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Zarrurvok Irenicus
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild undisclosed
Instance Prime

Also see JostakDR

Zarrurvok Irenicus

Zarrurvok has a triangular face, green eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin and an athletic build. He is a bit over average height for a Human. He appears to be young. He is clean shaven. His right wrist has a tattoo of a faded identification number. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a black low-brimmed hat, some steel-rimmed spectacles, a dark silverweave lootsack, a rough burlap baldric, a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps, a nightmare-black leather robe tooled with faded symbols on the hems, a nondescript cloak of mottled grey, a matte black bandolier, a wide bone ring clutching a blackened Estate Holder's crest, a black leather war belt riveted with blued-steel studs, a small steel knife and some black leather hand-tooled boots.


  • His interests are the study of the history of magic, and magical artifacts.
  • In addition to scholarly pursuits, also treasure hunts for undiscovered artifacts and magical lore.
  • No distance too far, No obstacle too great when it comes to his studies.
  • Doesn't claim association to any of the guilds.
  • Is gifted with the ability to use analogous pattern magic, unlike most other commoners.
  • Racist save for a few exceptions and humans, not in any violent way but definitely has a chip on his shoulder.
  • Will maintain acquaintances, but has no true friends... and doesn't really care for any.
  • Claims to have had a normal upbringing in the Crossing, but the identification number on his wrist hints at a troubled past life.


  • Successfully returned Kanton's dagger.
  • Investigated a ghost ship, successfully laying it to rest.
  • Investigated Akigwe's Tower, but failed to reveal all its secrets.
  • Successfully quelled a prison riot.
  • Has ridden a giant mechanical dragon.
  • Received a jade Xala'Shar figurine from an unnamed associate, leading to his investigation of the Xala'Shar threat.

OOC Information

AIM SN is zarrurvok

To better understand how to interact with Zarrurvok should you meet him, here is some out of character information. I take roleplay seriously with this character. OOC is almost always kept to whispers/OOC command.

Information below is strictly OOC, most is not known in-game by anyone but other guild members.

I don't roleplay a bad guy, being evil, etc. Zarrurvok is after knowledge, that's it. I'm open to conflict, but it has to be roleplayed and for a good reason. If you are the type to be an ass and accuse necromancy without any IG knowledge of him being one, don't bother trying to interact with me. This also does NOT mean he is on Lyras's side or whoever the current bad guy (Necromancer or not) is. Zarrurvok is on his own path, and doesn't condone their current or past actions. You won't find me acting like a wanna-be invasion wielding GMPC.

I do play the assassins game, but I consider it to be borderline OOC. Treat it like such, and I'll do the same for you. That means don't get mad I killed you with a zombie etc then accuse me every chance you get afterwords.

Zarrurvok is very Indiana Jones-esque

His reasons for becoming a necromancer are his own, so don't ask. All that is known is that he does not wish to die (Permanently), ever. He has absolutely no faith in any gods, or demons for that matter.

Zarrurvok is a necromancer who's true studies involve sociology and how it relates to necromancy, as well as the study of the origins of necromancy. He hopes during these studies he will find hidden secrets that will expand the great work. He strongly believes 'the truth' is out there, and travels far and wide to investigate areas of interest.

To anyone but other necromancers, Zarrurvok is a common man with an interest in history and treasure hunting. He claims no guild status, and is gifted the rare ability to manipulate analogous spell patterns not found in most commoners.