3C: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3D: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 250 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3E: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 290 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3F: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 330 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3G: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 370 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3H: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 410 matchwait

BURDENCHECK3I: pause match DIR-RIV3 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED3 EXP HELP put experience athletics 450 matchwait


MONEYCHECK3: save DIR-FER match DIR-RIV-CONT I don't know who you are referring to. match DIR-RIV-CONT But no one can see you. match GETMONEYDIRGE But you don't have that much! match DIR-RIV-CONT You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 30 lirum matchwait

GETMONEYDIRGE: pause move go narrow track move e move ne move e move ne move w move nw move sw move w move n move n move n move go ruined gate move n move go traveller bank match GOTDIRGEMONEY The clerk counts out match NODIRGEMONEY You don't have that much money match NODIRGEMONEY you do not seem to have an account put withdraw 50 copper matchwait

NODIRGEMONEY: pause move out move s move go ruined gate ECHO ECHO ========================================= ECHO *** You need 30 Lirums for the Riverhaven ferry ECHO *** Get coins from The Crossing - I can't do everything for you! ECHO ========================================= ECHO EXIT

GOTDIRGEMONEY: pause put withdraw 50 copper put exchange 50 copper kronar to lirum pause put exchange 50 copper kronar to lirum move out move s move go ruined gate move s move s move s move e move ne move se move e move sw move w move sw move w move go faint roadway goto DIR-RIV-CONT




DIR-RIV-CONT: pause move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** Entering the Royal Province of Therengia ECHO *** Governed by Lord Baron Gyfford of the Theren family ECHO =================== ECHO pause

LAVA01: match LAVA02 Heat rises in palpable waves match LAVAP01 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP01 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP01: put stand pause goto LAVA01

LAVA02: match LAVA03 The land about you is still and lifeless. match LAVAP02 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP02 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP02: put stand pause goto LAVA02

LAVA03: match LAVA04 [North Road, Canyon Rim] match LAVAP03 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP03 You can't do that while lying down. put nw matchwait

LAVAP03: put stand pause goto LAVA03

LAVA04: match LAVA05 [North Rim, Canyon] match LAVAP04 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP04 You can't do that while lying down. put go trail matchwait

LAVAP04: put stand pause goto LAVA04

LAVA05: match LAVA06 [North Road, Canyon] match LAVAP05 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP05 You can't do that while lying down. put w matchwait

LAVAP05: put stand pause goto LAVA05

LAVA06: match LAVA07 To the north, the road wends match LAVAP06 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP06 You can't do that while lying down. put go switchback trail matchwait

LAVAP06: put stand pause goto LAVA06

LAVA07: match LAVA08 As the road crosses a low point match LAVAP07 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP07 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP07: put stand pause goto LAVA07

LAVA08: pause match LAVANORTH1 You have no group MATCH LAVANORTH1 You must be visible match LAVANORTH2 You whisper match LAVA08 ...wait match LAVA08 type ahead put whisper group ... matchwait

LAVANORTH1: PAUSE put stand put ne match DIGNORTH1 feeble attempt match DIGNORTH1 falling short of your goal. match DIGNORTH1 holds you tightly, preventing match WALKNORTH1 You easily navigate match WALKNORTH1 is difficult, but manageable... match WALKNORTH1 succeeding only with effort match LAVANORTH1 fails to keep up with you through the match LAVANORTH1 ...wait matchwait

DIGNORTH1: pause put stand put dig match LAVANORTH1 You manage to dig enough match DIGNORTH1 You struggle to dig match WALKNORTH1 You will have to kneel match DIGNORTH1 ...wait matchwait

LAVANORTH2: PAUSE put stand put ne match DIGNORTH2 feeble attempt match DIGNORTH2 falling short of your goal. match DIGNORTH2 holds you tightly, preventing match WALKNORTH2 You easily navigate match WALKNORTH2 is difficult, but manageable... match WALKNORTH2 succeeding only with effort matchwait

DIGNORTH2: pause put stand put dig match LAVANORTH2 You manage to dig enough match WALKNORTH2 You struggle to dig match LAVANORTH2 You will have to kneel match DIGNORTH2 ...wait matchwait



LAVA09: match LAVA10 A tongue of molten lava match LAVAP09 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP09 You can't do that while lying down. put ne matchwait

LAVAP09: put stand pause goto LAVA09

LAVA10: match LAVA11 Occasional flashes of red light match LAVAP10 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP10 You can't do that while lying down. put go lava flow matchwait

LAVAP10: put stand pause goto LAVA10

LAVA11: match LAVA12 The route descends into the dust match LAVAP11 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP11 You can't do that while lying down. put ne matchwait

LAVAP11: put stand pause goto LAVA11

LAVA12: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the ruined town of Skeleton's Crook and the Gate of Souls ECHO * * * Inhabited by fire sprites, firecats, atik'et, and westanuryns ECHO match LAVA13 Your view north is partially blocked match LAVAP12 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP12 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP12: put stand pause goto LAVA12

LAVA13: match LAVA14 Your footsteps echo off the glassy match LAVAP13 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP13 You can't do that while lying down. put go tunnel matchwait

LAVAP13: put stand pause goto LAVA13

LAVA14: match LAVA15 Turning your back to the massive obsidian match LAVAP14 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP14 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP14: put stand pause goto LAVA14

LAVA15: match LAVA16 two monstrous volcanoes match LAVAP15 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP15 You can't do that while lying down. put n matchwait

LAVAP15: put stand pause goto LAVA15

LAVA16: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the plains and farmlands of southern Therengia ECHO move n move ne move ne move n move nw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The ruins of Sicle Grove, destroyed by the eruption of the Greater Fist caused by the fire mage Mibgluc ECHO * * * Previously a medical community and home to Timothy, now inhabited by fire maidens ECHO ECHO move n move go bridge move n move n move nw move w move w move w move w move w move w move w move w move w goto %s

CROC-FALDESU: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through swampland where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO move nw move n move nw move n move n move n move nw pause ECHO ECHO *** DIVE RIVER to swim in the Faldesu ECHO goto finish

DIR-northroad: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Faldesu River lies northward, surrounded by swamps where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO move w move w move w move w move nw move nw move w move w move go covered bridge move w move w move w move w move w move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO *** NORTH ROAD FERRY ECHO goto %1

DIR-FER: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Faldesu River lies northward, surrounded by swamps where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO move w move w move w move w move nw move nw move w move w move go covered bridge move w move w move w move w move w move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO *** NORTH ROAD FERRY ECHO goto HAVENFERRYNORTH

GROUPCHECK11: pause match BURDENCHECK11 You have no group match BURDENCHECK11 You must be visible match GROUP11 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait


BURDENCHECK11: match BURDENCHECK11A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK11A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK11B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK11C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK11D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK11E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK11F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK11G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK11H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK11I amazing you aren't squashed! put encumbrance matchwait

BURDENCHECK11A: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match CANTSWIM11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 120 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11B: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 170 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11C: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 220 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11D: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 270 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11E: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 320 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11F: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 370 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11G: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 420 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11H: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 470 matchwait

BURDENCHECK11I: pause match FER-RIV11 Athletics: match OVERBURDENED11 EXP HELP put experience athletics 520 matchwait



HAVENFERRYNORTH: put stand pause put go ferry match WAITFORHAVENFERRYNORTH wait for the next one. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYNORTH until the next one arrives. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYNORTH I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYNORTH What were you referring to? match WAITONHAVENFERRYNORTH You hand him your lirums and climb aboard. match WAITONHAVENFERRYNORTH The Captain gives you a little nod match NOMONEY You haven't got enough lirums matchwait


put hide



put hide

ECHO ECHO *** RIDING THE FERRY ECHO *** Crossing the Faldesu River to the port city of Riverhaven, governed by Mayor Bressail ECHO *** The ferry takes three minutes to cross the river. ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * This ferry is operated by House Shillat, one of the 16 Therengian great houses (or Morzindaen) ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * Outside Riverhaven's east gate are the Warding Stones, ECHO * * * raised by Farn's Company during the days of the Empire ECHO * * * to protect Riverhaven from the "nameless evils" of the Zaulfung Swamp. ECHO * * * Perhaps that evil is the recently discovered lair of the demon or demi-god Maelshyve ECHO * * * and her cinder beasts, basilisks, and hierophants. ECHO ECHO * * * More information may be found in the book "A Study of the ECHO * * * Zaulfung Stones" at the Gealeranendae College Library in Therenborough ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause waitfor crew ties the ferry off. put stand pause move go dock move go ramp move go wooden archway move ne move w goto %1

FER-FALDESU: pause move s move s move se move e move e move e move e move e move go covered bridge move e move e move se move se move e move e move e move e ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through swampland where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO move nw move n move nw move n move n move n move nw pause ECHO ECHO *** DIVE RIVER to swim in the Faldesu ECHO goto finish

FER-RIV11: pause move s move s move se move e move e move e move e move e move go covered bridge move e move e move se move se move e move e move e move e goto CROC-RIV

CROC-RIV: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through swampland where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO pause move nw move n move nw move n move n move n move nw move dive river ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Now swimming across the Faldesu River to the port city of Riverhaven, governed by Mayor Bressail ECHO move ne NSN: pause put n pause match NSN A high, rocky bank supports match NSN You peer south but see nothing of interest. match NSNEAST1 The swift waters of the river match NSN ...wait put peer south matchwait

NSNEAST1: put ne pause put peer north match NSNEAST1 The swift waters of the river match NSN2 An enormous slab of rock match NSNEAST1 ...wait matchwait

NSN2: pause put n match NSNWEST You can't swim match NSN2 [ match NSN2 You swim match NSN2 ...wait matchwait

NSNWEST: pause put nw match NSNWEST You struggle match NSNWEST You work match NSNWEST You blunder match NSNWEST You slap match NSNWEST You flounder MATCH NSWIMEAST You swim match NSNWEST ...wait matchwait

NSWIMEAST: pause put ne match NSWIMEAST You swim match NCLIMBBRIDGE You can't swim match NSWIMEAST ...wait matchwait


move climb stone bridge move go east gate move w move w move w move w move w move w move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RIVERHAVEN ECHO *** Port city on the Faldesu River, governed by Mayor Bressail ECHO *** Home to the Standing Stones, which protect the town from the evils of the Zaulfung Swamp ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

THR-RIV: GLORYWEST: put stand pause match THRONEBARGEWEST You hand him your Lirums match THRONEBARGEEAST Imperial Glory match RIVERHAWKWEST You can't do that right now. match RIVERHAWKWEST I could not find what you match RIVERHAWKWEST What were you referring to? match GETMONEYTHRONEWEST You haven't got enough Lirums to pay match GLORYWEST ...wait put go glory matchwait

RIVERHAWKWEST: pause match THRONEBARGEWEST You hand him your Lirums match THRONEBARGEWEST ["The Riverhawk"] match WAITTHRONEBARGEWEST You can't do that right now. match WAITTHRONEBARGEWEST I could not find what you match WAITTHRONEBARGEWEST What were you referring to? match GETMONEYTHRONEWEST You haven't got enough Lirums to pay match RIVERHAWKWEST ...wait put go riverhawk matchwait

GETMONEYTHRONEWEST: pause move s move se move se move climb slope move go gate move s move sw move up move n move nw move go bank move e move e match GOTTHRONEMONEY The clerk counts out match NOTHRONEMONEY You don't have that much money match NOTHRONEMONEY you do not seem to have an account put withdraw 120 copper lirum matchwait


GOTTHRONEMONEY: pause move w move w move out move se move s move down move ne move n move go gate move climb slope move nw move nw move n goto thr-riv


THRONEBARGEWEST: pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding the barge up the Faldesu River towards Riverhaven. ECHO put hide pause waitfor crew quickly ties the barge off. put stand pause move go dock move n move n move nw move ne move out move w move w move w move w move w move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RIVERHAVEN ECHO *** Port city on the Faldesu River, governed by Mayor Bressail ECHO *** Home to the Standing Stones, which protect the town from the evils of the Zaulfung Swamp ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

RIV-THR: pause move e move e move e move e move e move e move go gate move sw move se move s move s GLORYEAST: put stand pause match THRONEBARGEEAST You hand him your Lirums match THRONEBARGEEAST Imperial Glory match RIVERHAWKEAST You can't do that right now. match RIVERHAWKEAST I could not find what you match RIVERHAWKEAST What were you referring to? match GETMONEYTHRONEEAST You haven't got enough Lirums to pay match GLORYEAST ...wait put go glory matchwait

RIVERHAWKEAST: pause match THRONEBARGEEAST You hand him your Lirums match THRONEBARGEEAST ["The Riverhawk"] match WAITTHRONEBARGEEAST You can't do that right now. match WAITTHRONEBARGEEAST I could not find what you match WAITTHRONEBARGEEAST What were you referring to? match GETMONEYTHRONEEAST You haven't got enough Lirums to pay match RIVERHAWKEAST ...wait put go riverhawk matchwait

GETMONEYTHRONEEAST: ECHO ECHO *** YOU NEED 120 LIRUMS TO RIDE THIS BARGE ECHO *** CHECKING THE BANK NOW ECHO move n move n move nw move ne move out move w move w move w move w move w move nw move n move n move go bank move go arch put withdraw 120 copper lirum pause put withdraw 120 copper lirum move go arch move out move s move s move s goto RIV-THR

WAITTHRONEBARGEEAST: pause ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE BARGE TO ARRIVE ECHO put hide match THRONEBARGEEASTDISCOVERED discovers your hiding place! match GLORYEAST A barge pulls into the matchwait

THRONEBARGEEASTDISCOVERED: ECHO ECHO =========================== ECHO ECHO *** Crabs and Rats in this area - PAY ATTENTION ! ! ECHO ECHO =========================== ECHO put retreat put hide pause put retreat put hide goto WAITTHRONEBARGEEAST

THRONEBARGEEAST: pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding the barge down the Faldesu River towards Throne City, capital of the former Seven-Starred Empire ECHO put hide pause waitfor crew quickly ties the barge off. put stand pause move go dock ECHO ECHO *** THRONE CITY ECHO *** The ancient capital of the Seven-Pointed Star Empire, on the banks of the Faldesu Delta ECHO *** Protected by the powerful magics of the Y'Shai Guardians ECHO *** Constructed by the Dwarven Axe Clan, among others ECHO *** First Emperor was Verek, son of Akroeg the Ram who united all clans ECHO GOTO %1

RIV-ROS: GROUPCHECK01: pause match HEALTHCHECK01 You have no group match HEALTHCHECK01 You must be visible match RIV-BAR You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

HEALTHCHECK01: pause match PERCEPTIONCHECK01B head match PERCEPTIONCHECK01A Encumbrance : match HEALTHCHECK01 ...wait match HEALTHCHECK01 type ahead put health put enc matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK01A: save PERCEPTIONCHECK01A match CLIMBCHECK01 Athletics: match RIV-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put experience athletics 120 matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK01B: save PERCEPTIONCHECK01B match CLIMBCHECK01 Athletics: match RIV-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put experience athletics 140 matchwait

CLIMBCHECK01: pause match BURDENCHECK01 Athletics: match RIV-BAR EXP HELP match CLIMBCHECK01 ...wait match CLIMBCHECK01 type ahead put experience athletics 100 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01: save BURDENCHECK01 match BURDENCHECK01A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK01A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK01B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK01C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK01D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK01E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK01F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK01G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK01H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK01I amazing you aren't squashed! match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put encumbrance matchwait

BURDENCHECK01A: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match RIV-BAR EXP HELP put experience athletics 140 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01B: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 190 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01C: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 230 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01D: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 270 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01E: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 310 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01F: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 350 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01G: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 390 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01H: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 430 matchwait

BURDENCHECK01I: pause match RIV-ROS-NORTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED01 EXP HELP put experience athletics 470 matchwait

OVERBURDENED01: ECHO ECHO ============================================== ECHO *** You are too burdened to swim the Rossman's route with your current swimming skill. ECHO *** With no burden you need 140 swimming ranks for the Rossman's route. ECHO ============================================== ECHO pause GOTO RIV-BAR

RIV-BAR: ECHO ECHO ======================================== ECHO *** You cannot take the Rossman's Landing shortcut because you either ECHO *** Have a group, are too burdened, OR ECHO *** You need more perception (140+), climbing (100+), or swimming (140+) ECHO ECHO *** TAKING THE BARGE INSTEAD *** ECHO ======================================== ECHO pause move w move go municipal pier move go wooden archway move w move n move w NORTHBARGE: put stand pause put go barge match WAITFORNORTHBARGE wait for the next one. match WAITFORNORTHBARGE until the next one arrives. match WAITFORNORTHBARGE There is no ferry match WAITONNORTHBARGE You hand him your lirums and climb aboard. match WAITONNORTHBARGE The Captain gives you a little nod match GETMONEYNORTHBARGE You haven't got enough lirums matchwait


put hide


GETMONEYNORTHBARGE: ECHO ECHO *** GETTING LIRUMS FROM BANK *** ECHO move e move s move e move go wooden archway move ne move nw move n move n move go bank move go arch put withdraw 13 bronze pause move go arch move out move s move s move se move go municipal pier move go wooden archway move w move n move w pause put go barge match WAITFORNORTHBARGE wait for the next one. match WAITFORNORTHBARGE until the next one arrives. match WAITFORNORTHBARGE There is no ferry match WAITONNORTHBARGE You hand him your lirums and climb aboard. match WAITONNORTHBARGE The Captain gives you a little nod match NONORTHBARGE You haven't got enough lirums matchwait

NONORTHBARGE: pause ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough Lirums in Riverhaven to ride the barge to Langenfirth. Find some money and try again. ECHO EXIT


put hide

ECHO ECHO *** Riding the barge west across Lake Gwenalion to the Ranger town of Langenfirth ECHO *** This barge and casino is owned by Ditsworth, sailing since 305 AV. ECHO *** The trip takes seven minutes. ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 1 ECHO ECHO * * * Langenfirth is named for a monk named Langen who lived in the firth. ECHO * * * Langen came to the fishing village on Lake Gwenalion in 240 AV, almost 150 years ago. ECHO ECHO * * * Though at first shunned by the villagers, Langen won them over by brewing ECHO * * * one of the finest ales ever made, crafted from the waters of Lake Gwenalion. ECHO * * * Langen Ale is now known throughout the world. ECHO ECHO * * * Langen's Feast is celebrated in all the villages around ECHO * * * Lake Gwenalion on the 3rd day of Ka'Len the Sea Drake each year. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause waitfor crew ties the barge off. put stand pause move go wharf move w move s move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LANGENFIRTH ECHO * * * A Ranger haven on the western shores of Lake Gwenalion, in the midst of Danduwen Forest ECHO * * * Located within the territories of House Abriyit, one of the 16 great houses of Therengia ECHO * * * Named for Langen, a monk from the firth, who created Langen's Ale. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

RIV-ROS-NORTH: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** Great athletics Skills! ECHO *** Taking the Rossman's Landing shortcut! ECHO ============================== ECHO pause move w move w move w move w move w move w move w move go narrow gate move nw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The western Riverhaven meadows, creeks, and woods ECHO * * * Inhabited by goblin shamans, crayfish, eels, rams, bears, arbelogs, ogres, and wolf spiders ECHO ECHO move n move n move n move nw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing a pasture grazed in by barghests ECHO move ne move n move ne move nw move n move ne move w move nw move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Mistwood Forest, home to the poisonous nightreaver unyns ECHO move ne move n move nw move ne SEARCHOUTCROP1A: save SEARCHOUTCROP1A match SEARCHOUTCROP1B irregular handholds! match SEARCHOUTCROP1A don't find anything of interest. match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put search outcrop matchwait

SEARCHOUTCROP1B: move climb handhold move climb rock wall move n

SEARCHOUTCROP2A: save SEARCHOUTCROP2A match SEARCHOUTCROP2B shrubs clinging to the rock face! match SEARCHOUTCROP2A don't find anything of interest. match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put search rocky ledge matchwait

SEARCHOUTCROP2B: move climb shrub pause match 1SW head southwest. match 1W head west. match 1NW head northwest. match 1N head north. match 1NE head northeast. match 1E head east. match 1SE head southeast. put peer path matchwait

1SW: move d move sw goto 1CONTINUE 1W: move d move w goto 1CONTINUE 1NW: move d move nw goto 1CONTINUE 1N: move d move n goto 1CONTINUE 1NE: move d move ne goto 1CONTINUE 1E: move d move e goto 1CONTINUE 1SE: move d move se goto 1CONTINUE

