Moon Mage 3.0
A repository for changes to the Moon Mage guild under DragonRealms 3.0.
Predictions have undergone a significant rewrite.
Align split ??
Align transmogrify allows the conversion of one prediction pool into another. Considered extremely hard to do.
Prediction tools have been rewritten so that they are more standardized, though charts, bowls, prisms, and tokka are not updated.
Tools can now be ANALYZEd for more information.
Each tool will have a different strength. For example, mirrors have an unexplained affinity for curses. Further details have not been released.
It is now possible to perceive the mana available for Teleogical Sorcery.
Moon mages now have an enhanced sensitivety to moon rise times.
Teleogical Sorcery spells (SET, TS, and TV) now properly use the correct mix of mana types.
Stellar mana no longer exists. All Stellar magic spells instead use another book as base.