Empath Spells 3.0

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NameAbbrevTypeSkillsSlotsMin PrepMax PrepDifficultyAvailabilityDescription
Vitality HealingvhNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility25102BasicLiveThe secret of blood, fully understood only by Empaths and Necromancers, is that it is life force given liquid form through a miracle of the flesh. Vitality Healing functions on this principle, restoring blood lost from trauma and health compromised by magic or illness with a single gesture.
Heal WoundshwNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility11102IntroductoryLiveThe most fundamental tool of the Empath, Heal Wounds attempts to restore a body part to its natural state, as defined by the Empath's race, age, heredity and so forth. It cannot "cure" senescence or correct birth defects, but its effect on wounds and trauma is miraculous. When cast on a body part (CAST [bodypart]), it will attempt to heal external wounds first, and then internal if any healing potential remains. An empath can choose to heal only external wounds or only internal wounds as well (CAST [bodypart] [EXT|INT]). The empath can also attempt to heal internals first with any remaining power going to externals (CAST [bodypart] REVERSE).
Heal ScarshsNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility14100IntroductoryLiveThe second of the fundamental healing spells, Heal Scars functions in an identical manner as Heal Wounds (all CAST options described in Heal Wounds applies to this spell as well). Where Heal Wounds restores functionality and flesh to body parts, Heal Scars smooths out the flaws left behind. Calluses, scars and lingering aches fade away under corrective magic, returning the body part to the ideal form for the Empath's age and natural fitness.
HealhealNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility21499AdvancedLiveA matrix built around the two fundamental healing spells, Heal attempts to locate and heal the worst wounds of the Empath, doing whatever correction is necessary to bring his body to wholeness. The Empath can specifically cast it with wounds or scars in mind to focus the spell upon the worst injury of the given type, or allow it to do its best for both. The spell can heal multiple injuries with enough potency, but it is very inefficient at doing so.
RegenerateregenerateNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility1521BasicLiveRegenerate, as the name suggests, drastically enhances the Empath's metabolism with healing magic, allowing him to "naturally" recover from wounds and scars while the spell is maintained. The scope of the spell is dictated by the potency of the spell: the more power the spell has, the greater the wounds it can close.
Fountain of CreationfocNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility332105EsotericLiveThe Fountain of Creation spell unleashes a powerful emanation of Life energy through its caster's body, attempting to restore the body to its idealized state in one fell swoop. Though the power of this pattern can be miraculous, it is incredibly draining to use. Realizing this spell requires not only mana but the very life force of its own caster, potentially causing an immediate collapse from exertion.
Blood StaunchingbsNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility11100IntroductoryLiveThe Blood Staunching spell temporarily halts the flow of your blood, keeping you from bleeding to death during that time. In addition, you can pre-cast the spell as a preventative measure in case you begin bleeding. If you attempt to replace a cast of the spell and have wounds that would otherwise be bleeding, they may resume bleeding again for a few moments as the fresh cast of the spell takes effect.
Flush PoisonsfpNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility113100AdvancedLiveThe Flush Poisons spell will assist your immune system in quickly ridding your body of dangerous poisons. You can cast it in general, or cast it upon a specific poison by location or name. A practitioner with knowledge of the Adaptive Curing technique may also cast the spell as a reactive ward against poison, rather than waiting to perform a curing afterward. Further, an Empath with such knowledge who casts the spell while poisoned may find that a strongly-cast pattern will linger protectively if it succeeds in eliminating toxins with power to spare.
Cure DiseasecdNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility11499AdvancedLiveThe Cure Disease spell will seek out diseases in your body and aid your immune system in eradicating them. You can choose to target a specific disease if you wish. A practitioner with knowledge of the Adaptive Curing technique may also cast the spell as a reactive ward against disease, rather than waiting to perform a curing afterward.
Adaptive CuringadcMetaspell N/A 100IntroductoryScrollAdaptive Curing is not an independent spell, but an extension of the Cure Disease and Flush Poisons patterns. With this knowledge, an Empath can cast either spell as a reactive ward against poison or disease, rather than waiting to perform a curing afterward.
Heart LinkhlNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility31397AdvancedLiveHeart Link establishes a vital connection between the Empath and a subject, granting the subject a measure of the Empath's holistic well being. Under the protection of a Heart Link, bleeding is reduced, poisons and diseases are stifled, and the Empath's life force flows outward to replace lost vitality.In previous years Heart Link was feared more than loved, due to its connection to the crippling Nissa's Binding. Advances in spell design have severed the two patterns, rendering Heart Link a purely beneficial spell.
RefreshrefreshNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation11102IntroductoryLiveRefresh strengthens the subject with a rarified form of Life energy, increasing how quickly he recovers from fatigue. This pattern can even fortify the subject beyond his normal limits, granting him supernatural endurance. Though it can be cast on others, the pattern is especially effective when self-cast.
Raise PowerrpBattle AreaUtility21699AdvancedLiveRaise Power temporarily strengthens the Life mana at your location through a minor act of sacrifice. The matrix is fed by a portion of the caster's life force, inevitably leaving him exhausted. Anyone in the caster's group will contribute a smaller portion of energy to the casting, but is spared from the debilitating effect of the spell.
Gift of LifegolNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation26101BasicLiveGift of Life leverages the Empath's supernatural talent in a simple and sublime way, opening him to the ebb and flow of life energy that feeds the world. This state improves the Empath's ability to form and maintain links, and also makes him more hardy. However, this spell is highly dependent on the ability to form links, rendering it useless to Empaths who have lost sensitivity.
VigorvigorNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation217100AdvancedLiveMany empaths are tempted to neglect their physical skills in favor of their mental and magical abilities. Your mind and magic will serve you well in many situations, but when wit and diplomacy fail, you may find that a more corporeal approach is needed. Your Empathy already allows you to enhance and restore others' bodies, but you should not neglect your own. Your body must be the able servant of your mind. The Vigor spell will improve your muscular control, allowing you to temporarily imbue yourself -- or your Guardian Spirit -- with added strength and agility.
ParalysisparalysisTargeted Single-TargetTargeted Magic25100BasicLiveParalysis, when successfully cast, projects an anesthetic solution at the target, causing a complete loss of muscle control. A well-targeted attack can cause its victim to lose his balance or even fall impotently to the ground. As with most Life spells, the solution is ineffective against the undead; in fact, it will likely only anger them further.
LethargylethargyBattle Single-TargetDebilitation25102BasicLiveThe Lethargy spell, if cast successfully, deprives a target of its bodily energy and celerity for a short while.
InnocenceinnocenceNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility1595BasicLiveThe Innocence spell demonstrates that you are not a threat, causing opponents to turn away from advancing upon you and face another. Undead creatures, on the other hand, may be enraged by the spell and attack with redoubled ferocity.
Aesandry DarlaethadBattle Single-TargetAugmentation\Utility1520BasicLiveAesandry Darlaeth forces your muscles and nerves to react much more swiftly than they normally would. As long as you maintain this spell, your reaction time will markedly decrease, improving your reflexes and making it easier to maintain your balance in combat. Such a quickness also means that your movement will not be obstructed by anything for long.
Guardian SpiritgsNon-Battle Single-TargetUtility2520BasicLiveThe Guardian Spirit spell summons a warrior of the Fae -- an alfar -- to keep you safe from hostility and be your champion in combat. In some ways, the creature mirrors the caster, as Empaths with greater skill at targeting magic summon more powerful warriors. This spell requires constant upkeep and vigilance on the part of the caster. An Empath who fails to maintain the pattern will lose his hold on this creature of Fae, and it will abandon him to return whence it came.