1CONTINUE: put nw move n move nw move n move ne move go river ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Swimming up the swift-flowing Jantspyre River towards Rossman's Landing ECHO

1SWIM1: pause put e match 1SWIM2 You wade match 1SWIM1 You struggle match 1SWIM1 You work match 1SWIM1 You slap match 1SWIM1 You flounder matchwait

1SWIM2: pause put ne match 1SWIM3 You wade match 1SWIM2 You struggle match 1SWIM2 You work match 1SWIM2 You slap match 1SWIM2 You flounder matchwait

1SWIM3: pause put ne match 1SWIM4 You wade match 1SWIM3 You struggle match 1SWIM3 You work match 1SWIM3 You slap match 1SWIM3 You flounder matchwait

1SWIM4: pause put e match 1SWIM5 You wade match 1SWIM4 You struggle match 1SWIM4 You work match 1SWIM4 You slap match 1SWIM4 You flounder matchwait

1SWIM5: pause

move go bank move go path move nw move n move nw move w move nw move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ROSSMAN'S LANDING ECHO *** A wilderness village in the Mistwood Forest on the northeastern shores of Lake Gwenalion ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

ROS-THE: put stow left pause put stow right move east move se move e move se move ne move go rose thicket move e move sw move s move ne move go gap move nw move ne move nw move ne move nw ROPEN: put climb rope match SHUFFLEN You climb match WAITN is already on the rope. matchwait

WAITN: put hide ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for someone to get off the ropes. ECHO match ROPEN finally arriving match ROPEN finally reaching matchwait

SHUFFLEN: ECHO ECHO *** Travelling north on a dangerous rope bridge over a deep ravine inhabited by sky giants ECHO pause pause put shuffle north waitfor Roundtime pause pause put shuffle north waitfor Roundtime pause pause put shuffle north waitfor Roundtime pause ECHO ECHO * * * In this ravine sky giants roam ECHO totheren1: pause move nw move w move nw move sw move nw move w move sw move n move e move ne move n move nw move sw move n move go north road move ne move n move ne move e move n move n move ne move ne move nw move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THERENBOROUGH ECHO *** Protected by Theren Keep ECHO *** Governed by the Baron of House Theren, to which all other Therengian lords kneel ECHO *** Patron god is Rutilor the mongoose, positive aspect of Chadatru, god of truth and justice and patron of paladins and House Theren ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

THE-LAN: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling by the farmlands, orchards, and country cottages of the beautiful Therengian countryside ECHO pause move s move se move sw move sw move s move s move w move sw move s move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by the Mistwood Forest, home to Rossman's Landing ECHO * * * Also in the forest are orcs, warcats, peccaries, and sky giants ECHO move sw move sw move se move sw move sw move s move s move sw move s move s move w move sw move se move sw move s move s move sw move s move se move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dunshade Moors ECHO * * * Former territory of the House Dunshade before its disbanding ECHO move s move sw move sw move s move se move s move s move se move e move s ELB-2LAN: move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Danduwen Forest ECHO * * * Beyond the eucalyptus tree are kelpies, wood trolls, and cougars ECHO move s move s move se move sw move se move s move se move s move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River ECHO move s move s move go southern shore move s move s move s move se move s move sw move se move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LANGENFIRTH ECHO * * * A Ranger haven on the western shores of Lake Gwenalion, in the midst of Danduwen Forest ECHO * * * Located within the territories of House Abriyit, one of the 16 great houses of Therengia ECHO * * * Named for Langen, a monk from the firth, who created Langen's Ale. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO FINISH

ELB-LAN: pause move go main road move w goto ELB-2LAN

THE-FOR: pause match GROUPPASSPORTCHECK1 You see match GROUPPASSPORTCHECK1 The folded piece of paper bears match GETPASSPORT I could not find match GETPASSPORT What were you referring to? match GETPASSPORT passport has expired put look my passport matchwait

GROUPPASSPORTCHECK1: pause match GOTPASSPORT You have no group match GOTPASSPORT You must be visible match GETPASSPORT You whisper match GROUPPASSPORTCHECK1 ...wait match GROUPPASSPORTCHECK1 type ahead put whisper group ... matchwait

GETPASSPORT: pause move go town gate move n move e move e move n move n move ne move ne move n move ne move go alabaster arch move nw move nw move nw move w move w move ne move ne move go lancet arch move n move n move n move go gold arch move ne GET-PASSPORT: pause match GROUPPASSPORT1 licenser takes some of the papers match INV-GET-PASSPORT how do you expect to do that? match DESK-PASSPORT doesn't look like you have a free match GET-PASSPORT passport will allow you match GET-PASSPORT ...wait match GET-PASSPORT type ahead put ask licenser for passport matchwait

INV-GET-PASSPORT: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot get a passport while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto GET-PASSPORT

DESK-PASSPORT: pause ECHO ECHO *** You don't have a free hand so your passport is on the desk. Get your passport and type GLANCE to continue ECHO pause goto GROUPPASSPORT1

GROUPPASSPORT1: pause match LEAVEPASSPORT1 You have no group match LEAVEPASSPORT1 You must be visible match GETGROUPPASSPORT1 You whisper match GROUPPASSPORT1 ...wait match GROUPPASSPORT1 type ahead put whisper group Get a passport! ASK LICENSER FOR PASSPORT two times. We will all need them. Let me know when you have one. matchwait

GETGROUPPASSPORT1: pause pause ECHO ECHO ECHO *** WHEN EVERYONE HAS A PASSPORT TYPE "GLANCE" TO CONTINUE ECHO ECHO pause waitfor You glance put whisper group Now stow your passport away! goto LEAVEPASSPORT1

LEAVEPASSPORT1: pause put stow my passport move sw move go gold arch move go black arch move s move s move go oak doors move sw move sw move e move e move se move se move se move go alabaster arch move sw move s move sw move sw move s move s move w move w move s move go town gate goto GOTPASSPORT

GOTPASSPORT: pause move go stone wall goto THERENROADWEST1

THERENROADWEST1: pause match THERENROADWESTNOGROUP You have no group match THERENROADWESTNOGROUP You must be visible match THERENROADWESTGROUP You whisper match THERENROADWEST1 ...wait match THERENROADWEST1 type ahead put whisper group GO WEST RIGHT NOW and Join me fast on the other side! matchwait

THERENROADWESTGROUP: pause pause put w waitfor [Ker'Leor, Deep Forest Path] ECHO ECHO ECHO *** GRAB YOUR GROUP AND TYPE "GLANCE" WHEN YOU ARE READY TO MOVE ECHO *** CAUTION: Creatures roam this area! ECHO ECHO waitfor You glance GOTO THERENROADWESTDONE

THERENROADWESTNOGROUP: pause put w waitfor [Ker'Leor, Deep Forest Path] ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Ker'Leor Forest at the base of the Ker'Leor mountain range, home to roving gypsies led by King Talorc ECHO pause THERENROADWESTDONE: move n move nw move n move nw move ne move n move ne move ne move nw move ne move n move go road move n move ne move nw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Laakmir, site of the Suur Pillar, which houses Firulf's staff ECHO * * * and which created the electrical creatures called seordmaors ECHO move nw move n move n move nw move n move climb rocky path ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Now ascending the Ker'Leor mountains - Beware of scaly seordmaors! ECHO move up move up move up move up move up move ne move ne move n move nw move climb rocky path move climb stone ramp move go steel bridge move w move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FORNSTED ECHO *** Located in the Ke'Leor Forest atop the Ker'Leor mountains ECHO *** Governed by Lord Paragon Larohald of the House Trigomas (one of the great Human houses of Therengia) ECHO *** Protected by Arnshal Keep, named for the Arncharn Shel Mountains that divide Therengia and Forfedhdar ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

FOR-HVA: pause move go gate move w move go wooden doors move w put get my passport

GROUPPASSPORT2: pause match LEAVEPASSPORT2 You have no group match LEAVEPASSPORT2 You must be visible match WAITPASSPORT2 You whisper match GROUPPASSPORT2 ...wait match GROUPPASSPORT2 type ahead put whisper group Get your passport out and put it in your right hand, we are about to go through a checkpoint. matchwait


LEAVEPASSPORT2: pause move go gateway put stow my passport ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Descending the Ker'Leor mountains towards Hvaral by way of Arnshal Road, named for the Arncharn Shel Mountains ECHO pause move w move w move sw move sw move s move s move s move sw move sw move nw move nw move n move n move n move n move nw move nw move w move sw move sw move s move s move s move s move sw move nw move nw move nw move n move n move n move nw move nw move sw move s move s move s move sw move sw move w move up move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HVARAL ECHO * * * A small town in the Gemfire Mountains on the edge of the Velaka Desert ECHO * * * Governed by Lord Elbaeryn of House Dacawla from within the Neristan Keep ECHO * * * Formerly a Dwarven town of the Kwarlog Kingdom, since occupied by the Human Therengians ECHO * * * An important trade route between Therengia, Muspar'I, and Kwarlog (a Dwarven city and kingdom) ECHO =================== ECHO pause goto %1

HVA-MUS: pause move go narrow gateway move w move s move w move sw move nw move go ramp move w

GoDesertWest: put whisper group GO BARGE! We can not get on the barge together as a group. You have to get on yourself. pause match WAITFORBARGEWEST I could not find what match WAITFORBARGEWEST What were you referring to? match WAITFORBARGEWEST You can't do that right now. match INV-GoDesertWest they can't see you? match WAITONBARGEWEST ["The Desert Wind"] match WAITONBARGEWEST ["The Suncatcher"] put go barge matchwait

INV-GoDesertWest: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board the barge while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto GoDesertWest


put hide

ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR SAND BARGE TO ARRIVE *** ECHO match GoDesertWest barge pulls into the match WAITFORBARGEWEST YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE matchwait

WAITONBARGEWEST: pause put whisper group GO PLATFORM when we dock! We can not leave the barge together. You will have to get off the barge yourself.

put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding west across the Velaka Desert to Muspar'i, the Desert Jewel ECHO * * * Riding aboard a sand barge pulled by packbeasts called yeehars. ECHO pause 60 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The currency of the Therengian province is the Lirum. ECHO * * * The Lirum is named after the wife of Akroeg the Ram. ECHO ECHO * * * Akroeg had united all the races under the banner of the Ram Clan. ECHO * * * After Akroeg's death his wife and sons along with the scholar Moliko ECHO * * * ended the Ram Clan and formed the Seven Pointed Star Empire. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 60 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The lake in the Velaka Desert was originally inhabited by Sand Elves. ECHO * * * After the fall of the Seven Starred Empire the S'kra Mur, led by Shorka the Cobra, ECHO * * * settled at the lake and built Muspar'i over protests of the Sand Elves. ECHO * * * Shorka was a friend of Lanival and fought with Lanival against Teiro in the Resistance Wars ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 60 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 3 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The Sand Elves and S'kra settled their differences and now live together in Muspar'i ECHO * * * Muspar'i has become a major trade city between Kwarlog and Therengia ECHO * * * It is known for its fine crafts: healing poultices, perfumes, dyes, spices, poisons, jewelry, weapons, silks, pottery... ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 60 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 4 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * Muspar'i was first ruled by Shorka the Cobra, who was made queen ECHO * * * Modern rulers and nobility of Muspar'i are known as "The Blood of Shorka", ECHO * * * though they are not necessarily true descendents of Shorka ECHO ECHO * * * More can be read in "The History of Muspar'i" at the Royal Library of Muspar'i ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 60 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 5 of 5 ECHO ECHO * * * The S'kra of Muspar'i believe they were led to Velaka by the S'kra Mur god Hav'roth, the Cobra ECHO * * * Hav'roth is god of the spirits of rock, stone, earth, and deserts and is creator of precious metals and gems ECHO * * * Hav'roth's light aspect is Peri'el the King Snake and dark aspect Ushnish the Viper ECHO ECHO * * * More about the gods can be read in "The Immortals" at the Riverhaven Academy or Crossing temple ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause match LEAVEBARGEWEST The sand barge pulls into match WAITONBARGEWEST YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE matchwait

LEAVEBARGEWEST: put whisper group GO PLATFORM! Then go ramp and go gate. We can not leave the barge together. You will have to get off the barge yourself. move go platform move go ramp move go gate ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** MUSPAR'I *** ECHO * * * A S'kra Mur city, built on a lake in the Velaka Desert ECHO * * * Also called the Desert Jewel or the Sun's Egg by the S'kra ECHO * * * Built by Shorka the Cobra, a S'kra who fought with Lanival against Teiro in the Resistance Wars ECHO * * * Governed by monarchy whose ruling class and nobility are known as the "Blood of Shorka" (though not necessarily true descendents of Shorka) ECHO * * * Patron god is Hav'roth the cobra, god of the S'kra Mur and deserts ECHO * * * Known for its artistry in weapon forging, silks, dyes, ceramics, and jewelry ECHO ==================================== ECHO goto FINISH

MUS-BARGE: move go ramp GoDesertEast: put whisper group GO BARGE! We can not get on the barge together as a group. You have to get on yourself. pause match WAITFORBARGEEast I could not find what match WAITFORBARGEEast What were you referring to? match WAITFORBARGEEast You can't do that right now. match INV-GoDesertEast they can't see you? match WAITONBARGEEast ["The Desert Wind"] match WAITONBARGEEast ["The Suncatcher"] put go barge matchwait

INV-GoDesertEast: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board the barge while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto GoDesertEast


put hide

ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR SAND BARGE TO ARRIVE *** ECHO waitfor barge pulls into the goto GoDesertEast


put hide

pause put whisper group GO DOCK when we arrive! We can not get off the barge together as a group. You have to get off the barge yourself. pause ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Riding aboard a sand barge pulled by yeehar. ECHO *** Traveling east across the Velaka Desert towards Hvaral, ECHO *** built into the Gemfire Mountains north of the Arncharn Shel Mountains. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * Hvaral was built by the Dwarves of the Kwarlog Empire ECHO * * * after the Humans and Dwarves won the Elven-Human War. ECHO ECHO * * * The Humans and Dwarves later used Hvaral as a base of ECHO * * * operations against the Dragon Priests and D'zree. ECHO ECHO * * * After the Dragon Priests were defeated the Dwarves and ECHO * * * Humans fell into conflict, sparking the Therengia-Kwarlog War. ECHO ECHO * * * The Dwarves withdrew from the destroyed outpost of Hvaral ECHO * * * and the Therengians rebuilt the town in a Therengian style, ECHO * * * including a keep that houses Hvaral's rulers, the Neristan Keep. ECHO * * * Hvaral is a unique clash of Dwarven and Human architecture. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * Hvaral is currently governed by Lord Elbaeryn ECHO * * * Despite its name the Gemfire Mountains have few gems, or ores or salt. ECHO * * * Muspar'i was built and settled by the S'kra Mur in recent times, after the Therengia-Kwarlog War ECHO * * * Hvaral survives upon interprovincial trade, being the gateway to the Velaka Desert ECHO ECHO * * * More can be learned about Hvaral by reading "A History of Hvaral" located in the Neristan Keep of Hvaral. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 90 waitfor The sand barge pulls into pause match LEAVEBARGEEASTNOGROUP You have no group match LEAVEBARGEEASTNOGROUP You must be visible match LEAVEBARGEEASTGROUP You whisper put whisper group GO DOCK! We can not get off the barge together as a group. You have to get off the barge yourself. matchwait


LEAVEBARGEEASTNOGROUP: pause move go dock goto %1

MUS-HVA: pause move e move go ramp move se move ne move e move n move e move go narrow gateway ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HVARAL ECHO * * * A small town in the Gemfire Mountains on the edge of the Velaka Desert ECHO * * * Governed by Lord Elbaeryn of House Dacawla from within the Neristan Keep ECHO * * * Formerly a Dwarven town of the Kwarlog Kingdom, since occupied by the Human Therengians ECHO * * * An important trade route between Therengia, Muspar'i, and Kwarlog (a Dwarven city and kingdom) ECHO =================== ECHO pause goto %1

HVA-FOR: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the territory of House Macwe, one of the great Therengian houses ECHO pause move e move down move e move ne move ne move n move n move n move ne move se move se move s move s move s move se move se move se move ne move n move n move n move n move ne move ne move e move se move se move s move s move s move s move se move se move ne move ne move n move n move n move ne move ne move e move go stone causeway move go small gateway move e move go ironwood doors move e move go gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FORNSTED ECHO * * * Located in the Ke'Leor Forest atop the Ker'Leor mountains ECHO * * * Governed by Lord Paragon Larohald of the House Trigomas (one of the great Human houses of Therengia) ECHO * * * Protected by Arnshal Keep, named for the Arncharn Shel Mountains that divide Therengia and Forfedhdar ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

FOR-THE: pause move go steel bridge move e move e move down move climb rocky path move se move s move sw move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Descending to the base of the Ker'Leor mountains, homeland of the gypsies led by King Talorc ECHO ECHO move down move down move down move down move down move climb rocky path move s move se move s move s move se ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by Laakmir, site of the Suur Pillar, which houses Firulf's staff and which created the electrical creatures called seordmaors ECHO ECHO move se move sw move s move w move s move sw move se move sw move sw move s move sw move se move s move se move s goto THERENROADEAST1

THERENROADEAST1: pause match THERENROADEASTNOGROUP You have no group match THERENROADEASTNOGROUP You must be visible match THERENROADEASTGROUP You whisper match THERENROADEAST1 ...wait match THERENROADEAST1 type ahead put whisper group Go EAST right now and join me on the other side! matchwait



THERENROADEASTDONE: pause move go stone wall ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THERENBOROUGH ECHO * * * Protected by Theren Keep ECHO * * * Governed by the Baron of House Theren, to which all other Therengian lords kneel ECHO * * * Patron god is Rutilor the mongoose, positive aspect of Chadatru, god of truth and justice and patron of paladins and House Theren ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

LAN-THE: pause move nw move n move n move n move nw move ne move n move nw move n move n move n move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River by bridge ECHO move n move n move go northern shore ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Danduwen Forest ECHO move n move nw move n move nw move ne move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Beyond the eucalyptus tree are kelpies, wood trolls, and cougars ECHO move ne move nw move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dunshade Moors ECHO * * * Former territory of the House Dunshade before its disbanding ECHO pause move w move nw move n move n move nw move n move ne move ne move n move n move nw move n move ne move n move n move ne move nw move ne move e move n move n move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the apple orchards and fertile farmlands of upper Therengia ECHO move n move ne move ne move nw move ne move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by the Mistwood Forest, home to Rossman's Landing ECHO * * * Also in the forest are orcs, warcats, peccaries, and sky giants ECHO move ne move n move ne move e move n move n move ne move ne move nw move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THERENBOROUGH ECHO * * * Protected by Theren Keep ECHO * * * Governed by the Baron of House Theren, to which all other Therengian lords kneel ECHO * * * Patron god is Rutilor the mongoose, positive aspect of Chadatru, god of truth and justice and patron of paladins and House Theren ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

SKILLCHECK7: pause match THE-ROS-CONT Athletics: match NOROSSMAN EXP HELP put exp athletics 50 matchwait

THE-ROS: GROUPCHECK7: pause match HEALTHCHECK7 You have no group match HEALTHCHECK7 You must be visible match THE-BAR You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

HEALTHCHECK7: pause match PERCEPTIONCHECK7B head match PERCEPTIONCHECK7A Encumbrance : match HEALTHCHECK7 ...wait match HEALTHCHECK7 type ahead put health put enc matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK7A: save PERCEPTIONCHECK7A match CLIMBCHECK7 Athletics: match THE-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 120 matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK7B: save PERCEPTIONCHECK7B match CLIMBCHECK7 Athletics: match THE-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 140 matchwait

CLIMBCHECK7: pause match SWIMCHECK7 Athletics: match THE-BAR EXP HELP match CLIMBCHECK7 ...wait match CLIMBCHECK7 type ahead put exp athletics 100 matchwait

SWIMCHECK7: pause match GREATathletics7 Athletics: match THE-BAR EXP HELP put experience athletics 30 matchwait

GREATathletics7: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** Great athletics Skills! ECHO *** Taking the Rossman's Landing shortcut! ECHO ============================== ECHO goto THE-ROS-CONT

