Farhana's Exquisites (2)

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Farhana's Exquisites (2)
Event Feast of Eluned I
Owner Farhana
# of Rooms Unknown
Store Type Unknown
This store only accepts Kronars

{{ShopDescription|roomname=Farhana's Exquisites, Sales Room |desc=Arched coral walls are hung with ivory gauze layered over pale rose silk, softening the light of the room and rippling with every breeze. Tall seagrass baskets filled with honeysuckle blossoms and curls of sandalwood and cinnamon bark are tucked in the corners, lending a light and spicy fragrance to the air. Big cushions covered with raw silk and edged with tiny golden bells are scattered near the merchandise racks, inviting shoppers to linger and choose. You also see a parchment SIGN that you *should read*, some driftwood shelves with some stuff on it, a teak rack with some stuff on it, a beaten brass table with some stuff on it, a sandalwood rack with some stuff on it, a mahogany rack with some stuff on it, a sculpted coral stand with some stuff on it and a pearl-edged doorway.
Obvious exits: none. |}

A sign reads:
FARASAH are gauzy, long robes often worn over a tunic and trousers or skirt. HAUSSA are loose, 
graceful trousers. TSHOGA are ornate, pocketed jackets. KHANDUR are pocketed jackets loose 
enough to cover some worn items. DJEBBA are heavy, pocketed overcoats.
On the driftwood shelves
Item Price Done
djebba of heavy brown wool trimmed with woven gold cord and amber beads ?   No
djebba of soft double-folded white cotton seamed with wide bands of ebony-embroidered crimson linen ?   No
brass-clasped black silk djebba edged with wide bands of gold brocade ?   !!
thick felt crimson djebba trimmed with ebony silk figured braid ?   No
dark green brocade djebba with elaborate copper-threaded trim ?   No