[Can be cast CUSTOM if you wish to establish a special relationship with a specific Fae or simply CAST to get a random alfar.]

Iron ConstitutionicNon-Battle Single-TargetWarding15100BasicLiveIron Constitution is the pride of Gor'Tog Battle Empaths. The spell will numb its caster's skin with an armoring pattern which lacks the sensitivity to hinder small attacks. Under the onslaught of severe strikes, however, the skin will momentarily harden to a near-kertig rigidity that can repel the brunt of most damage. This is quite auspicious as it gives the Empath a chance to mend his wounds where he would otherwise perish in a quick, brutal fashion. It is said that no single blow may fell a skilled Empath employing Iron Constitution.
Aggressive StanceagsNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation25100BasicLiveSupernatural empathy opens the door to many wonders, but it exacts a well known price. Though Empaths are free to think and worship as they wish, developing the empathic talent requires a carefully maintained innocence of the body. This not only restricts the Empath's ability to harm others, but also hinders his ability to train his body to react properly in the face of violence.

Aggressive Stance circumvents this limitation. By creating a magical connection to other living creatures in a potentially violent situation, the Empath can prime his body to assume the physiological responses of someone who has lived his entire life with violent potential. This effectively increases the Empath's ability to avoid blows... and land them, if it becomes necessary.

Due to how the spell functions, it can only work if there is a possibility of violence when you cast it. Truly serene areas, as well as some mental compulsions, can inhibit the spell.
Circle of SympathycosRitualUtility2150600BasicLiveThe Circle of Sympathy spell allows multiple Empaths to unite their mana attunements, helping to keep any of them from falling weak and powerless while the others are still strongly attuned. Once the spell forms, anyone with an empathic touch may join the matrix.
Nissa's BindingnbBattle AreaDebilitation215100AdvancedLiveThe Nissa's Binding spell is the only legacy the Empath Guild has of Lanival's companion, Nissa. Though it is thought that this spell was originally meant to be a type of anaesthesia, modern empaths have discovered other uses for it. When cast, this pattern will soothe the life essences around you and plunge them into a slumber. Those with great fortitude may resist this effect. As with most applications of this nature, Nissa's Binding is useless against the undead.
Mental FocusmefNon-Battle Single-TargetAugmentation25100BasicLiveBeing an empath is a dangerous vocation, whether your work brings you to an infirmary or to fields of battle. Even the briefest slip in concentration can mean death for an empath at work, as many have learned to their grief. Other times will find you in need of deeper, more intense concentration than you are normally capable of. The Mental Focus spell will enhance your concentration, allowing you to renew your mental readiness more quickly than you normally would. You will find your concentration taxed by almost any application of empathy, so this spell should aid you well your empathic endeavors.
CompelcompelBattle Single-TargetDebilitation215100AdvancedLiveThe Compel spell allows you to bring your will to bear upon a target to induce them to remove themselves from your presence. Unlike the brutal methods of other guilds, however, the Compel spell relies on on your supernatural empathy, reinforcing your will with a subtle but unyielding pattern of life mana. Creatures or people thus compelled find themselves elsewhere in a state of confusion, often unable to recall how they arrived or why they left. The most powerful empaths may find that the target believes he chose to leave himself -- never realizing that the impetus originated with the empath.
TranquilitytranquilityNon-Battle Single-TargetWarding\Augmentation215100AdvancedLiveRefining the theories of Mental Preparation, an Empath achieves such adroit control over his mental and bodily resilience that he may adapt favorably in the face of debilitating attacks he has to endure. The Tranquility spell will also make its caster more disciplined.
AwakenawakenBattle Single-TargetWarding\Utility315100AdvancedLiveThis spell will attempt to awaken any living thing which is unconscious, and may also free the mind from other stuporous confines. A self-cast Awaken spell pattern will settle over the Empath quiescently, rousing to activity when his mental equilibrium is disrupted.