THE-BAR: ECHO ECHO ======================================== ECHO *** You cannot take the Rossman's Landing shortcut because you either ECHO *** Have a group OR need more perception (140+), climbing (100+), or swimming (30+) ECHO ECHO *** TAKING THE BARGE INSTEAD *** ECHO ======================================== ECHO pause match THE-BAR-CONT I don't know who you are referring to. match THE-BAR-CONT But no one can see you. match GETMONEYSOUTHBARGE But you don't have that much! match GETMONEYSOUTHBARGE You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 65 lirum matchwait

GETMONEYSOUTHBARGE: ECHO ECHO *** GETTING LIRUMS FROM THEREN BANK *** ECHO pause move go town gate move n move e move e move n move n move ne move go marble entrance move n put withdraw 13 bronze lirum pause move s move out move sw move s move s move w move w move s move go town gate goto THE-BAR-CONT

THE-BAR-CONT: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling by the farmlands, orchards, and country cottages of the beautiful Therengian countryside ECHO pause move s move se move sw move sw move s move s move w move sw move s move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by the Mistwood Forest, home to Rossman's Landing ECHO * * * Also in the forest are orcs, warcats, peccaries, and sky giants ECHO move sw move sw move se move sw move sw move s move s move sw move s move s move w move sw move se move sw move s move s move sw move s move se move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dunshade Moors ECHO * * * Former territory of the House Dunshade before its disbanding ECHO pause move s move sw move sw move s move se move s move s move se move e move s move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Danduwen Forest ECHO move s move s move se move sw move se move s move se move s move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River ECHO move s move s move go southern shore move s move s move s move se move s move sw move se move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LANGENFIRTH ECHO * * * A Ranger haven on the western shores of Lake Gwenalion, in the midst of Danduwen Forest ECHO * * * Located within the territories of House Abriyit, one of the 16 great houses of Therengia ECHO * * * Named for Langen, a monk from the firth, who created Langen's Ale. ECHO * * (Langen's Feast is celebrated on the 3rd day of Ka'Len each year) ECHO =================== ECHO move go Waldroth's Landing move n move e goto SOUTHBARGE

elb-riv: GROUPCheckElbain7: pause match HEALTHCheckElbain7 You have no group match HEALTHCheckElbain7 You must be visible match ELB-BAR You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

HEALTHCheckElbain7: pause match PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7B head match PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7A Encumbrance : match HEALTHCheckElbain7 ...wait match HEALTHCheckElbain7 type ahead put health put enc matchwait

PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7A: save PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7A match CLIMBCheckElbain7 Athletics: match ELB-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 120 matchwait

PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7B: save PERCEPTIONCheckElbain7B match CLIMBCheckElbain7 Athletics: match ELB-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 140 matchwait

CLIMBCheckElbain7: pause match SWIMCheckElbain7 Athletics: match ELB-BAR EXP HELP match CLIMBCheckElbain7 ...wait match CLIMBCheckElbain7 type ahead put exp athletics 100 matchwait

SWIMCheckElbain7: pause match GREATathleticsElbain7 Athletics: match ELB-BAR EXP HELP put experience athletics 30 matchwait

GREATathleticsElbain7: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** Great athletics Skills! ECHO *** Taking the Rossman's Landing shortcut! ECHO ============================== ECHO goto ELB-ROS-CONT

ELB-ROS-CONT: pause move go main road move w goto ELB-ROS-2CONT

ELB-BAR: ECHO ECHO ======================================== ECHO *** You cannot take the Rossman's Landing shortcut because you either ECHO *** Have a group OR need more perception (140+), climbing (100+), or swimming (30+) ECHO ECHO *** TAKING THE BARGE INSTEAD *** ECHO ======================================== ECHO pause move go main road move w move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Danduwen Forest ECHO * * * Beyond the eucalyptus tree are kelpies, wood trolls, and cougars ECHO move s move s move se move sw move se move s move se move s move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River ECHO move s move s move go southern shore move s move s move s move se move s move sw move se move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LANGENFIRTH ECHO =================== ECHO move go Waldroth's Landing move n move e goto SOUTHBARGE

lan-riv: GROUPCheckLang7: pause match HEALTHCheckLang7 You have no group match HEALTHCheckLang7 You must be visible match LAN-BAR You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

HEALTHCheckLang7: pause match PERCEPTIONCheckLang7B head match PERCEPTIONCheckLang7A Encumbrance : match HEALTHCheckLang7 ...wait match HEALTHCheckLang7 type ahead put health put enc matchwait

PERCEPTIONCheckLang7A: save PERCEPTIONCheckLang7A match CLIMBCheckLang7 Athletics: match LAN-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 120 matchwait

PERCEPTIONCheckLang7B: save PERCEPTIONCheckLang7B match CLIMBCheckLang7 Athletics: match LAN-BAR EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 140 matchwait

CLIMBCheckLang7: pause match SWIMCheckLang7 Athletics: match LAN-BAR EXP HELP match CLIMBCheckLang7 ...wait match CLIMBCheckLang7 type ahead put exp athletics 100 matchwait

SWIMCheckLang7: pause match GREATathleticsLang7 Athletics: match LAN-BAR EXP HELP put experience athletics 30 matchwait

GREATathleticsLang7: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** Great athletics Skills! ECHO *** Taking the Rossman's Landing shortcut! ECHO ============================== ECHO goto LAN-ROS-CONT

LAN-BAR: ECHO ECHO ======================================== ECHO *** You cannot take the Rossman's Landing shortcut because you either ECHO *** Have a group OR need more perception (140+), climbing (100+), or swimming (30+) ECHO ECHO *** TAKING THE BARGE INSTEAD *** ECHO ======================================== ECHO pause move go Waldroth's Landing move n move e goto SOUTHBARGE

SOUTHBARGE: put stand pause put go barge match WAITFORSOUTHBARGE wait for the next one. match WAITFORSOUTHBARGE until the next one arrives. match WAITFORSOUTHBARGE There is no ferry match WAITONSOUTHBARGE You hand him your lirums and climb aboard. match WAITONSOUTHBARGE The Captain gives you a little nod match NOMONEY You haven't got enough lirums matchwait


put hide



put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding the barge across Lake Gwenalion to Riverhaven ECHO *** This barge and casino is owned by Ditsworth, sailing since 305 AV. ECHO *** The trip takes seven minutes. ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ================================= echo *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 2 ECHO * * * The currency of the Therengian province is the Lirum. ECHO * * * The Lirum is named after the wife of Akroeg the Ram. ECHO ECHO * * * Akroeg united all the races under the banner of the Ram Clan. ECHO * * * After Akroeg's death his work was continued by his wife, his son Verek, Barbalas, and the scholar Moliko. ECHO * * * This group ended the Ram Clan and formed the Seven Pointed Star Empire. ECHO ================================= ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ================================= echo *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 2 ECHO * * * Akroeg's son Verek was annointed the first emperor ECHO * * * Vereklaath or Founding Day is celebrated on the 1st day of the month of Akroeg the Ram ECHO * * * Vereklaath is celebrated by parades of soldiers in full armor and exchange of gifts among Therengians ECHO ================================= ECHO waitfor crew ties the barge off. put stand pause move go pier move e move s move e move go wooden archway move ne move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RIVERHAVEN ECHO * * * Site of the Dunshade manor, where Byron Dunshade murdered his wife Tatia and daughter Laurel then killed himself. ECHO * * * Home to the olvio from the badlands to the northwest, who built the Halfling Quarter in town. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

LAN-ROS-CONT: pause move nw move n move n move n move nw move ne move n move nw move n move n move n move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River by bridge ECHO move n move n move go northern shore ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Danduwen Forest ECHO move n move nw move n move nw move ne move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Beyond the eucalyptus tree are kelpies, wood trolls, and cougars ECHO move ne move nw ELB-ROS-2CONT: move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dunshade Moors ECHO * * * Former territory of the House Dunshade before its disbanding ECHO pause move w move nw move n move n move nw move n move ne move ne move n move n move nw move n move ne move n move n move ne move nw move ne move e move n move n move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the apple orchards and fertile farmlands of upper Therengia ECHO move n move ne move ne move nw move ne move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Mistwood Forest ECHO goto LAN-ROS-2CONT

THE-ROS-CONT: pause move s move se move sw move sw move s move s move w move sw move s move sw LAN-ROS-2CONT: move go forest road move s move ne move se move s move sw move w move s move ne move e move se move ne move se move e move se put stow right pause put stow left ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * In this ravine sky giants roam ECHO pause

ROPES: put climb rope match SHUFFLES You climb match WAITS is already on the rope. matchwait

WAITS: put hide ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for someone to get off the ropes ECHO match ROPES finally arriving match ROPES finally reaching matchwait

SHUFFLES: ECHO ECHO *** Travelling south on a dangerous rope bridge over a deep ravine inhabited by sky giants ECHO pause pause put shuffle south waitfor Roundtime ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO ECHO *** Orcs and Warcats at the end of these ropes - PAY ATTENTION ! ! ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO pause pause put shuffle south waitfor Roundtime pause pause put shuffle south waitfor Roundtime pause put retreat put retreat pause put retreat move se move sw move se move sw move se move go thicket move south move west move west move north move go forest move sw move nw move w move nw move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ROSSMAN'S LANDING ECHO *** A wilderness village in the Mistwood Forest on the northeastern shores of Lake Gwenalion ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

ROS-RIV: HEALTHCHECK8: pause match PERCEPTIONCHECK8B head match PERCEPTIONCHECK8A Encumbrance : match HEALTHCHECK8 ...wait match HEALTHCHECK8 type ahead put health put enc matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK8A: save PERCEPTIONCHECK8A match CLIMBCHECK8 Athletics: match SKILLCHECK8 EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 120 matchwait

PERCEPTIONCHECK8B: save PERCEPTIONCHECK8B match CLIMBCHECK8 Athletics: match SKILLCHECK8 EXP HELP match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put exp athletics 140 matchwait

CLIMBCHECK8: pause match SWIMCHECK8 Athletics: match SKILLCHECK8 EXP HELP match CLIMBCHECK8 ...wait match CLIMBCHECK8 type ahead put exp athletics 100 matchwait

SWIMCHECK8: pause match ROS-TO-RIV Athletics: match SKILLCHECK8 EXP HELP match SWIMCHECK8 ...wait match SWIMCHECK8 type ahead put experience athletics 30 matchwait

SKILLCHECK8: pause match ROS-LONGWAY Athletics: match NOROSSMAN2 EXP HELP match SKILLCHECK8 ...wait match SKILLCHECK8 type ahead put exp athletics 50 matchwait

NOROSSMAN2: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** You do not have enough perception (140), climbing (100), or swimming (30) which are all required to take the shortcut from Rossman's to Riverhaven, nor do you have the 50 ranks of climbing required to get from Rossman's to Therenborough. You must rent a boat to sail on Lake Gwenalion, moongate out, or find someone to help you. ECHO ============================== ECHO EXIT

ROS-LONGWAY: pause ECHO ECHO ============================ ECHO *** You don't have enough perception (140), climbing (100), or swimming (30) to take the shortcut from Rossman's to Riverhaven. ECHO *** You will be taken the long way using the barge from Langenfirth to Riverhaven. ECHO ============================= ECHO GOTO ROS-THE

ROS-TO-RIV: pause move e move se move e move se move s move se move s move go river ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Swimming down the swift-flowing Jantspyre River towards Riverhaven ECHO * * * Named the "Giant's Pyre" for a boulder formation in the river which resembles a massive corpse on a funeral pyre ECHO pause move w pause move sw pause move sw pause move w ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering territory inhabited by poisonous nightreaver unyns ECHO pause move go bank move sw move s move se move s move s put s

SEARCHOUTCROP3A: save SEARCHOUTCROP3A match SEARCHOUTCROP3B irregular handholds! match SEARCHOUTCROP3A don't find anything of interest. match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put search outcrop matchwait

SEARCHOUTCROP3B: move climb handhold move climb handhold move sw move se move s move sw move s move se move e ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing a meadow where barghests graze ECHO move sw move s move se move sw move s move sw move se move s move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The western wilds of Riverhaven, inhabited by ECHO * * * Goblin shamans, crayfish, eels, rams, bears, arbelogs, ogres, and wolf spiders ECHO move s move se move go gate move e move e move e move e move e move e move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RIVERHAVEN ECHO * * * Site of the Dunshade manor, where Byron Dunshade murdered his wife Tatia and daughter Laurel then killed himself. ECHO * * * Home to the olvio from the badlands to the northwest, who built the Halfling Quarter in town. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

RIV-DIR: GROUPCHECK2: pause match BURDENCHECK2 You have no group match BURDENCHECK2 You must be visible match GROUP2 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait


BURDENCHECK2: save BURDENCHECK2 match BURDENCHECK2A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK2A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK2B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK2C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK2D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK2E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK2F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK2G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK2H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK2I amazing you aren't squashed! match PAUSE ...wait match PAUSE type ahead put encumbrance matchwait

BURDENCHECK2A: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match CANTSWIM2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 120 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2B: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 170 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2C: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2D: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 250 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2E: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 290 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2F: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 330 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2G: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 370 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2H: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 410 matchwait

BURDENCHECK2I: pause match RIV-DIR-SOUTH Athletics: match OVERBURDENED2 EXP HELP put experience athletics 450 matchwait



RIV-FER: pause move w move go municipal pier move go wooden archway move go ramp HAVENFERRYSOUTH: put stand pause put go ferry match WAITFORHAVENFERRYSOUTH wait for the next one. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYSOUTH until the next one arrives. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYSOUTH I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITFORHAVENFERRYSOUTH What were you referring to? match WAITONHAVENFERRYSOUTH You hand him your lirums and climb aboard. match WAITONHAVENFERRYSOUTH The Captain gives you a little nod match GETMONEYHAVENFERRYSOUTH You haven't got enough lirums matchwait


put hide


GETMONEYHAVENFERRYSOUTH: ECHO ECHO *** GETTING LIRUMS FROM BANK *** ECHO move go ramp move go wooden archway move ne move nw move n move n move go bank move go arch put withdraw 30 copper pause put withdraw 30 copper move go arch move out move s move s move se move go municipal pier move go wooden archway move go ramp GOTO HAVENFERRYSOUTH


put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding the ferry south across the Faldesu River, which takes three minutes. ECHO *** This ferry is operated by House Shillat, one of the 16 Therengian great houses (or Morzindaen) ECHO pause waitfor crew ties the ferry off. put stand pause move go dock goto %1

FER-DIR: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the plains and farmlands of southern Therengia ECHO pause move s move s move se move e move e move e move e move e move go covered bridge move e move e move se move se move e move e move e move e ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Faldesu River lies northward, surrounded by swamps where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO pause GOTO CROC-DIR

RIV-FALDESU: pause move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move go gate pause ECHO ECHO *** DIVE RIVER to swim in the Faldesu ECHO goto finish

FAL-FER: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through swamplands where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO pause move se move s move s move s move se move s move se move w move w move w move w move nw move nw move w move w move go covered bridge move w move w move w move w move w move nw move n move n goto %1

RIV-DIR-SOUTH: pause move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move go gate put dive river ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Now swimming south across the Faldesu River towards the farmlands of southern Therengia ECHO put se pause put se pause put se pause put se SSWIMROCK: pause put se pause match SSWIMSOUTHWEST but see nothing of interest match SSWIMROCK You glance match SSWIMROCK ...wait put peer south put glance matchwait

SSWIMSOUTHWEST: pause put sw match SSWIMSOUTHWEST You struggle match SSWIMSOUTHWEST You blunder match SSWIMSOUTHWEST You slap match SSWIMSOUTHWEST You work match SSWIMSOUTHWEST You flounder match SSWIMSHORE [ match SSWIMSHORE You swim match SSWIMSOUTHWEST ...wait matchwait

SSWIMSHORE: pause put se match SSWIMSHORE [ match SSWIMSHORE You swim match SCLIMBBRIDGE You can't swim match SSWIMSHORE ...wait matchwait

SCLIMBBRIDGE: pause move climb bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through swamplands where crocodiles and leeches reside ECHO move se move s move s move s move se move s move se ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the plains and farmlands of southern Therengia ECHO CROC-DIR: move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move se move s move s move go bridge move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The ruins of Sicle Grove, destroyed by the eruption ECHO * * * of the Greater Fist caused by the fire mage Mibgluc ECHO * * * Previously a medical community and home to Timothy, now inhabited by fire maidens ECHO ECHO move se move s move sw move sw move s move s

LAVA19: match LAVA20 [North Road, Tunnel] match LAVAP19 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP19 You can't do that while lying down. put go tunnel matchwait

LAVAP19: put stand pause goto LAVA19

LAVA20: match LAVA21 Your view north is partially blocked match LAVAP20 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP20 You can't do that while lying down. put s matchwait

LAVAP20: put stand pause goto LAVA20

LAVA21: match LAVA22 The route descends into the dust match LAVAP21 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP21 You can't do that while lying down. put s matchwait

LAVAP21: put stand pause goto LAVA21

LAVA22: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the ruined town of Skeleton's Crook and the Gate of Souls ECHO * * * Inhabited by fire sprites, firecats, atik'et, and westanuryns ECHO match LAVA23 Occasional flashes of red light match LAVAP22 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP22 You can't do that while lying down. put sw matchwait

LAVAP22: put stand pause goto LAVA22

LAVA23: match LAVA24 A tongue of molten lava match LAVAP23 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP23 You can't do that while lying down. put go old flow matchwait

LAVAP23: put stand pause goto LAVA23

LAVA24: match LAVA25 The wind rips a stream match LAVAP24 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP24 You can't do that while lying down. put sw matchwait

LAVAP24: put stand pause goto LAVA24

LAVA25: match LAVA26 As the road crosses a low point match LAVAP25 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP25 You can't do that while lying down. put sw matchwait

LAVAP25: put stand pause goto LAVA25

LAVA26: pause match LAVASOUTH1 No one! match LAVASOUTH2 You have: put assess group put wealth matchwait

LAVASOUTH1: PAUSE put stand put s match DIGSOUTH1 feeble attempt match DIGSOUTH1 falling short of your goal. match DIGSOUTH1 holds you tightly, preventing match LAVASOUTH1 fails to keep up with you through the match WALKSOUTH1 You easily navigate match WALKSOUTH1 is difficult, but manageable... match WALKSOUTH1 succeeding only with effort match LAVASOUTH1 ...wait matchwait

DIGSOUTH1: pause put stand put dig match LAVASOUTH1 You manage to dig enough match DIGSOUTH1 You struggle to dig match WALKSOUTH1 You will have to kneel match DIGSOUTH1 ...wait matchwait

LAVASOUTH2: PAUSE put stand put s match DIGSOUTH2 feeble attempt match DIGSOUTH2 falling short of your goal. match DIGSOUTH2 holds you tightly, preventing match WALKSOUTH2 You easily navigate match WALKSOUTH2 is difficult, but manageable... match WALKSOUTH2 succeeding only with effort match LAVASOUTH2 ...wait matchwait

DIGSOUTH2: pause put stand put dig match LAVASOUTH2 You manage to dig enough match DIGSOUTH2 You struggle to dig match WALKSOUTH2 You will have to kneel match DIGSOUTH2 ...wait matchwait


WALKSOUTH1: pause LAVA27: match LAVA28 The reek of the gasses match LAVAP27 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP27 You can't do that while lying down. put go narrow trail matchwait

LAVAP27: put stand pause goto LAVA27

LAVA28: match LAVA29 [North Rim, Canyon] match LAVAP28 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP28 You can't do that while lying down. put e matchwait

LAVAP28: put stand pause goto LAVA28

LAVA29: match LAVA30 The road north is blocked match LAVAP29 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP29 You can't do that while lying down. put go trail matchwait

LAVAP29: put stand pause goto LAVA29

LAVA30: match LAVA31 The land about you is still and lifeless. match LAVAP30 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP30 You can't do that while lying down. put se matchwait

LAVAP30: put stand pause goto LAVA30

LAVA31: match LAVA32 Heat rises in palpable waves match LAVAP31 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP31 You can't do that while lying down. put s matchwait

LAVAP31: put stand pause goto LAVA31

LAVA32: match LAVA33 [North Road] match LAVAP32 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP32 You can't do that while lying down. put s matchwait

LAVAP32: put stand pause goto LAVA32

LAVA33: match LAVA34 [North Roads Caravansary] match LAVAP33 You must be standing to do that. match LAVAP33 You can't do that while lying down. put s matchwait

LAVAP33: put stand pause goto LAVA33

LAVA34: ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** Entering the Province of Zoluren ECHO *** Governed by Prince Vorclaf ECHO *** Named from High Gamgweth "Zohlu Ren", meaning "First Land" ECHO =================== ECHO pause ECHO ECHO *** NTR CARAVANSARY ECHO *** A large traveller's outpost at the border between Zoluren and Therengia ECHO GOTO %1

DIR-STO: pause move se move se move se move se move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move se move sw move s move s move sw move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the Silverwater Mines and Silverwater Lake, inhabited by faenrae reavers and wind hounds. ECHO move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * This copse holds a Dark Temple with skeletons, zombies, and other undead. ECHO move s move s move se move se move s move sw move s move go wood bridge move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing a wilderness path where leucros, vipers, geni, and rock guardians dwell ECHO move sw move w move w move s move sw move s move s ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STONE CLAN aka STAAN STOK (in Dwarven Haakish) ECHO * * * Led by the clan elder, Cloudcrest ECHO * * * Dwarves are said to be loathed by Elves because it was Dwarves who killed Keloryon, Father of all Elves, and because of the enslavement of many Wind Elves in the Dragonspine Mountains. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

STO-KAE: pause move w move w move s move se move se move go town gate move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO * * * Home to the Gilded Unicorn Inn and Tavern, owned by Savrin Kaerna ECHO * * * Adjacent to Sorrow's Reach, home of Lord Sorrow and the S'lai ECHO =================== ECHO goto finish

STO-ART: pause move w move w move s move se move se move go town gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO * * * Adjacent to Sorrow's Reach, home of Lord Sorrow and the S'lai ECHO =================== ECHO pause move sw move s move go town gate move sw move s move s move s move s move s move s move w move w move w move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move se move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ARTHE DALE ECHO * * * A Halfling village, founded by Daffleberry Tanglefoot ECHO * * * Patron god is Glythtide the ram, god of joy, wine, song, ECHO * * * and fellowship, and patron to Bards, gourmands, and drunks. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

ART-CRO: pause move s move s move se move sw move s move s move se move w move sw move sw move w move w move go birch copse move sw move sw move w move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Northward is a monastary surrounded by gargoyles and death spirits and a bramble full of badgers and trollkins ECHO move sw move s move go crumbling archway move e move e move s move e move s move e move s move w move w move s move s move s ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union ECHO move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THE CROSSING aka River Crossing ECHO * * * Protected by Ulf'Hara Keep, home to Prince Vorclaf, leader of the province of Zoluren ECHO * * * Heart of the Five Provinces, called The Dragon's Realms because they were formed by Lanival "the Dragon" ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

CAR-CRO: pause move se move se move se move se move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move se move sw move s move s move sw move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Silverwater Mines: inhabited by faenrae reavers and wind hounds. ECHO move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Dark Temple: skeletons, zombies, and other undead. ECHO move s move s move se move se move s move sw move s move go wood bridge move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Wilderness path: where leucros, vipers, geni, and rock guardians dwell ECHO move sw move w move w move s move sw move s move s ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STONE CLAN ECHO =================== ECHO move w move w move s move se move se move go town gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KAERNA VILLAGE ECHO * * * Adjacent to Sorrow's Reach, home of Lord Sorrow and the S'lai ECHO =================== ECHO move sw move s move go town gate move sw move s move s move s move s move s move s move w move w move w move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move se move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ARTHE DALE, a Halfling village! ECHO =================== ECHO move s move s move se move sw move s move s move se move w move sw move sw move w move w move go birch copse move sw move sw move w move sw move sw move s move go crumbling archway move e move e move s move e move s move e move s move w move w move s move s move s ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union ECHO move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THE CROSSING aka River Crossing ECHO * * * Protected by Ulf'Hara Keep, home to Prince Vorclaf, leader of the province of Zoluren ECHO * * * Heart of the Five Provinces, called The Dragon's Realms because they were formed by Lanival "the Dragon" ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

CRO-LET: CHECKGUILD: match GROUPCHECK4 Guild: Thief match CRO-FER Gender: put info matchwait

GROUPCHECK4: pause match BURDENCHECK4 You have no group match BURDENCHECK4 You must be visible match CRO-FER You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

BURDENCHECK4: save BURDENCHECK4 match SWIMCHECK4A Encumbrance : None match SWIMCHECK4A Encumbrance : Light match SWIMCHECK4B Encumbrance : Somewhat match SWIMCHECK4C Encumbrance : Burdened match SWIMCHECK4D Encumbrance : Heavy match SWIMCHECK4E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match SWIMCHECK4F Overburdened match SWIMCHECK4G Encumbrance : Tottering match SWIMCHECK4H even able to move? match SWIMCHECK4I amazing you aren't squashed! match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put encumbrance matchwait

SWIMCHECK4A: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match CRO-FER EXP HELP put experience athletics 25 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4B: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 40 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4C: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 75 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4D: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 110 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4E: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 140 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4F: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 175 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4G: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4H: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 240 matchwait

SWIMCHECK4I: pause match PAS-LET Athletics: match OVERBURDENED4 EXP HELP put experience athletics 270 matchwait


CRO-FER: pause move sw move go Longbow Bridge move sw move w move w move w move w move sw move go wooden pier

CROSSINGFERRYSOUTH: put stand pause put go ferry match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH wait for the next one. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH until the next one arrives. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH What were you referring to? match WAITFORCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH There is no ferry here to go aboard. match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH You hand him your match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH The Captain gives you a little nod match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH You silently slip aboard, match WAITONCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH But I see you're pretty young match GETMONEYCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH You haven't got enough matchwait


put hide


GETMONEYCROSSINGFERRYSOUTH: ECHO ECHO *** GETTING KRONARS FROM THE BANK *** ECHO pause move go Lemicus Square move ne move e move e move e move e move ne move go Longbow Bridge move ne move go Provincial Bank move go teller window put withdraw 35 copper pause put withdraw 35 copper pause move out move out goto CRO-FER


put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding south across the mighty Segoltha River towards Leth Deriel, the ancient Elven stronghold. ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * Between Crossing and Leth is the Forest of Night, created by the mad mage Sithsia. ECHO ECHO * * * Lord Ellinton, Sithsia's employer, built her a keep in the Endrus Forest ECHO * * * During a conflict with Ellinton's enemies his son was slain. ECHO * * * Sithsia wept tears of blood and fell into madness. ECHO * * * She called to the dead to rise and kill all, friend and foe. ECHO ECHO * * * Today magic and life are twisted and dark in the Forest of ECHO * * * Night and Sithsia, if she lives, hides in her ever-moving keep ECHO ECHO * * * You can read more in "The Forest of Night" at the Izma University in Leth Deriel. ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 2 of 2 ECHO ECHO * * * Sithsia, mage of the Forest, is credited with ending the Dragon Priest reign ECHO ECHO * * * Dzree sent 10,000 troops to conquer Leth Deriel, but only 1 returned. ECHO * * * He spoke of a twisted forest of mist and darkness and mishappen fae ECHO * * * Dzree sent more armies, but each time all perished but one survivor. ECHO ECHO * * * Then one day Sithsia appeared to Dzree before the Throne of Blood and ECHO * * * told Dzree she would never have Leth Deriel, then prophesied that Dzree ECHO * * * and her empire would fall in one year, and so it did. ECHO ECHO * * * You can read more in "The Legend of the World Dragon" at The Crossing Temple ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause waitfor crew ties the ferry off. put stand pause move go dock goto %1

FER-LET: pause move s move s move s GOTO BOULDERSOUTH

PAS-LET: pause move sw move go bridge move n move n move go ware move s put open trap move go trap move go river move w move n match PAS-LET-CONT2 You duck quietly match RETURN2CRO I could not find match RETURN2CRO What were you referring to? put go panel matchwait

RETURN2CRO: pause move s move e move go ware move u move n move out move s move s move go bridge move ne goto CRO-FER

PAS-LET-CONT2: move climb step ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * You have entered the fabled 5th Passage of which many Thieves spent years trying to find ECHO SMOVE: pause put s match SMOVE1 You splash south, moving sideways to the current. match SMOVE You slap match SMOVE You struggle match SMOVE You flounder match SMOVE make much headway match SMOVE ...wait match SMOVE type ahead matchwait

SMOVE1: pause put s match SMOVE2 You splash south, moving sideways to the current. match SMOVE1 You slap match SMOVE1 You struggle match SMOVE1 You flounder match SMOVE1 make much headway match SMOVE1 ...wait match SMOVE1 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE2: PAUSE put sw match SMOVE3 You splash southwest match SMOVE2 You slap match SMOVE2 You struggle match SMOVE2 You flounder match SMOVE2 make much headway match SMOVE2 ...wait match SMOVE2 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE3: pause put sw match SMOVE4 You splash southwest match SMOVE4 You wade southwest match SMOVE3 You slap match SMOVE3 You struggle match SMOVE3 You flounder match SMOVE3 make much headway match SMOVE3 ...wait match SMOVE3 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE4: pause put down match SMOVE5 You swim down match SMOVE4 You slap match SMOVE4 You struggle match SMOVE4 You flounder match SMOVE4 make much headway match SMOVE4 ...wait match SMOVE4 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE5: pause put s match SMOVE6 You splash south match SMOVE6 You swim south match SMOVE5 You slap match SMOVE5 You struggle match SMOVE5 You flounder match SMOVE5 make much headway match SMOVE5 ...wait match SMOVE5 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE6: pause put sw match SMOVE7 You splash southwest match SMOVE7 You swim southwest match SMOVE6 You slap match SMOVE6 You struggle match SMOVE6 You flounder match SMOVE6 make much headway match SMOVE6 ...wait match SMOVE6 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE7: pause put sw match SMOVE8 You splash southwest match SMOVE8 You swim southwest match SMOVE7 You slap match SMOVE7 You struggle match SMOVE7 You flounder match SMOVE7 make much headway match SMOVE7 ...wait match SMOVE7 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE8: pause put s match SMOVE9 You splash south match SMOVE9 You swim south match SMOVE8 You slap match SMOVE8 You struggle match SMOVE8 You flounder match SMOVE8 make much headway match SMOVE8 ...wait match SMOVE8 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE9: pause put up match SMOVE10 You splash up match SMOVE10 You wade up match SMOVE9 You slap match SMOVE9 You struggle match SMOVE9 You flounder match SMOVE9 make much headway match SMOVE9 ...wait match SMOVE9 type ahead matchwait

SMOVE10: pause move sw move w move sw move climb ladder move go gap BOULDERSOUTH: ECHO ECHO * * * Now entering the Endrus Forest, home to Leth Deriel. ECHO move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move se move se move s move s move sw move sw move sw move s move se ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the Forest of Night, created by mad mage Sithsia ECHO * * * Home to nyads, dryads, and death spirits ECHO move sw move s move sw move s move s move se move se move sw

WEBSOUTH1: match NOWEBSOUTH Thick trees line the route here, match WEBSOUTH2 Roundtime match WEBSOUTH2 You can't do that while match WEBSOUTH2 ...wait put sw MATCHWAIT

WEBSOUTH2: pause ECHO ECHO *** You are stuck in a spider's web. Be patient. ECHO match WEBSOUTH1 Using your escape match WEBSOUTH1 The webs break apart and fall away, releasing you. matchwait

NOWEBSOUTH: move sw move sw move s move sw move se move se move s move s move se move se move s move s move se move go bower gate move se move se move se move se move se move se move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** LETH DERIEL ECHO *** Ancient stronghold of the Forest Elves ECHO *** Protected by the mad mage Sithsia ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

LET-GON: pause move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move go bower gate move sw move s move sw move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing the manor of Lasarhhtha Oshu'ehhrsk the Bone Dancer ECHO * * * Home to bone wolves, zombies, germish'din, and kartais ECHO move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move s move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move sw move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move sw move w move sw move s move sw move s move sw move s move s move w move w move sw move sw move s move sw move s move sw move s move sw move s move sw move sw move go blockade move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dragonspine Mountains via the Obsidian Pass ECHO * * * Beware of snowbeasts, particularly down that track ECHO move se move sw move s put stow left pause put stow right move climb platform goto %1

north-platform: northgondolacheck: ECHO *** Northern Gondola Platform pause match nsundergondola Athletics: match 2north-platform EXP HELP put experience 540 matchwait

2north-platform: pause match WAITONSOUTHGONDOLA [Gondola match WAITFORSOUTHGONDOLA There is no put go gondola matchwait

WAITFORSOUTHGONDOLA: pause ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE GONDOLA TO ARRIVE *** ECHO * * * If you believe you can take the quick shortcut under the ECHO * * * gondola (approximately 540 base ranks of climbing) type SHORTCUT1 ECHO pause put look gondola match GETONSOUTHGONDOLA The gondola stops on the platform match WAITFORSOUTHGONDOLA YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE match nsundergondola SHORTCUT1 match nsundergondola shortcut1 matchwait

GETONSOUTHGONDOLA: put stand pause move go gondola goto WAITONSOUTHGONDOLA

nsundergondola: pause move go ridge move n goto CLIMB-BRANCH

CLIMB-BRANCH: SAVE CLIMB-BRANCH match CLIMB-NICHE A stand of tall trees comes into view match FAIL-BRANCH1 steepness is intimidating match FAIL-BRANCH1 can't seem to find purchase match FAIL-BRANCH1 find it hard going. match FAIL-BRANCH1 A wave of dizziness hits you match FAIL-BRANCH1 Struck by vertigo match FAIL-BRANCH1 your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb branch matchwait

FAIL-BRANCH1: SAVE FAIL-BRANCH1 pause match CLIMB-NICHE A stand of tall trees comes into view match FAIL-BRANCH2 steepness is intimidating match FAIL-BRANCH2 can't seem to find purchase match FAIL-BRANCH2 find it hard going. match FAIL-BRANCH2 your footing is questionable match FAIL-BRANCH2 A wave of dizziness hits you match FAIL-BRANCH2 Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb branch matchwait

FAIL-BRANCH2: SAVE FAIL-BRANCH2 pause match CLIMB-NICHE A stand of tall trees comes into view match FAIL-BRANCH3 steepness is intimidating match FAIL-BRANCH3 can't seem to find purchase match FAIL-BRANCH3 find it hard going. match FAIL-BRANCH3 your footing is questionable match FAIL-BRANCH3 A wave of dizziness hits you match FAIL-BRANCH3 Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb branch matchwait

FAIL-BRANCH3: SAVE FAIL-BRANCH3 pause match CLIMB-NICHE A stand of tall trees comes into view match LEAVE-BRANCH steepness is intimidating match LEAVE-BRANCH can't seem to find purchase match LEAVE-BRANCH find it hard going. match LEAVE-BRANCH your footing is questionable match LEAVE-BRANCH A wave of dizziness hits you match LEAVE-BRANCH Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb branch matchwait

LEAVE-BRANCH: pause put retreat move south move climb platform goto failed-branch

FAILED-BRANCH: pause ECHO ECHO *** You failed 4 attempts to climb under the gondola. ECHO *** Maybe you should just stay put and wait like everyone else. ECHO goto 2north-platform

CLIMB-NICHE: SAVE CLIMB-NICHE match CLIMB-LEDGE The steep climb shows no signs match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb craggy niche matchwait

CLIMB-LEDGE: pause SAVE CLIMB-LEDGE match CLIMB-WALL Vegetation creeps in and out match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb narrow ledge matchwait

CLIMB-WALL: SAVE CLIMB-WALL match CLIMBED-WALL Widening and flattening out, the steep climb match CLIMBED-WALL The steep climb shows no signs match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stone wall matchwait

CLIMBED-WALL: move up move n move ne goto CLIMB-EMBANKMENT

CLIMB-EMBANKMENT: SAVE CLIMB-EMBANKMENT match CLIMB-LOG Willowy branches reach out match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait put climb embankment matchwait

CLIMB-LOG: SAVE CLIMB-LOG match CLIMBED-LOG Tamarisk bushes display their feathery match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

CLIMBED-LOG: move s move s move sw move s move sw move sw move go cleft move go crack move e move e move sw move s move se move sw move go path move n move ne move go door move go frame goto %1



put hide

pause ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** Riding south over the great chasm of the Obsidian Pass towards Shard, the Crystal City ECHO ECHO *** The gondola takes three minutes to cross the chasm. It no longer slows down when a caravan is on board. ECHO ================================ ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** Dragon Priests make their home in western Ilithi and southern Forfedhdar ECHO *** Many of the deadly creatures that roam Ilithi were brought by the Dragon Priests ECHO *** They summoned the Vykathi of the hive and the Frostweavers in the Dragonspine Mountains ECHO *** They created the Adan'f from lizards ECHO ================================ ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik and father to Kukalakai, built the gondola in 20 A.V. to connect Ilithi to the Mountain Elves. ECHO *** The Mountain Elves, led by Queen Morganae, were responsible for maintaining the gondola. ECHO *** However, one day Morganae's only daughter, Princess Anlorahle, was slaughtered on the gondola by a snow beast sent by Necromancer Sidhlot. ECHO *** Since that day the Mountain Elves have abandoned the gondola, yet it still slowly drifts between the platforms, as if pushed by some ghostly hand. ECHO ================================ ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** A switchback trail outside the south platform leads beneath the gondola and to many creatures, ECHO *** including snowbeasts, gargoyles, frostweavers, red leucros, blade spiders, and la'tami ECHO ================================ ECHO pause match GETOFFSOUTHGONDOLA With a soft bump, the gondola match WAITONSOUTHGONDOLA YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE matchwait


on-gondola: ECHO ECHO *** You are aboard the gondola within the Obsidian Pass of the Dragonspine Mountains ECHO *** If you want out and are able, you better do it now ECHO *** Otherwise you will be taken off the gondola at the next landing and continue on to your destination. ECHO waitfor With a soft bump, the gondola put n put out pause put south put out pause goto %1

gon-fay: ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** Entering the province of Illithi ECHO =================== ECHO pause move go door frame move go oak door move sw move s move se move go wooded path move sw move w move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FAYRIN'S REST ECHO * * * Inhabited by Wood Elves and Halflings ECHO * * * Home to Marachek's Oak ECHO =================== echo goto %1

fay-ste: pause move sw move w move sw move s move sw move s move sw move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling beside the Jademist River ECHO * * * Across this bridge is the Darkmist Moor and the Abyss ECHO move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move go bridle path move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STEELCLAW CLAN ECHO *** A clan of Elven warriors and barbarians ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

ste-sha: pause move e move go dusky path move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Golden Grain Fields ECHO * * * Over the stile are jackals, boggles, kobolds, and goblins ECHO move w move w move sw move w move w move s move s move se move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** SHARD, the Crystal City built upon the Lake of Tears ECHO * * * Capital of Ilithi and the Elothean nation, governed by an Elothean Ferdahl ECHO * * * Built first by Elothean Corik the Black Cloud and Queen Morganae of the Mountain Elves ECHO * * * Rebuilt by Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik, after destruction by the Dragon Priests. Later conquered then released by the Outcasts. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

gon-sha: ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** Entering the province of Illithi ECHO * * * A province of Elotheans and Elves ECHO * * * Home of the Dragon Spine Mountains, Lanival's last known location. ECHO * * * Home of the Dragon Priests, enemy of the seven races, summoners ECHO * * * of the Vykathi and Frostweavers, and creators of Adan'f from lizards. ECHO =================== ECHO pause move go door frame move go oak door move sw move s move se move go wooded path move sw move w move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FAYRIN'S REST ECHO =================== echo move sw move w move sw move s move sw move s move sw move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling beside the Jademist River ECHO * * * Across this bridge is the Darkmist Moor and the Abyss ECHO move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Golden Grain Fields: jackals, boggles, kobolds, and goblins ECHO move w move w move sw move w move w move s move s move se move se move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** SHARD, the Crystal City built upon the Lake of Tears ECHO * * * Capital of Ilithi and the Elothean nation, governed by an Elothean Ferdahl ECHO * * * Built first by Elothean Corik the Black Cloud and Queen Morganae of the Mountain Elves ECHO * * * Rebuilt by Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik, after destruction by the Dragon Priests. Later conquered then released by the Outcasts. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

shard-directions: ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** Go south to get to the North Gate. ECHO *** Go trail towards the West Gate, or ECHO *** Follow the long road eastward to the East Gate ECHO =================== ECHO goto finish

sha-hor: pause move go muddy trail move w move sw move sw move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing Wyvern Mountain, home to a World Dragon shrine built by Sh'kial ECHO move w move nw move n move nw move w move n move nw move n move nw move nw move n move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move n move nw move nw move w move nw move w move w move sw move nw move w move w move w move w move w move sw move nw move w move w move sw move sw move nw move w move w move sw move sw move nw move w move sw move w move sw move climb narrow path ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Gilen Otso Steppes, where the pards and the arzumos roam ECHO move w move nw move w move sw move climb game trail move nw move s move sw move w move nw move w move w move w ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The track leads to an outpost of Dragon Priests, S'kra Mur who worship the World Dragon ECHO * * * Under D'zree the Dragon Priests once conquered most of the 5 provinces ECHO pause move sw move se move s move w move sw move w move sw move w move sw move w move nw move w move nw move w move nw move w move s move go path ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HORSE CLAN aka Zaldi Taipa (in Elven) ECHO *** A nomadic clan of Wind Elves ECHO *** Governed by the Indar Taipan, Elven for "Strength of the Clan" ECHO *** The wife of the chieften is called Carwu Taipen, Elven for "Heart of the Clan" ECHO *** The eldest shaman is called the Jan Taipen, Elven for "Spirit of the Clan" ECHO *** Home to the Sulde Taala, a special horse nearly worshipped by the clan, sometimes called Horse of the Huntress or the Sun-Horse. ECHO =================== echo goto finish

hor-sha: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Gilen Otso Steppes, where the pards and the arzumos roam ECHO pause move go path move n move e move se move e move se move e move se move e move ne move e move ne move e move ne move e move n move nw move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The track leads to an outpost of Dragon Priests, S'kra Mur who worship the World Dragon ECHO * * * Founded by a harmless priest named Sh'kial, turned wicked by his scheming student D'zree ECHO pause move e move e move e move se move e move ne move n move se move climb bluff move ne move e move se move e move climb narrow path move ne move e move ne move e move se move ne move ne move e move e move se move ne move ne move e move e move se move ne move e move e move e move e move e move se move ne move e move e move se move e move se move se move s move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move s move se move se move s move se move s move e move se move s move se move e move go muddy trail move ne move ne move e move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** SHARD, the Crystal City built upon the Lake of Tears ECHO * * * Capital of Ilithi and the Elothean nation and home to Elves, governed by an Elothean Ferdahl ECHO * * * Built first by Elothean Corik the Black Cloud and Queen Morganae of the Mountain Elves ECHO * * * Rebuilt by Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik, after destruction by the Dragon Priests. Later conquered by the Outcasts. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

sha-n: pause move n move n move n move n move n goto %1

sha-e: pause move e move e move e move e move e move n move n move n move n move n move n move n move n move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move w move w move w move w move w move w move w goto %1

sha-s: pause move go city gate move e move e move ne move ne move ne move n move n move nw move nw move nw move w move w move go city gate goto sha-n

sha-w: pause move w move w move w move w move go muddy trail move ne move ne move e move e goto %1

sha-ste: pause move ne move nw move nw move n move n move e move e move ne move e move e ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing through the Golden Grain Fields north of Shard. ECHO * * * Over the stile are jackals, boggles, kobolds, and goblins ECHO move n move go bridle path move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** STEELCLAW CLAN ECHO *** A clan of Elven warriors and barbarians ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

ste-fay: pause move e move go dusky path move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling beside the Jademist River ECHO * * * Across this bridge is the Darkmist Moor and the Abyss ECHO move n move ne move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dragon's Breath Forest ECHO move n move ne move n move ne move n move ne move e move ne ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FAYRIN'S REST ECHO *** Inhabited by Wood Elves and Halflings ECHO *** Home to Marachek's Oak ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

fay-gon: pause move e move e move ne move go woodland path move nw move n move ne move go door move go door frame goto %1

sha-gon: pause move ne move nw move nw move n move n move e move e move ne move e move e ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The Golden Grain Fields: jackals, boggles, kobolds, and goblins ECHO move n move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling beside the Jademist River ECHO * * * Across this bridge is the Darkmist Moor and the Abyss ECHO move n move ne move ne move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dragon's Breath Forest ECHO move n move ne move n move ne move n move ne move e move ne ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** FAYRIN'S REST ECHO =================== ECHO move e move e move ne move go woodland path move nw move n move ne move go door move go door frame goto %1

south-platform: southgondolacheck: ECHO *** Southern Gondola Platform pause match snundergondola Athletics: match 2south-platform EXP HELP put experience 540 matchwait

2south-platform: pause match WAITONNORTHGONDOLA [Gondola match WAITFORNORTHGONDOLA There is no put go gondola matchwait

WAITFORNORTHGONDOLA: pause ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE GONDOLA TO ARRIVE *** ECHO ECHO * * * If you believe you can take the slower shortcut under the ECHO * * * gondola (apprxoimately 150 base ranks of climbing) type SHORTCUT1. ECHO * * * WARNING: Shortcut1 will cause you to end up with a head wound. ECHO ECHO * * * If you believe you can take the quick shortcut under the ECHO * * * gondola (approximately 540 base ranks of climbing) type SHORTCUT2 ECHO pause put look gondola match GETONNORTHGONDOLA The gondola stops on the platform match WAITFORNORTHGONDOLA YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE match snundergondola SHORTCUT2 match snundergondola shortcut2 match longundergondola SHORTCUT1 match longundergondola shortcut1 matchwait

GETONNORTHGONDOLA: put stand pause move go gondola goto WAITONNORTHGONDOLA

snundergondola: pause move go frame move go door move sw move s move go path move ne move nw move n move ne move w move w move go crevice move go woodlands move ne move ne move n move ne move n move n

2CLIMB-LOG: SAVE 2CLIMB-LOG match 2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT Willowy branches reach out match 2FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 2FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 2FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 2FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 2FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 2FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

2FAIL-LOG: SAVE 2FAIL-LOG pause match 2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT Willowy branches reach out match 3FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 3FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 3FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 3FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 3FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 3FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

3FAIL-LOG: SAVE 3FAIL-LOG pause match 2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT Willowy branches reach out match 4FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 4FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 4FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 4FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 4FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 4FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

4FAIL-LOG: SAVE 4FAIL-LOG pause match 2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT Willowy branches reach out match 3CLIMBED-LOG steepness is intimidating match 3CLIMBED-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 3CLIMBED-LOG find it hard going. match 3CLIMBED-LOG your footing is questionable match 3CLIMBED-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 3CLIMBED-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT: SAVE 2CLIMB-EMBANKMENT match 2CLIMBED-EMBANKMENT Utter stillness and the grandiose play of nature match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb embankment matchwait

2CLIMBED-EMBANKMENT: move sw move s move down goto 2CLIMB-WALL

2CLIMB-WALL: SAVE 2CLIMB-WALL match 2CLIMB-LEDGE Vegetation creeps in and out match 2FAIL-WALL steepness is intimidating match 2FAIL-WALL can't seem to find purchase match 2FAIL-WALL find it hard going. match 2FAIL-WALL your footing is questionable match 2FAIL-WALL A wave of dizziness hits you match 2FAIL-WALL Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stone wall matchwait

2FAIL-WALL: SAVE 2FAIL-WALL pause match 2CLIMB-LEDGE Vegetation creeps in and out match 3FAIL-WALL steepness is intimidating match 3FAIL-WALL can't seem to find purchase match 3FAIL-WALL find it hard going. match 3FAIL-WALL your footing is questionable match 3FAIL-WALL A wave of dizziness hits you match 3FAIL-WALL Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stone wall matchwait

3FAIL-WALL: SAVE 3FAIL-WALL pause match 2CLIMB-LEDGE Vegetation creeps in and out match 4FAIL-WALL steepness is intimidating match 4FAIL-WALL can't seem to find purchase match 4FAIL-WALL find it hard going. match 4FAIL-WALL your footing is questionable match 4FAIL-WALL A wave of dizziness hits you match 4FAIL-WALL Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stone wall matchwait

4FAIL-WALL: SAVE 4FAIL-WALL pause match 2CLIMB-LEDGE Vegetation creeps in and out match FAILED-WALL steepness is intimidating match FAILED-WALL can't seem to find purchase match FAILED-WALL find it hard going. match FAILED-WALL your footing is questionable match FAILED-WALL A wave of dizziness hits you match FAILED-WALL Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stone wall matchwait

FAILED-WALL: pause put retreat move up move n move ne goto 3CLIMB-EMBANKMENT

3CLIMB-EMBANKMENT: SAVE 3CLIMB-EMBANKMENT match 3CLIMB-LOG Willowy branches reach out match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait put climb embankment matchwait

3CLIMB-LOG: SAVE 3CLIMB-LOG match 3CLIMBED-LOG Tamarisk bushes display their feathery match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

3CLIMBED-LOG: move s move s move sw move s move sw move sw move go cleft move go crack move e move e move sw move s move se move sw move go trail move n move ne move go door move go frame pause ECHO ECHO *** You have failed 4 attempts to climb under the gondola. ECHO *** Maybe you should just wait for the gondola like everyone else? ECHO goto 2south-platform

2CLIMB-LEDGE: SAVE 2CLIMB-LEDGE match 2CLIMB-NICHE The steep climb shows no signs match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb narrow ledge matchwait

2CLIMB-NICHE: SAVE 2CLIMB-NICHE pause match 2CLIMB-BRANCH A stand of tall trees comes into view match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb craggy niche matchwait

2CLIMB-BRANCH: SAVE 2CLIMB-BRANCH match 2CLIMBED-BRANCH Cracks in the sides of the pass match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb branch matchwait

2CLIMBED-BRANCH: move s move climb platform goto %1

LONGUNDERGONDOLA: move go frame move go door move sw move s move go path move ne move nw move n move ne move w move w move go crevice move go woodlands move ne move ne move n move ne move n move n

5CLIMB-LOG: SAVE 5CLIMB-LOG match 5CLIMBED-LOG Willowy branches reach out match 6FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 6FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 6FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 6FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 6FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 6FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

6FAIL-LOG: SAVE 6FAIL-LOG pause match 5CLIMBED-LOG Willowy branches reach out match 7FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 7FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 7FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 7FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 7FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 7FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

7FAIL-LOG: SAVE 7FAIL-LOG pause match 5CLIMBED-LOG Willowy branches reach out match 8FAIL-LOG steepness is intimidating match 8FAIL-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 8FAIL-LOG find it hard going. match 8FAIL-LOG your footing is questionable match 8FAIL-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 8FAIL-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait

8FAIL-LOG: SAVE 8FAIL-LOG pause match 5CLIMBED-LOG Willowy branches reach out match 3CLIMBED-LOG steepness is intimidating match 3CLIMBED-LOG can't seem to find purchase match 3CLIMBED-LOG find it hard going. match 3CLIMBED-LOG your footing is questionable match 3CLIMBED-LOG A wave of dizziness hits you match 3CLIMBED-LOG Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb fallen log matchwait


5CLIMB-SHELF: SAVE 5CLIMB-SHELF match 5CLIMBED-SHELF Clusters of silverwood and spruce trees match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait put climb rock shelf matchwait


5CLIMB-RAMP: save 5CLIMB-RAMP match 5CLIMBED-RAMP Any traveler desiring to avoid match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb ramp matchwait


5CLIMB-STEP: SAVE 5CLIMB-STEP match 5CLIMBED-STEP Clusters of chicory crop up match PAUSE steepness is intimidating match PAUSE can't seem to find purchase match PAUSE find it hard going. match PAUSE your footing is questionable match PAUSE A wave of dizziness hits you match PAUSE Struck by vertigo match FALLEN slip after a few feet match FALLEN Stand up first. match FALLEN You must be standing match retreat engaged match PAUSE ...wait PUT climb stepping-stones matchwait

5CLIMBED-STEP: move n put go gap waitfor [Southern Trade Route, Alongside the Forest] ECHO ECHO *** You now have a head wound. When you awake from your stun you should eat some nemoih root. ECHO *** This is a very long stun. Please be patient. ECHO pause 40 goto CHECK-STUN

CHECK-STUN: pause 10 match CHECK-STUN You're stunned match UNSTUNNED You glance put health put glance matchwait



put hide

pause ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** Riding north over the great chasm of the Obsidian Pass towards the ancient Elven stronghold of Leth Deriel ECHO ECHO *** The gondola takes three minutes to cross the chasm. It no longer slows down when a caravan is on board. ECHO ================================ ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik and father to Kukalakai, built the gondola to connect Ilithi to the Mountain Elves. ECHO *** The Mountain Elves, led by Queen Morganae, were responsible for maintaining the gondola. ECHO *** However, one day Morganae's only daughter, Princess Anlorahle, was slaughtered on the gondola by a snow beast sent by Necromancer Sidhlot. ECHO *** Since that day the Mountain Elves have abandoned the gondola, yet it still slowly drifts between the platforms, as if pushed by some ghostly hand. ECHO ================================ ECHO pause 30 ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO *** North of the gondola is the Province of Zoluren, governed by Prince Vorclaf ECHO *** Zoluren is named from High Gamgweth "Zohlu Ren", meaning "First Land" ECHO ================================ ECHO match GETOFFNORTHGONDOLA With a soft bump, the gondola match WAITONNORTHGONDOLA YOU HAVE BEEN IDLE matchwait


cro-tig: pause move nw move n move n move n ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union ECHO move n move n move n move w move w move w move w move go Oxenwaithe Bridge move w move w move w move w move go western gate ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Northwesterly lies the Siergelde cliffs and ruins and the Lake of Dreams ECHO * * * Inhabited by sprites, lipopods, trolls, goblins, cougars, jackals, and bobcats ECHO move go path ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering farmlands infested by goblins and hogs ECHO move w move w move nw move w move w move nw move w move w move sw move w move w move nw move nw move w move go village gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** TIGER CLAN ECHO * * * A clan of Gor'Togs ECHO * * * Founded and led by Ortug, the peaceful Gor'Tog brother of Trog (leader of Knife Clan) ECHO * * * Home of TogBall team Tiger Clan Chohmpers ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

tig-wol: pause move go village gate move w move nw move w move w move go shallow brook move w ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Widulf Woods, home to the Wolf and Knife Clans as well as ogres and other forest creatures. ECHO pause move w pause move w move sw move w move sw move s move s move e move go dense bushes move s move sw move s ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** WOLF CLAN aka TREFAN ULF ECHO * * * A clan of Human Barbarians ECHO * * * Nomadic for centuries, finally settled earlier this century in Widulf Woods ECHO * * * Led by Chieftan Wolfjaw Ironbeard and his wife Suza Cormyn ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO FINISH

tig-kni: pause move go village gate move w move nw move w move w move go shallow brook move w ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Widulf Woods, home to the Wolf and Knife Clans as well as ogres and other forest creatures. ECHO pause move w pause move w move sw move w move nw move go brambles move ne move ne move n move ne move climb felled tree move nw move nw move nw move down move e move ne move climb tree roots move n move ne move ne move n move go wilted bush move nw move n move nw move go large outcropping move ne move ne move ne move nw move nw move n move nw move go half-open gate move w move nw move n move go rope bridge move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** KNIFE CLAN ECHO * * * A clan of Gor'Togs ECHO * * * Led by Trog, the stupid and aggressive Gor'tog brother of Ortug (leader of Tiger Clan) ECHO * * * Patron god is Botolf the goshawk, dark aspect of Chadatru, god of dishonesty and deceipt and patron of thieves guilds and fallen paladins. ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO FINISH

wol-tig: pause move n move ne move n move go dense bushes move w move n move n move ne move e move ne move e move go shallow brook move e pause move e pause move e move e move se move e move go village gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** TIGER CLAN ECHO * * * A clan of Gor'Togs ECHO * * * Founded and led by Ortug, the peaceful Gor'Tog brother of Trog (leader of Knife Clan) ECHO * * * Home of TogBall team Tiger Clan Chohmpers ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

kni-tig: pause move go rope bridge move s move s move se move e move go half-open gate move se move s move se move se move sw move sw move sw move go large outcropping move se move s move se move go wilted bush move s move sw move sw move s move climb tree roots move sw move w move up move se move se move se move climb felled tree move sw move s move sw move go bramble patch move s move se move e move ne move e move go shallow brook move e pause move e pause move e move e move se move e move go village gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** TIGER CLAN ECHO * * * A clan of Gor'Togs ECHO * * * Founded and led by Ortug, the peaceful Gor'Tog brother of Trog (leader of Knife Clan) ECHO * * * Home of TogBall team Tiger Clan Chohmpers ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

tig-cro: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering meadows and farmlands infested with goblins and hogs ECHO pause move go gate move e move se move se move e move e move ne move e move e move se move e move e move se move e move e move go path ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Northwesterly lies the Siergelde cliffs and ruins and the Lake of Dreams ECHO * * * Inhabited by sprites, lipopods, trolls, goblins, cougars, jackals, and bobcats ECHO move go gate move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move e move s move s move s ECHO ECHO * * * The Crossing Pond, Headquarters of The Locksmith Union ECHO move s move s move s move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THE CROSSING aka River Crossing ECHO * * * The geographic center of the former Seven-Pointed Star Empire ECHO * * * A port city, home to all 9 guildhalls and the Asemath Academy ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

THE-ELB: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Travelling by the farmlands, orchards, and country cottages of the beautiful Therengian countryside ECHO pause move s move se move sw move sw move s move s move w move sw move s move sw ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing by the Mistwood Forest, home to Rossman's Landing ECHO * * * Also in the forest are orcs, warcats, peccaries, and sky giants ECHO move sw move sw move se move sw move sw move s move s move sw move s move s move w move sw move se move sw move s move s move sw move s move se move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dunshade Moors ECHO * * * Former territory of the House Dunshade before its disbanding ECHO move s move sw move sw move s move se move s move s move se move e move s move e move go small path ECHO ECHO ECHO *** EL'BAIN'S *** ECHO GOTO FINISH

LAN-ELB: pause move nw move n move n move n move nw move ne move n move nw move n move n move n move go stone bridge ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Crossing the Gwenalion River on a white stone bridge ECHO move n move n move go northern shore ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Danduwen Forest ECHO move n move nw move n move nw move ne move nw move n move n ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Beyond the eucalyptus tree are kelpies, wood trolls, and cougars ECHO move ne move nw move e move go small path ECHO ECHO ECHO *** EL'BAIN'S *** ECHO GOTO FINISH

ELB-THE: move go main road move w move n move w move nw move n move n move nw move n move ne move ne move n move n move nw move n move ne move n move n move ne move nw move ne move e move n move n move ne move n move n move ne move ne move nw move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move e move n move n move ne move ne move nw move n ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** THERENBOROUGH ECHO * * * Protected by Theren Keep ECHO * * * Governed by the Baron of House Theren, to which all other Therengian lords kneel ECHO * * * Patron god is Rutilor the mongoose, positive aspect of Chadatru, ECHO * * * god of truth and justice and patron of paladins and House Theren ECHO =================== ECHO GOTO %1

GETLETHDOKORA: pause match LET-ILA I don't know who you are referring to. match LET-ILA But no one can see you. match GETLETHDOK2 But you don't have that much! match GETLETHDOK2 You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 180 dokora matchwait

GETLETHDOK2: pause move e move e move go deposit move u put withdraw 3 silver pause move up put exchange 3 silver kronar to dokora pause move d move d move out move w move w goto let-ila

let-ila: groupcheck-let-ila: pause match cont-let-ila You have no group match cont-let-ila You must be visible match group-let-ila You whisper match groupcheck-let-ila ...wait match groupcheck-let-ila type ahead put whisper group ... matchwait

cont-let-ila: pause move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move go bower gate move sw move nw move nw move n pause 4 01-let-ila: put nw match 02-let-ila Roundtime match 03-let-ila [Old Crank's Road, Field] matchwait 02-let-ila: pause put stand match 02-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match 02-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match 02-let-ila type ahead match 02-let-ila ...wait match 01-let-ila You stand match 01-let-ila You are already matchwait 03-let-ila: move n move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move s move se 04-let-ila: pause put sw match 05-let-ila filtering through the branches match Dig04-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig04-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig04-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig04-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig04-let-ila You fall into match Dig04-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig04-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 04-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig04-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig04-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig04-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig04-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig04-let-ila ...wait match Dig04-let-ila type ahead matchwait

05-let-ila: pause put s match 06-let-ila Thick planks of wood match Dig05-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig05-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig05-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig05-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig05-let-ila You fall into match Dig05-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig05-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match 05-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig05-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig05-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig05-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig05-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig05-let-ila ...wait match Dig05-let-ila type ahead matchwait

06-let-ila: pause put s match 07-let-ila Mud and water make sucking sounds match Dig06-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig06-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig06-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig06-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig06-let-ila You fall into match Dig06-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig06-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match 06-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig06-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig06-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig06-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig06-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig06-let-ila ...wait match Dig06-let-ila type ahead matchwait

07-let-ila: pause put s match 08-let-ila The dark soil is damper to the north match Dig07-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig07-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig07-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig07-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig07-let-ila You fall into match Dig07-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig07-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match 07-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig07-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig07-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig07-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig07-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig07-let-ila ...wait match Dig07-let-ila type ahead matchwait

08-let-ila: pause move sw move w move w move s move sw move sw

09-let-ila: pause put w match 10-let-ila large puddles of muck match Dig09-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig09-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig09-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig09-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig09-let-ila You fall into match Dig09-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig09-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 09-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig09-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig09-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig09-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig09-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig09-let-ila ...wait match Dig09-let-ila type ahead matchwait

10-let-ila: pause put w match 11-let-ila grasses lining the match Dig10-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig10-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig10-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig10-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig10-let-ila You fall into match Dig10-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig10-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 10-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig10-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig10-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig10-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig10-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig10-let-ila ...wait match Dig10-let-ila type ahead matchwait

11-let-ila: pause move nw move go break ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ILAYA TAIPA aka River Clan ECHO *** The settlement of River Elves ECHO *** Features are the harbor, skiffs to Ain Ghazal, a fish shop, a pearl shop ECHO *** Area creatures include storm bulls and forest bandits ECHO =================== ECHO goto checkmites

group-let-ila: pause move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move sw move go bower gate move sw move nw move nw move n pause 4 group-01-let-ila: put nw match group-02-let-ila Roundtime match group-03-let-ila [Old Crank's Road, Field] matchwait group-02-let-ila: pause put stand match group-02-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-02-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-02-let-ila type ahead match group-02-let-ila ...wait match group-01-let-ila You stand match group-01-let-ila You are already matchwait group-03-let-ila: move n move sw move sw move sw move sw move s move s move s move s move se pause put WHISPER GROUP We're passing through swamps. From here SW, S, S, S and join me again. If you fall then DIG your way out. put disband group-04-let-ila: pause put sw match group-05-let-ila wind filtering through the branches sings match group-Dig04-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig04-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig04-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig04-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig04-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig04-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig04-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-04-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig04-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig04-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig04-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig04-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig04-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig04-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-05-let-ila: pause put s match group-06-let-ila Thick planks of wood match group-Dig05-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig05-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig05-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig05-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig05-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig05-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig05-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-05-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig05-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig05-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig05-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig05-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig05-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig05-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-06-let-ila: pause put s match group-07-let-ila Mud and water make sucking sounds match group-Dig06-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig06-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig06-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig06-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig06-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig06-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig06-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match group-06-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig06-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig06-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig06-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig06-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig06-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig06-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-07-let-ila: pause put s match group-08-let-ila The dark soil is damper to the north match group-Dig07-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig07-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig07-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig07-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig07-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig07-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig07-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match group-07-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig07-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig07-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig07-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig07-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig07-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig07-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-08-let-ila: pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to catch up. Once they are joined type GLANCE to continue. ECHO waitfor You glance move sw move w move w move s move sw move sw pause put WHISPER GROUP We're passing through more swamps. From here go W, W and join me again. If you fall then DIG your way out. put disband

group-09-let-ila: pause put w match group-10-let-ila large puddles of muck match group-Dig09-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig09-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig09-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig09-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig09-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig09-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig09-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-09-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig09-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig09-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig09-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig09-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig09-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig09-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-10-let-ila: pause put w match group-11-let-ila grasses lining the match group-Dig10-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig10-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig10-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig10-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig10-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig10-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig10-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-10-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig10-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig10-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig10-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig10-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig10-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig10-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-11-let-ila: pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to catch up. Once they are joined type GLANCE to continue. ECHO waitfor You glance move nw move go break ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ILAYA TAIPA aka River Clan ECHO *** The settlement of River Elves ECHO *** Features are the harbor, skiffs to Ain Ghazal, a fish shop, a pearl shop ECHO *** Area creatures include storm bulls and forest bandits ECHO =================== ECHO goto checkmites

CHECKMITES: ECHO ECHO *** Checking now for blood mites from the swamp ECHO pause put health put glance match GOTMITES blood mite match NOMITES You glance matchwait

NOMITES: ECHO ECHO *** You have no blood mites on you right now, but they could show up in the next couple minutes. ECHO *** If you get them on your eyes do not tend them off with less than 150 first aid. ECHO pause goto %1

GOTMITES: ECHO ECHO **************************** ECHO *** You acquired blood mites in the marsh! ECHO *** Tend them off, but don't tend the eyes unless you have 150 first aid ECHO **************************** pause 3 goto %1

ila-let: groupcheck-ila-let: pause match groupcheck-ila-let ...wait match groupcheck-ila-let type ahead match cont-ila-let You have no group match cont-ila-let You must be visible match group-ila-let You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

cont-ila-let: pause move go break move se move e

20-let-ila: pause put e match 21-let-ila the trees and thorny bushes, match Dig20-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig20-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig20-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig20-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig20-let-ila You fall into match Dig20-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig20-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 20-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig20-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig20-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig20-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig20-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig20-let-ila ...wait match Dig20-let-ila type ahead matchwait

21-let-ila: pause put ne match 22-let-ila fragrant tang match Dig21-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig21-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig21-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig21-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig21-let-ila You fall into match Dig21-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig21-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 21-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig21-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig21-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig21-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig21-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig21-let-ila ...wait match Dig21-let-ila type ahead matchwait

22-let-ila: pause move ne move n move e move e move ne move n goto 23-let-ila

23-let-ila: pause put n match 24-let-ila Thick planks of wood match Dig23-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig23-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig23-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig23-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig23-let-ila You fall into match Dig23-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig23-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 23-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig23-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig23-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig23-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig23-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig23-let-ila ...wait match Dig23-let-ila type ahead matchwait

24-let-ila: pause put n match 25-let-ila filtering through the branches match Dig24-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig24-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig24-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig24-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig24-let-ila You fall into match Dig24-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig24-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 24-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig24-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig24-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig24-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig24-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig24-let-ila ...wait match Dig24-let-ila type ahead matchwait

25-let-ila: pause put ne match 26-let-ila Sloping downward to the southwest, match Dig25-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig25-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig25-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig25-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig25-let-ila You fall into match Dig25-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig25-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 25-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig25-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig25-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig25-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig25-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig25-let-ila ...wait match Dig25-let-ila type ahead matchwait

26-let-ila: pause put nw match 27-let-ila a sparse forest. match Dig26-let-ila falling short of your goal. match Dig26-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match Dig26-let-ila The mud holds you match Dig26-let-ila stuck in the mud, match Dig26-let-ila You fall into match Dig26-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

Dig26-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match 26-let-ila You manage to dig match Dig26-let-ila You struggle to dig match Dig26-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match Dig26-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match Dig26-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match Dig26-let-ila ...wait match Dig26-let-ila type ahead matchwait

27-let-ila: pause move n move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move s move se pause 4 28-let-ila: put s match 29-let-ila Roundtime match 30-let-ila The carter's track winds northward, matchwait 29-let-ila: pause put stand match 29-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match 29-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match 29-let-ila type ahead match 29-let-ila ...wait match 28-let-ila You stand match 28-let-ila You are already matchwait

30-let-ila: pause move se move se move ne move go bower gate move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne goto checkmites

group-ila-let: move go break move se move e pause put WHISPER GROUP We're passing through swamps. From here go E, NE and join me again. If you fall then DIG your way out. put disband group-20-let-ila: pause put e match group-21-let-ila the trees and thorny bushes, match group-Dig20-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig20-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig20-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig20-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig20-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig20-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig20-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-20-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig20-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig20-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig20-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig20-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig20-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig20-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-21-let-ila: pause put ne match group-22-let-ila fragrant tang match group-Dig21-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig21-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig21-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig21-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig21-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig21-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig21-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-21-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig21-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig21-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig21-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig21-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig21-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig21-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-22-let-ila: pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to catch up. Once they are joined type GLANCE to continue. ECHO waitfor You glance move ne move n move e move e move ne move n pause put WHISPER GROUP We're passing through more swamps. From here go N, N, NE, NW and join me again. If you fall then DIG your way out. put disband

group-23-let-ila: pause put n match group-24-let-ila Thick planks of wood match group-Dig23-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig23-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig23-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig23-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig23-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig23-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig23-let-ila: pause

put stand put dig match group-23-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig23-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig23-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig23-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig23-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig23-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig23-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-24-let-ila: pause put n match group-25-let-ila filtering through the branches match group-Dig24-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig24-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig24-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig24-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig24-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig24-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig24-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-24-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig24-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig24-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig24-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig24-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig24-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig24-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-25-let-ila: pause put ne match group-26-let-ila Sloping downward to the southwest, match group-Dig25-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig25-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig25-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig25-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig25-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig25-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig25-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-25-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig25-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig25-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig25-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig25-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig25-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig25-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-26-let-ila: pause put nw match group-27-let-ila a sparse forest. match group-Dig26-let-ila falling short of your goal. match group-Dig26-let-ila You make no progress in the mud match group-Dig26-let-ila The mud holds you match group-Dig26-let-ila stuck in the mud, match group-Dig26-let-ila You fall into match group-Dig26-let-ila You can't do that while lying down. matchwait

group-Dig26-let-ila: pause put stand put dig match group-26-let-ila You manage to dig match group-Dig26-let-ila You struggle to dig match group-Dig26-let-ila Maybe you can reach better match group-Dig26-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-Dig26-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-Dig26-let-ila ...wait match group-Dig26-let-ila type ahead matchwait

group-27-let-ila: pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to catch up. Once they are joined type GLANCE to continue. ECHO waitfor You glance move n move n move n move n move ne move ne move ne move ne move s move se pause 4 group-28-let-ila: put s match group-29-let-ila Roundtime match group-30-let-ila The carter's track winds northward, matchwait group-29-let-ila: pause put stand match group-29-let-ila cannot manage to stand. match group-29-let-ila The weight of all your possessions match group-29-let-ila type ahead match group-29-let-ila ...wait match group-28-let-ila You stand match group-28-let-ila You are already matchwait

group-30-let-ila: pause move se move se move ne move go bower gate move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne move ne goto checkmites

ila-ain: pause move go southwest gate move nw move nw move n move n move ne move go harbor tower move go stone ramp move climb iron staircase move ne move ne move ne move ne move climb iron staircase move go stone ramp move out move ne move go oak doors SKIFF1: pause put go skiff match WAITFORSKIFF1 You will be able to board soon. match WAITFORSKIFF1 What were you referring to? match WAITFORSKIFF1 You will have to wait for the next skiff. match WAITFORSKIFF1 I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITONSKIFF1 Skiff] match INV-SKIFF1 they can't see you? match NOMONEYSKIFF1 You haven't got enough dokoras matchwait

INV-SKIFF1: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board the skiff while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto SKIFF1

WAITFORSKIFF1: ECHO ECHO ***************************** ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE SKIFF TO ARRIVE ECHO *** The fare is 58 Dokoras and you cannot withdraw from the bank in Ilaya Taipa. ECHO *** There is a gem buyer and tanner in the building with the bank and you can convert Kronars to Dokoras at the COUNTER in the bank. ECHO ***************************** ECHO ECHO ECHO ***************************** ECHO *** GO GET 58 DOKORAS NOW!!! ECHO *** (if you don't already have them) ECHO ***************************** ECHO put wealth dokora waitfor pulls into the goto SKIFF1

NOMONEYSKIFF1: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough Dokoras for the skiff. ECHO *** The fare is 58 Dokoras and you cannot withdraw from the bank in Ilaya Taipa. ECHO *** There is a gem buyer and tanner in the building with the bank and you can convert Kronars to Dokoras at the COUNTER in the bank. ECHO ECHO *** Good Luck! ECHO EXIT

WAITONSKIFF1: pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding a River Elf skiff up the mighty Segoltha River to Ain Ghazal, built on a towering rock in the middle of the Segoltha River ECHO *** The Journelai Mountains loom to the north while the Himineldar Shel Mountains shade the south ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 1 ECHO ECHO * * * Ain Ghazal is ruled by the Sisterhood of the Rose ECHO * * * The leader of the Sisters is called the Lyba Khalo ECHO * * * The Ain Ghazal chateau holds the chamber where there are meetings of the provincial government, called the Forfedhdar Enclave ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO *** Entering the Dwarven province of Forfedhdar ECHO *** "Forfedhdar" is Haakish for "The Land of the Ancestors" ECHO * * * Governed by the Forfedhdar Enclave, made up of the leaders of each settlement ECHO pause waitfor The skiff lightly taps the dock put stand pause move go dock ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** AIN GHAZAL ECHO *** Far into the sky is the castle chateau upon the towering Ain Ghazal rock in the middle of the Segoltha ECHO *** The only creatures to hunt are cave trolls, a bit tougher than orcs ECHO *** Features include a makeup shop, locksmith shop, Trader guild, and deposit-only and exchange bank ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

ain-ila: SKIFF2: pause put go skiff match WAITFORSKIFF2 You will be able to board soon. match WAITFORSKIFF2 What were you referring to? match WAITFORSKIFF2 You will have to wait for the next skiff. match WAITFORSKIFF2 I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITONSKIFF2 Skiff] match INV-SKIFF2 they can't see you? match NOMONEYSKIFF2 You haven't got enough dokoras matchwait

INV-SKIFF2: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board the skiff while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto SKIFF2

WAITFORSKIFF2: ECHO ECHO ***************************** ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE SKIFF TO ARRIVE ECHO *** The fare is 58 Dokoras! ECHO ***************************** ECHO put wealth dokora waitfor pulls into the goto SKIFF2

NOMONEYSKIFF2: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough Dokoras for the skiff. ECHO *** Good Luck finding 58 Dokoras! ECHO EXIT

WAITONSKIFF2: pause ECHO ECHO *** Riding a River Elf skiff east down the mighty Segoltha River to Ilaya Taipa aka River Clan ECHO *** The Journelai Mountains loom to the north while the Himineldar Shel Mountains shade the south ECHO pause 200 ECHO *** Entering the Province of Zoluren ECHO *** Governed by Prince Vorclaf ECHO *** Named from High Gamgweth "Zohlu Ren", meaning "First Land" ECHO waitfor The skiff lightly taps the dock put stand pause move go dock SKIFF-ILA: pause move go oak doors move sw move go harbor tower move go stone ramp move climb iron staircase move sw move sw move sw move sw move climb iron staircase move go stone ramp move out move sw move s move s move se move se move go southwest gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** ILAYA TAIPA aka River Clan ECHO *** The settlement of River Elves ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

ain-forf: pause move w move sw pause move s goto AINFERRY1

AINFERRY1: pause put go ferry match WAITFORAINFERRY1 you'll have to wait match WAITFORAINFERRY1 you can board as soon as match WAITFORAINFERRY1 cannot take any more passengers match WAITFORAINFERRY1 What were you referring to? match WAITFORAINFERRY1 I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The "Damaris's Kiss"] match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The "Evening Star"] match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The Evening Star] match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The Damaris's Kiss] match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The Damaris' Kiss] match WAITONAINFERRY1 [The "Damaris' Kiss"] match NOMONEYAINFERRY1 You haven't got enough dokoras match INV-AINFERRY1 they can't see you? matchwait

INV-AINFERRY1: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board this ferry while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO ECHO *** Warning: Don't go invisible on the ferry either because you cannot leave these ferries while invisible. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto AINFERRY1


put hide

ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE FERRY TO ARRIVE *** ECHO *** The fare is 31 Dokoras ECHO put wealth dokora waitfor landing at the dock goto AINFERRY1

NOMONEYAINFERRY1: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough Dokoras for the ferry ECHO *** Good luck finding 31 Dokoras around here! ECHO EXIT


put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** ECHO *** Riding a ferry towards the Haalikshal Highway to Hibarnhvidar ECHO *** Haalikshal translates to "sacred mountain" ECHO *** The highway is lined with Dwarven totem pillars that each tell the life of a Dwarf. ECHO *** ECHO pause waitfor ferry reaches the dock. put stand pause move go dock AINFERRY1-FORF: ECHO ECHO *** Entering the well-paved Haalikshal Highway ECHO move w move sw move sw move nw move sw move sw goto %1

forf-ain: pause move ne move ne move se move ne move ne move e goto AINFERRY2

AINFERRY2: pause put go ferry match WAITFORAINFERRY2 you'll have to wait match WAITFORAINFERRY2 you can board as soon as match WAITFORAINFERRY2 cannot take any more passengers match WAITFORAINFERRY2 What were you referring to? match WAITFORAINFERRY2 I could not find what you were referring to. match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The "Damaris's Kiss"] match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The "Evening Star"] match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The Evening Star] match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The Damaris's Kiss] match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The Damaris' Kiss] match WAITONAINFERRY2 [The "Damaris' Kiss"] match NOMONEYAINFERRY2 You haven't got enough dokoras match INV-AINFERRY2 they can't see you? matchwait

INV-AINFERRY2: pause ECHO ECHO *** You cannot board this ferry while invisible. Drop your invisibility and type GLANCE when you are ready to continue. ECHO ECHO *** Warning: Don't go invisible on the ferry either because you cannot leave these ferries while invisible. ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto AINFERRY2


put hide

ECHO ECHO *** WAITING FOR THE FERRY TO ARRIVE *** ECHO *** The fare is 31 Dokoras ECHO put wealth dokora waitfor landing at the dock goto AINFERRY2

NOMONEYAINFERRY2: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough Dokoras for the ferry to Ain Ghazal ECHO *** Good luck finding 31 Dokoras around here! ECHO EXIT


put hide

pause ECHO ECHO *** ECHO *** Riding a ferry towards Ain Ghazal, built on a towering rock in the middle of the Segoltha River ECHO *** ECHO pause 90 ECHO ECHO ==================================== ECHO *** Common Knowledge: 1 of 1 ECHO ECHO * * * Ain Ghazal is ruled by the Sisterhood of the Rose ECHO * * * The leader of the Sisters is called the Lyba Khalo ECHO * * * The Ain Ghazal chateau holds the chamber where there are meetings of the provincial government, called the Forfedhdar Enclave ECHO ==================================== ECHO pause waitfor ferry reaches the dock. put stand pause move go dock AINFERRY-AIN: pause move n move ne pause move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** AIN GHAZAL ECHO *** Far into the sky is the castle chateau upon the towering Ain Ghazal rock in the middle of the Segoltha ECHO *** The only creatures to hunt are cave trolls, a bit tougher than orcs ECHO *** Features include a makeup shop, locksmith shop, Trader guild, and deposit-only and exchange bank ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

forf-hib: pause move nw move sw move go gates ECHO ECHO * * * Traveling beneath the mountains ECHO move sw move se move sw move w move s move w move w move w move w move w move go gates move go ford ECHO ECHO * * * Ascending the Sky Road, climbing high into the Himineldar Shel mountains ECHO move nw pause 3 pause move nw move nw move ne move ne move w move nw move nw move nw move go gate move go west gate move sw move sw move n move sw move w move w move w move go raven gate ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the wintry city of Hibarnhvidar ECHO pause move w move w move w move s move se move se move se move go double gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HIBARNHVIDAR ECHO * * * Dwarven city in the soaring Himineldar Shel Mountains ECHO * * * Home of the famous power-generating waterwheel system ECHO * * * Captain Grutan of the Hibarnhvidar Guard leads the city's defense ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

HIBFINISH: ECHO ECHO ================================ ECHO * * * Outer Hibarnhvidar: GO STONE GATE ECHO * * * Inner Hibarnhvidar: GO IRON GATE ECHO ================================ ECHO ECHO goto finish

GetHibDokora: pause match hib-forf I don't know who you are referring to. match hib-forf But no one can see you. match GetHibDok2 But you don't have that much! match GetHibDok2 You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 180 dokora matchwait

GetHibDok2: pause move go iron gate move sw move s move go arch move nw put withdraw 2 silver move se move go arch move n move ne move go arch goto hib-forf

hib-forf: pause move go stone gate move nw move nw move nw move n move e move e move e move go raven gate move e move e move e move ne move s move ne move ne move go gate move go east gate ECHO ECHO * * * Descending via the Sky Road from high atop the Himineldar Shel mountains ECHO move se move se move se move e move sw move sw move se move se move go ford move e ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the road beneath the mountain ECHO pause 3 pause move go gates move e move e move e move e move e move n move e move ne move nw move ne move go gates move ne move se goto %1

hib-boa: BURDENCHECK12: pause match BURDENCHECK12A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK12A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK12B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK12C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK12D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK12E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK12F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK12G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK12H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK12I amazing you aren't squashed! match BURDENCHECK12 ...wait match BURDENCHECK12 type ahead put encumbrance matchwait

BURDENCHECK12A: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match STRENGTHCHECK12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 20 matchwait

STRENGTHCHECK12: pause match cantswim12 (5) match cantswim12 (6) match cantswim12 (7) match cantswim12 (8) match cantswim12 (9) match cantswim12 (10) match cantswim12 (11) match cantswim12 (12) match cantswim12 (13) match cantswim12 (14) match cantswim12 (15) match cont-hib-boa (16) match cont-hib-boa (17) match cont-hib-boa (18) match cont-hib-boa (19) match cont-hib-boa (2 match cont-hib-boa (3 match cont-hib-boa (4 put strength matchwait

BURDENCHECK12B: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 50 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12C: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 90 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12D: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 130 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12E: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 170 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12F: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12G: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 250 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12H: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 290 matchwait

BURDENCHECK12I: pause match cont-hib-boa Athletics: match OVERBURDENED12 EXP HELP put experience athletics 330 matchwait

OVERBURDENED12: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough swimming with your current burden to pass through Archer's Ford to Boar Clan. Lose some weight and try again! ECHO ECHO * * * If you think this assessment is wrong or you have abnormally high strength or spells, then you can continue on to Boar Clan by typing GLANCE now. ECHO match cont-hib-boa You glance matchwait

CANTSWIM12: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough swimming (20) or Strength (16) to pass through Archer's Ford to Boar Clan. Find someone to drag you or cast some swimming spells. ECHO ECHO * * * If you think this assessment is wrong or you have abnormaly high strength or spells, then you can continue on to Boar Clan by typing GLANCE now. If you can make it to Boar Clan and back to Hibarnhvidar let me know what your swimming and strength are (kraelyst@hotmail.com)! match cont-hib-boa You glance ECHO match cont-hib-boa You glance matchwait

cont-hib-boa: pause move go stone gate move nw move nw move nw move n move w move w move nw move w move w move w move w move w move w move go northwest gate move n move n move n move n move n move n move n move n move nw move nw move n move n move n move nw move nw move n move n move n move ne move ne move n move n move ne move nw move n move ne move n move ne move ne move ne move nw move nw move nw move n move ne move n move nw move n move nw ECHO ECHO * * * Now wading across Archer's Ford in the Biiskbowr River, which flows from the Journelai Mountains to Sawstwar Lake. ECHO hib-boa-groupcheck: pause match hib-boa-nogroup You have no group match hib-boa-nogroup You must be visible match hib-boa-group You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

hib-boa-nogroup: save swim-hib-boa2 goto swim-hib-boa1

hib-boa-group: save hib-boa-cont-group pause put say If we get separated in the ford go as far NW as you can, don't go north. I will meet you on the other side of the ford. goto swim-hib-boa1

swim-hib-boa1: pause put nw match %s The evergreens begin to close in again match %s You can't go there match swim-hib-boa1 Obvious paths: match swim-hib-boa1 Obvious exits: match swim-hib-boa1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-hib-boa1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-hib-boa1 ...wait match swim-hib-boa1 type ahead matchwait

hib-boa-cont-group: pause ECHO ECHO *** When your group arrives from the ford, rejoin and then type GLANCE to continue. Make sure their roundtime is done. ECHO waitfor You glance swim-hib-boa2: pause move n move nw move w move w move w move nw move w move w move nw move n move n move n move n move n move n climb-hib-boa1: save climb-hib-boa1 match climb-hib-boa3 The roadway cuts its way match climb-hib-boa2 slip after a few feet match climb-hib-boa2 You must be standing match climb-hib-boa2 Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb log stair matchwait

climb-hib-boa2: pause match climb-hib-boa1 You stand match climb-hib-boa1 You are already standing match climb-hib-boa2 cannot manage to stand. match climb-hib-boa2 ...wait match climb-hib-boa2 type ahead put StAND matchwait

climb-hib-boa3: move nw move nw move nw move nw move nw move go stone bridge move nw move ne move w ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** BOAR CLAN ECHO *** A Gor'Tog settlement on the banks of the Liirewsag River ECHO *** Patron god is Everild, the boar ECHO *** Features are the Ranger Guild, Togball Field, Everild favor alter, leather repair, and reflex training ECHO *** Boar Clan is governed by Ranger Guildleader, currently Paglar ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

BOA-HIB: BURDENCHECK13: pause match BURDENCHECK13A Encumbrance : None match BURDENCHECK13A Encumbrance : Light match BURDENCHECK13B Encumbrance : Somewhat match BURDENCHECK13C Encumbrance : Burdened match BURDENCHECK13D Encumbrance : Heavy match BURDENCHECK13E Encumbrance : Very Heavy match BURDENCHECK13F Overburdened match BURDENCHECK13G Encumbrance : Tottering match BURDENCHECK13H even able to move? match BURDENCHECK13I amazing you aren't squashed! match BURDENCHECK13 ...wait match BURDENCHECK13 type ahead put encumbrance matchwait

STRENGTHCHECK13: pause match cantswim13 (5) match cantswim13 (6) match cantswim13 (7) match cantswim13 (8) match cantswim13 (9) match cantswim13 (10) match cantswim13 (11) match cantswim13 (12) match cantswim13 (13) match cantswim13 (14) match cantswim13 (15) match cont-boa-hib (16) match cont-boa-hib (17) match cont-boa-hib (18) match cont-boa-hib (19) match cont-boa-hib (2 match cont-boa-hib (3 match cont-boa-hib (4 put strength matchwait

BURDENCHECK13A: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match strengthcheck13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 20 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13B: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 50 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13C: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 90 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13D: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 130 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13E: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 170 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13F: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 210 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13G: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 250 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13H: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 290 matchwait

BURDENCHECK13I: pause match cont-boa-hib Athletics: match OVERBURDENED13 EXP HELP put experience athletics 330 matchwait

OVERBURDENED13: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough swimming with your current burden to pass through Archer's Ford to Boar Clan. Lose some weight and try again! ECHO ECHO * * * If you think this assessment is wrong or you have abnormally high strength or spells then you can try to make the swim by typing GLANCE now. ECHO * * * If you can make it through Archer's Ford please let me know what your swimming and strength are (kraelyst@hotmail.com)! ECHO match cont-boa-hib You glance matchwait

CANTSWIM13: ECHO ECHO *** You do not have enough swimming (20) or Strength (16) to pass through Archer's Ford south of Boar Clan. Find someone to drag you or cast some swimming spells. ECHO ECHO * * * If you think this assessment is wrong or you have abnormally high strength or spells then you can try to make the swim through Archer's Ford by typing GLANCE now. ECHO match cont-boa-hib You glance matchwait

cont-boa-hib: pause move e move sw move se move go stone bridge move se move se move se move se move se

climb-boa-hib1: save climb-boa-hib1 match climb-boa-hib3 Although there is packed dirt match pause slip after a few feet match climb-boa-hib2 You must be standing match climb-boa-hib2 Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb log stair matchwait

climb-boa-hib2: pause match climb-boa-hib1 You stand match climb-boa-hib1 You are already standing match climb-boa-hib2 cannot manage to stand. match climb-boa-hib2 ...wait match climb-boa-hib2 type ahead put StAND matchwait

climb-boa-hib3: move s move s move s move s move s move s move se move e move e move se move e move e move e move se move s move se move se ECHO ECHO * * * Now wading across Archer's Ford, so named for local Boar Clan Rangers using nearby trees for archery practice ECHO boa-hib-groupcheck: pause match boa-hib-nogroup You have no group match boa-hib-nogroup You must be visible match boa-hib-group You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

boa-hib-nogroup: save swim-boa-hib2 goto swim-boa-hib1

boa-hib-group: save boa-hib-cont-group pause put say If we get separated in the ford go as far SE as you can, don't go south. I will meet you on the other side of the ford. goto swim-boa-hib1

swim-boa-hib1: pause put se match %s Flowing gently at this point, the Biiskbowr River match %s You can't go there match swim-boa-hib1 Obvious paths: match swim-boa-hib1 Obvious exits: match swim-boa-hib1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-boa-hib1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-boa-hib1 ...wait match swim-boa-hib1 type ahead matchwait

boa-hib-cont-group: pause ECHO ECHO *** When your group arrives from the ford, rejoin and then type GLANCE to continue. Make sure their roundtime is done. ECHO waitfor You glance swim-boa-hib2: pause move s move se move s move sw move sw move se move se move se move sw move sw move sw move s move sw move s move se move sw move s move s move sw move sw move s move s move s move se move se move s move s move s move se move se move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move s move go hibarnhvidar gate ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the wintry city of Hibarnhvidar ECHO pause move e move e move e move e move e move e move se move e move e move s move se move se move se move go double gate ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HIBARNHVIDAR ECHO * * * Dwarven city in the soaring Himineldar Shel Mountains ECHO * * * Home of the famous power-generating waterwheel system ECHO * * * Patron god is Kertigen, creator of Elanthia and god of Dwarves, metal-working, and gems ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

forf-rav: pause move go narrow road move se move se move e ECHO ECHO * * * Within the abandoned mine are tommyknockers and retch fiends ECHO move e move e ECHO ECHO * * * Mountain Giants roam upon that trail ECHO move se move e move ne move se ECHO ECHO * * * Enter the cave to face angiswaerd ECHO pause move e move e move s move se move s move se move sw move w move w move sw move nw move sw move w move sw move se move se move se ECHO ECHO *** Now moving VERY SLOWLY to avoid falling on this icy trail along the bitterly cold wind-swept cliffs of the Himineldar Shel ECHO pause 15 move e pause 15 move e ECHO ECHO * * * A tropical mist-covered jungle fills the gorge that must be leagues beneath this mammoth mountain pause 15 move ne pause 15 move se ECHO ECHO * * * The Dwarves settled the Himineldar Shel because it contains the most precious gemstones and ores in all Elanthia ECHO pause 15 move sw pause 15 move sw ECHO ECHO * * * Approaching the Crystalline Gorge where black stone cliffs are encased in solid ice ECHO pause 15 move sw pause 15 move w ECHO ECHO * * * Within the Crystalline Gorge is the Raven's Point outpost, a gathering of sturdy warriors that protect Forfedhdar from the Dragon Priests of the Black Spire and all who would invade ECHO pause 15 move sw ECHO ECHO * * * General Bazrid has spent many years commanding the warriors of Raven's Point, who are the front line of Forfedhdar's homeland defense ECHO pause 15 move sw ECHO ECHO * * * Frostweyr Bears roam the mountainside nearby, even right up to the Raven's Point gates. Beware! ECHO pause 15 move se pause move go rope bridge move se move e move e move s move se move se move se move se move s move sw move se move sw move se move sw move s move go iron gate move se ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RAVEN'S POINT ECHO * * * A Forfedhdar warrior outpost at the base of the Himineldar Shel mountains ECHO * * * General Bazrid leads the Raven's Point warriors, who defend Forfedhdar from the Dragon Priests of the Black Spire ECHO * * * Other nearby creatures are frostweyr bears, armored shalswar, forest gryphons, plague wraiths, and pivuh ECHO * * * Features Smoky Bandit's tobacco shop and a bank, furrier, gem shop, general store, and homes ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

GetRavenDokora: pause match rav-forf I don't know who you are referring to. match rav-forf But no one can see you. match GetRavenDok2 But you don't have that much! match GetRavenDok2 You consider the offer and then realize put tip zzzzzz 180 dokora matchwait

GetRavenDok2: pause move w move go stone bank move w put withdraw 2 silver pause move e move go doorway move e goto rav-forf

rav-forf: pause move nw move go iron gate move n move ne move nw move ne move nw move ne move n move nw move nw move nw move nw move n move w move w move go rope bridge move nw move nw ECHO ECHO *** Moving VERY SLOWLY to avoid falling on this icy trail along the bitterly cold wind-swept cliffs of the Himineldar Shel ECHO pause 15 move ne pause 15 ECHO ECHO * * * In this blizzard you probably wish you were back in Raven's Point with tobacco from Smoky Bandit's in one hand and a Dwarven ale in the other. ECHO * * * Did you know each Dwarf clan brews its own special ale? ECHO move ne pause 15 move e pause 15 move ne ECHO ECHO * * * The Dwarves settled the Himineldar Shel because it contains the most precious gemstones and ores in all Elanthia ECHO pause 15 move ne pause 15 move ne ECHO ECHO * * * The village of Nenav Dalar was lost in the year 157. Perhaps you'll find it beneath one of these snowdrifts. ECHO pause 15 move nw pause 15 move sw ECHO ECHO * * * Centuries ago the Dwarves ruled the entire western and southern parts of the continent and the Himineldar Shel was part of the Kwarlog kingdom pause 15 move w pause 15 move w pause 15 move nw ECHO ECHO * * * Just ahead is the Haalikshal Highway, which in Haakish means "sacred mountain" ECHO * * * The highway is lined with the totem pillars of Dwarves whose families do not have their own totem groves ECHO pause 10 move nw move nw move ne move e move ne move se move ne move e move e move ne move nw move n move nw move n move w move w ECHO ECHO * * * In the cave are angiswaerd ECHO move nw move sw move w move nw ECHO ECHO * * * Mountain Giants roam upon that trail ECHO move w move w ECHO ECHO * * * Enter this abandoned mine to face tommyknockers and retch fiends ECHO pause move w move nw move nw move go narrow road ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Haalikshal Highway ECHO goto %1

sha-rav: pause move go muddy trail move w move sw move sw move s ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Passing beside Wyvern Mountain which contains a shrine to the World Dragon, built by Sh'kial ECHO pause move w move nw move n move nw move w move n move nw move n move nw move nw move n move ne move ne move ne move n move ne move n move nw move nw move w move nw move w move w move sw move nw move w move w move w move w move w move sw move nw move w move w move sw move sw move nw move w move w move sw move sw move nw move w move sw move w move sw move climb narrow path PATH-RAV: move nw move nw move w move w move nw move w move nw move ne move nw move w move w move w move nw move w pause match swim-path-rav1 You have no group match swim-path-rav1 You must be visible match swim-path-rav-group1 You whisper put whisper group If we get split up keep going northward until you see the Gear Gate. matchwait

swim-path-rav-group1: save swim-path-rav-group1 pause put n match swim-path-rav-group2 The road joins the streambed match swim-path-rav-group2 The mud of a lower bank match swim-path-rav-group1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-path-rav-group1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-path-rav-group1 ...wait match swim-path-rav-group1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav-group2: save swim-path-rav-group2 put whisper group If we get split up keep going northward until you see the Gear Gate. pause put w match swim-path-rav-group3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-path-rav-group2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-path-rav-group2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-path-rav-group2 ...wait match swim-path-rav-group2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav-group3: save swim-path-rav-group3 put whisper group If we get split up keep going northward until you see the Gear Gate. pause put nw match swim-path-rav-group4 [The Western Road, Atop the Ridge] match swim-path-rav-group3 ...wait match swim-path-rav-group3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav-group4: ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dwarven province of Forfedhdar ECHO * * * "Forfedhdar" is Haakish for "The Land of the Ancestors" ECHO * * * Governed by the Forfedhdar Enclave, made up of the leaders of each settlement ECHO pause move nw move n move n move ne move ne move e move e move ne move ne ECHO ECHO * * * The Crystalline Gorge: black stone rises on all sides covered with ice crystals ECHO move up move ne move n move nw pause ECHO ECHO ECHO *** WAIT FOR YOUR GROUP TO REJOIN THEN TYPE "GLANCE" TO KEEP GOING ECHO ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto raven-arrived

swim-path-rav1: save swim-path-rav1 pause put n match swim-path-rav2 The road joins the streambed match swim-path-rav2 The mud of a lower bank match swim-path-rav1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-path-rav1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-path-rav1 ...wait match swim-path-rav1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav2: save swim-path-rav2 put whisper group If we get split up keep going northward until you see the Gear Gate. pause put w match swim-path-rav3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-path-rav2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-path-rav2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-path-rav2 ...wait match swim-path-rav2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav3: save swim-path-rav3 put whisper group If we get split up keep going northward until you see the Gear Gate. pause put nw match swim-path-rav4 [The Western Road, Atop the Ridge] match swim-path-rav3 ...wait match swim-path-rav3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-path-rav4: ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Dwarven province of Forfedhdar ECHO * * * "Forfedhdar" is Haakish for "The Land of the Ancestors" ECHO * * * Governed by the Forfedhdar Enclave, made up of the leaders of each settlement ECHO pause move nw move n move n move ne move ne move e move e move ne move ne ECHO ECHO * * * The Crystalline Gorge: black stone rises on all sides covered with ice crystals ECHO move up move ne move n move nw raven-arrived: ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** RAVEN'S POINT ECHO * * * A Forfedhdar warrior outpost at the base of the Himineldar Shel mountains ECHO * * * General Bazrid leads the Raven's Point warriors, who defend Forfedhdar from the Dragon Priests of the Black Spire ECHO * * * Other nearby creatures are frostweyr bears, armored shalswar, forest gryphons, plague wraiths, and pivuh ECHO * * * Features Smoky Bandit's tobacco shop and a bank, furrier, gem shop, general store, and homes ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

rav-sha: pause move sw move se move sw move se move down move sw move sw move w move w move sw move sw move s ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the province of Ilithi ECHO move s move se move se move e pause match swim-rav-sha1 You have no group match swim-rav-sha1 You must be visible match swim-rav-sha-group1 You whisper put whisper group If we get split up go easterly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! matchwait

swim-rav-sha-group1: save swim-rav-sha-group1 pause put s match swim-rav-sha-group2 The comfortable current and match swim-rav-sha-group1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-sha-group1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-sha-group1 ...wait match swim-rav-sha-group1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha-group2: save swim-rav-sha-group2 put whisper group If we get split up go easterly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! pause put e match swim-rav-sha-group3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-rav-sha-group2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-sha-group2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-sha-group2 ...wait match swim-rav-sha-group2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha-group3: save swim-rav-sha-group3 put whisper group If we get split up go easterly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! pause put se match swim-rav-sha-group4 [The Western Road, Big Meadow] match swim-rav-sha-group3 ...wait match swim-rav-sha-group3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha-group4: pause move e move e move e move se move sw move se move e move se move e move e move se move se ECHO ECHO ECHO *** WAIT FOR YOUR GROUP TO REJOIN THEN TYPE "GLANCE" TO KEEP GOING ECHO ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto rav-sha-cont

swim-rav-sha1: save swim-rav-sha1 pause put s match swim-rav-sha2 The comfortable current and match swim-rav-sha1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-sha1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-sha1 ...wait match swim-rav-sha1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha2: save swim-rav-sha2 pause put e match swim-rav-sha3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-rav-sha2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-sha2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-sha2 ...wait match swim-rav-sha2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha3: save swim-rav-sha3 pause put se match swim-rav-sha4 [The Western Road, Big Meadow] match swim-rav-sha3 ...wait match swim-rav-sha3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-sha4: pause move e move e move e move se move sw move se move e move se move e move e move se move se goto rav-sha-cont

rav-sha-cont: move climb narrow path move ne move e move ne move e move se move ne move ne move e move e move se move ne move ne move e move e move se move ne move e move e move e move e move e move se move ne move e move e move se move e move se move se move s move sw move s move sw move sw move sw move s move se move se move s move se move s move e move se move s move se move e move go muddy trail move ne move ne move e move e ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** SHARD, the Crystal City built upon the Lake of Tears ECHO *** Capital of Ilithi and the Elothean nation and home to Elves, governed by an Elothean Ferdahl ECHO *** Built first by Elothean Corik the Black Cloud and Queen Morganae of the Mountain Elves ECHO *** Rebuilt by Ferdahl Alec, son of Corik, after destruction by the Dragon Priests. Later conquered by the Outcasts. ECHO =================== ECHO goto %1

hor-rav: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Gilen Otso Steppes, where the pards and the arzumos roam ECHO pause move go path move n move e move se move e move se move e move se move e move ne move e move ne move e move ne move e move n move nw move ne ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The track leads to an outpost of Dragon Priests, S'kra Mur who worship the World Dragon ECHO * * * Founded by a harmless priest named Sh'kial, turned wicked by his scheming student D'zree ECHO pause move e move e move e move se move e move ne move n move se move climb bluff move ne move e move se move e goto path-rav

rav-hor: pause move sw move se move sw move se move down move sw move sw move w move w move sw move sw move s ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the province of Ilithi ECHO move s move se move se move e pause match swim-rav-hor1 You have no group match swim-rav-hor1 You must be visible match swim-rav-hor-group1 You whisper put whisper group If we get split up go easterly and southerly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! matchwait

swim-rav-hor-group1: save swim-rav-hor-group1 pause put s match swim-rav-hor-group2 The comfortable current and match swim-rav-hor-group1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-hor-group1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-hor-group1 ...wait match swim-rav-hor-group1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor-group2: save swim-rav-hor-group2 put whisper group If we get split up go easterly and southerly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! pause put e match swim-rav-hor-group3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-rav-hor-group2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-hor-group2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-hor-group2 ...wait match swim-rav-hor-group2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor-group3: save swim-rav-hor-group3 put whisper group If we get split up go easterly and southerly until you reach a path and we'll meet there. Watch out for gryphons! pause put se match swim-rav-hor-group4 [The Western Road, Big Meadow] match swim-rav-hor-group3 ...wait match swim-rav-hor-group3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor-group4: pause move e move e move e move se move sw move se move e move se move e move e move se move se ECHO ECHO ECHO *** WAIT FOR YOUR GROUP TO REJOIN THEN TYPE "GLANCE" TO KEEP GOING ECHO ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto rav-hor-cont

swim-rav-hor1: save swim-rav-hor1 pause put s match swim-rav-hor2 The comfortable current and match swim-rav-hor1 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-hor1 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-hor1 ...wait match swim-rav-hor1 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor2: save swim-rav-hor2 pause put e match swim-rav-hor3 [The Western Road, Stream Bank] match swim-rav-hor2 but can't get anywhere. match swim-rav-hor2 can't seem to make much headway. match swim-rav-hor2 ...wait match swim-rav-hor2 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor3: save swim-rav-hor3 pause put se match swim-rav-hor4 [The Western Road, Big Meadow] match swim-rav-hor3 ...wait match swim-rav-hor3 type ahead match retreat engaged matchwait

swim-rav-hor4: pause move e move e move e move se move sw move se move e move se move e move e move se move se goto rav-hor-cont

rav-hor-cont: ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * Entering the Gilen Otso Steppes, where the pards and the arzumos roam ECHO move w move nw move w move sw move climb game trail move nw move s move sw move w move nw move w move w move w ECHO ECHO ECHO * * * The track leads to an outpost of Dragon Priests, S'kra Mur who worship the World Dragon ECHO * * * Under D'zree the Dragon Priests once conquered most of the 5 provinces ECHO pause move sw move se move s move w move sw move w move sw move w move sw move w move nw move w move nw move w move nw move w move s move go path ECHO ECHO =================== ECHO *** HORSE CLAN aka Zaldi Taipa (in Elven) ECHO *** A nomadic clan of Wind Elves ECHO *** Governed by the Indar Taipan, Elven for "Strength of the Clan" ECHO *** Home to the Sulde Taala, a special horse nearly worshipped by the clan, sometimes called Horse of the Huntress or the Sun-Horse. ECHO =================== echo goto finish

raven1-raven2: raven1climbcheck: pause match raven1groupcheck Athletics: match raven1NoClimb EXP HELP put experience athletics 25 matchwait

raven1NoClimb: pause put go gate match GearGateClosed1 sealed for the night! match waitgate3 The gear gate is closed. match waitgate3 Wait until the gear gate has opened match waitgate3 Open the gear gate! match waitgate3 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match raven1NoClimb ...wait match raven1NoClimb type ahead matchwait

waitgate3: pause ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for the Gear Gate to open for entry to Raven's Point ECHO match raven1NoClimb slides to a fully open position match raven1NoClimb sealing the passage both in matchwait

GearGateClosed1: pause ECHO ECHO *** The Gear Gate is closed for the night and you do not have enough climbing skill (25) to bypass the gate. You'll have to wait until day, learn more climbing, or get some help. ECHO ECHO * * * If you think you might be able to make it because of higher than normal strength, spells, or other tricks then type GLANCE now to try the gate bypass. ECHO match raven1groupcheck You glance matchwait

raven1groupcheck: pause match checkgate1 You have no group match checkgate1 You must be visible match checkravengate3 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

checkravengate3: pause put go gate match groupraven1-raven2 sealed for the night! match groupraven1-raven2 The gear gate is closed. match waitgate1 Wait until the gear gate has opened match waitgate1 Open the gear gate! match waitgate1 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match checkravengate3 ...wait match checkravengate3 type ahead matchwait

groupraven1-raven2: move se move s put whisper group GO HOLE right now and join me on the other side, then stand. Hurry! pause move go hole raven3stand: pause match waitraven3 You stand match waitraven3 You are already standing match raven3stand cannot manage to stand. match raven3stand ...wait match raven3stand type ahead put StAND matchwait

waitraven3: ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to rejoin and stand up and then type GLANCE ECHO pause waitfor You glance goto turnbasin3

turnbasin3: pause put turn basin match gowall3 stone wall opens up. match turnbasin3 stone wall closes. match turnbasin3 ...wait match turnbasin3 type ahead matchwait

gowall3: pause move go stone wall move go opening move e move e move go rock road move nw move nw move go barrier move sw

ravclimb1A: save ravclimb1A match ravclimb3A a rain-washed gully match ravclimb2A slip after a few feet match ravclimb2A You must be standing match ravclimb2A Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb sharp gully matchwait

ravclimb2A: pause match ravclimb1A You stand match ravclimb1A You are already standing match ravclimb2A cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2A ...wait match ravclimb2A type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3A: move sw

ravclimb1B: save ravclimb1B match ravclimb3B while a jagged rockslide blocks the match ravclimb2B slip after a few feet match ravclimb2B You must be standing match ravclimb2B Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rockslide matchwait

ravclimb2B: pause match ravclimb1B You stand match ravclimb1B You are already standing match ravclimb2B cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2B ...wait match ravclimb2B type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3B: move sw move w put whisper group GO ROCK SHARD and join me on the other side! Hurry! Watch out for bears! move go rock shard pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to rejoin and stand up and then type GLANCE ECHO pause waitfor You glance move sw move se move sw move s move go gate move se goto %1

checkgate1: pause put go gate match goraven1-raven2 sealed for the night! match goraven1-raven2 The gear gate is closed. match goraven1-raven2 Wait until the gear gate has opened match goraven1-raven2 Open the gear gate! match goraven1-raven2 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Raven's Point, Gear Gate] match checkgate1 ...wait match checkgate1 type ahead matchwait

waitgate1: pause put go gate ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for the Gear Gate to open for entry to Raven's Point ECHO match checkgate1 slides to a fully open position match waitgate1 sealing the passage both in matchwait

goraven1-raven2: move se move s move go hole raven1stand: pause match turnbasin1 You stand match turnbasin1 You are already standing match raven1stand cannot manage to stand. match raven1stand ...wait match raven1stand type ahead put StAND matchwait

turnbasin1: pause put turn basin match gowall1 stone wall opens up. match turnbasin1 stone wall closes. match turnbasin1 ...wait match turnbasin1 type ahead matchwait

gowall1: pause move go stone wall move go opening move e move e move go rock road move nw move nw move go barrier move sw ravclimb1C: save ravclimb1C match ravclimb3C a rain-washed gully match ravclimb2C slip after a few feet match ravclimb2C You must be standing match ravclimb2C Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb sharp gully matchwait

ravclimb2C: pause match ravclimb1C You stand match ravclimb1C You are already standing match ravclimb2C cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2C ...wait match ravclimb2C type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3C: move sw

ravclimb1D: save ravclimb1D match ravclimb3D while a jagged rockslide blocks the match ravclimb2D slip after a few feet match ravclimb2D You must be standing match ravclimb2D Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rockslide matchwait

ravclimb2D: pause match ravclimb1D You stand match ravclimb1D You are already standing match ravclimb2D cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2D ...wait match ravclimb2D type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3D: move sw move w move go rock shard move sw move se move sw move s move go gate move se goto %1

raven2-raven1: raven2climbcheck: pause match raven2groupcheck Athletics: match raven2NoClimb EXP HELP put experience athletics 25 matchwait

raven2NoClimb: pause put go gate match GearGateClosed2 sealed for the night! match waitgate4 The gear gate is closed. match waitgate4 Wait until the gear gate has opened match waitgate4 Open the gear gate! match waitgate4 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match raven2NoClimb ...wait match raven2NoClimb type ahead matchwait

GearGateClosed2: pause ECHO ECHO *** The Gear Gate is closed for the night and you do not have enough climbing skill (25) to bypass the gate. You'll have to wait until day, learn more climbing, or get some help. ECHO ECHO * * * If you think you might be able to make it because of higher than normal strength, spells, or other tricks then type GLANCE now to try the gate bypass. ECHO match raven2groupcheck You glance matchwait

waitgate4: pause ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for the Gear Gate to open for exit from Raven's Point ECHO match raven2NoClimb slides to a fully open position match raven2NoClimb sealing the passage both in matchwait

raven2groupcheck: pause match gocheckgate2 You have no group match gocheckgate2 You must be visible match checkravengate4 You whisper put whisper group ... matchwait

checkravengate4: pause put go gate match groupraven2-raven1 sealed for the night! match groupraven2-raven1 The gear gate is closed. match waitgate2 Wait until the gear gate has opened match waitgate2 Open the gear gate! match waitgate2 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match checkravengate4 ...wait match checkravengate4 type ahead matchwait

groupraven2-raven1: move nw move go gate move n move ne move nw move ne put whisper group GO ROCK WALL and join me on the other side! move go rock wall pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to rejoin and stand up and then type GLANCE ECHO pause waitfor You glance move e move ne

ravclimb1F: save ravclimb1F match ravclimb3F The forest rises to the north match ravclimb2F slip after a few feet match ravclimb2F You must be standing match ravclimb2F Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rockslide matchwait

ravclimb2F: pause match ravclimb1F You stand match ravclimb1F You are already standing match ravclimb2F cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2F ...wait match ravclimb2F type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3F: move ne

ravclimb1G: save ravclimb1G match ravclimb3G The forest crowds the road match ravclimb2G slip after a few feet match ravclimb2G You must be standing match ravclimb2G Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rain gully matchwait

ravclimb2G: pause match ravclimb1G You stand match ravclimb1G You are already standing match ravclimb2G cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2G ...wait match ravclimb2G type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3G: move ne move go crushed fence move se move se move go narrow canyon move w move w move go tunnel mouth turntorch4: pause put turn torch match gowall4 stone wall opens up. match turntorch4 stone wall closes. match turntorch4 ...wait match turntorch4 type ahead matchwait

gowall4: move go stone wall pause put whisper group GO HOLE right now, then STAND and go NORTH, NORTHWEST. Hurry! pause move go hole raven4stand: pause match raven4stood You stand match raven4stood You are already standing match raven4stand cannot manage to stand. match raven4stand ...wait match raven4stand type ahead put StAND matchwait

raven4stood: move n move nw pause ECHO ECHO *** Wait for your group to rejoin then type GLANCE ECHO waitfor You glance goto %1

gocheckgate2: checkgate2: pause put go gate match goraven2-raven1 sealed for the night! match goraven2-raven1 The gear gate is closed. match goraven2-raven1 Wait until the gear gate has opened match goraven2-raven1 Open the gear gate! match goraven2-raven1 The gear gate is in the process of being closed. match %1 [Seord Kerwaith, Gear Gate] match checkgate2 ...wait match checkgate2 type ahead matchwait

waitgate2: pause ECHO ECHO *** Waiting for the Gear Gate to open for exit from Raven's Point ECHO match checkgate2 slides to a fully open position match waitgate2 sealing the passage both in matchwait

goraven2-raven1: move nw move go gate move n move ne move nw move ne move go rock wall move e move ne ravclimb1H: save ravclimb1H match ravclimb3H The forest rises to the north match ravclimb2H slip after a few feet match ravclimb2H You must be standing match ravclimb2H Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rockslide matchwait

ravclimb2H: pause match ravclimb1H You stand match ravclimb1H You are already standing match ravclimb2H cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2H ...wait match ravclimb2H type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3H: move ne

ravclimb1I: save ravclimb1I match ravclimb3I The forest crowds the road match ravclimb2I slip after a few feet match ravclimb2I You must be standing match ravclimb2I Stand up first. match pause steepness is intimidating match pause can't seem to find purchase match pause find it hard going. match pause your footing is questionable match pause A wave of dizziness hits you match pause Struck by vertigo match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put climb rain gully matchwait

ravclimb2I: pause match ravclimb1I You stand match ravclimb1I You are already standing match ravclimb2I cannot manage to stand. match ravclimb2I ...wait match ravclimb2I type ahead put StAND matchwait

ravclimb3I: move ne move go crushed fence move se move se move go narrow canyon move w move w move go tunnel mouth turntorch2: pause put turn torch match gowall2 stone wall opens up. match turntorch2 stone wall closes. match turntorch2 ...wait match turntorch2 type ahead matchwait

gowall2: move go stone wall move go hole raven2stand: pause match raven2stood You stand match raven2stood You are already standing match raven2stand cannot manage to stand. match raven2stand ...wait match raven2stand type ahead put StAND matchwait

raven2stood: move n move nw goto %1

NOSTART: ECHO ECHO ========================================== ECHO *** You are not at a valid starting location for the MAINLAND TRAVEL SCRIPT ECHO ECHO * * * Start Outside any Town Gate ECHO * * * Start on any public transport (ferry, barge, gondola, skiff) ECHO * * * Start at any public transport dock ECHO ECHO *** Additional starting locations: ECHO * * Crossing - outside bank; outside Moon Mage guild ECHO * * Riverhaven - Town Square ECHO * * On the broken bridge south of the Faldesu ECHO * * Langenfirth - Outside Wharf area ECHO * * El'Bain's - Picnic Area ECHO * * Leth Deriel - center of town ECHO * * Fayrin's Rest - Anloraten Crossing ECHO * * Wolf Clan - outside Trader outpost ECHO * * Knife Clan - North side of bridge ECHO * * Raven's Point - Inside gear gate ECHO * * Hibarnhvidar - Gateway between Inner and Outer Hibarnhvidar ECHO ========================================== ECHO EXIT

LABELERROR: NODESTINATION: ECHO ECHO ================================================= ECHO *** You did not enter a valid destination ECHO *** To use this script type .{scriptname} {destination} ECHO *** For example, to go to Crossing type .travel crossing ECHO ================================================= ECHO ======================================================== ECHO *** List of possible destinations: ECHO ECHO *** ILITHI: ECHO * * * Horse Clan, Shard, Steelclaw Clan, Fayrin's Rest, Gondola ECHO ECHO *** FORFEDHDAR ECHO * * * Ain Ghazal, Hibarnhvidar, Boar Clan, Raven's Point, Nenav Dalar ECHO ECHO *** ZOLUREN: ECHO * * * Ilaya Taipa, Leth, Acenamacra, Alfren's Ferry, Crossing, Arthe Dale ECHO * * * Kaerna, Caravansary, Dirge, and Tiger, Wolf, Knife, and Stone Clans ECHO ECHO *** THERENGIA: ECHO * * * Faldesu River, North Road Ferry, Riverhaven, Throne City, Rossman's, ECHO * * * Therenborough, El'Bain's, Langenfirth, Fornsted, Hvaral, Muspari ECHO ECHO ECHO *** VALID STARTING LOCATIONS: ECHO * * * Start Outside any Town Gate ECHO * * * Start on any public transport (ferry, barge, gondola, skiff) ECHO * * * Start at any public transport dock ECHO ECHO *** Additional starting locations: ECHO * * Crossing - outside bank; outside Moon Mage guild ECHO * * Riverhaven - Town Square ECHO * * On the broken bridge south of the Faldesu ECHO * * Langenfirth - Outside Wharf area ECHO * * El'Bain's - Picnic Area ECHO * * Leth Deriel - center of town ECHO * * Fayrin's Rest - Anloraten Crossing ECHO * * Wolf Clan - outside Trader outpost ECHO * * Knife Clan - North side of bridge ECHO * * Raven's Point - Inside gear gate ECHO * * Hibarnhvidar - Gateway between Inner and Outer Hibarnhvidar ECHO ======================================================== pause ECHO ================================================= ECHO *** You did not enter a destination ECHO *** To use this script type .{scriptname} {destination} ECHO *** For example, to go to Crossing type .travel crossing ECHO ================================================= EXIT

NOMONEY: ECHO ECHO ============================ ECHO *** YOU ARE BROKE! ECHO *** GET SOME MONEY! ECHO ============================ ECHO EXIT

NOROSSMAN: ECHO ECHO ============================== ECHO *** You do not have the 50 ranks of climbing required to get to Rossman's. ECHO *** You must take a boat from Lang or Haven or have someone take you. ECHO ============================== ECHO EXIT

LEAVEALLFERRIES: pause ECHO ECHO **************************************************************** ECHO *** YOU ARE ABOARD A PUBLIC TRANSPORT! ECHO ECHO *** If you are at a dock and want off you must get off now and restart your script, ECHO *** otherwise you will be let off at the next dock and taken to your final destination. ECHO **************************************************************** ECHO match ALLFERRYDOCK the ferry reaches the dock. match ALLFERRYDOCK reaches the dock and its crew ties the ferry off. match ALLFERRYDOCK reaches the dock and its crew ties the ferry off. match ALLFERRYWHARFPIER reaches its dock and its crew ties the barge off. match ALLFERRYMuspari The sand barge pulls into dock and its crew quickly ties the barge off. match ALLFERRYDOCK The barge pulls into dock and its crew quickly ties the barge off. match ALLFERRYDOCK The skiff lightly taps the dock and the skilled River Elf crew quickly secure the skiff to the pilings. match ALLFERRYDOCK You come to a very soft stop as the ferry reaches the dock. match ALLFERRYDOCK The ferrymaster mumbles a few quick words of thanks as he and his crew move to unload the supplies. matchwait

ALLFERRYDOCK: pause put go dock pause goto %1

ALLFERRYWHARFPIER: pause put go wharf put go pier pause goto %1

ALLFERRYMUSPARI: pause put go platform put go dock pause goto %1

leaveskiff: pause ECHO ECHO **************************************************************** ECHO *** You are aboard a River Elf skiff that travels between Ilaya Taipa and Ain Ghazal. ECHO ECHO *** If you are at a dock and want off you must get off now and restart your script, ECHO *** otherwise you will be let off at the next dock and taken to your final destination. ECHO **************************************************************** ECHO waitfor The skiff lightly taps the dock put stand pause move go dock goto %1

RETREAT: match retreat You retreat back to pole range. match retreat still stunned match %s You retreat from combat. match pause ...wait match pause type ahead put retreat matchwait

pause: pause goto %s

FALLEN: pause match STOOD You stand match STOOD You are already standing match FALLEN cannot manage to stand. match FALLEN The weight of all your possessions match FALLEN ...wait put StAND matchwait

STOOD: goto %s

FINISH: put set Description pause ECHO ECHO *** YOU HAVE ARRIVED *** ECHO ECHO EXIT