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Options: Gods, Kaneija, Xin'Alaudas(EmperorGod)

Gorbesh gods: Xosiurion, Orisas, Sraxaec, Tieheq, Merion, Eimeuz, Aniek, Misiumos, Aliesa, Sieben Symbols: dragon, globe, torch, rimewolf, spearandgreatsword, anvil, ship, boltoflightning, clay, whirlwind

Kaldaran Thirteen: Kertigen, Hodierna, Meraud, Damaris, Everild, Truffenyi, Hav'roth, Eluned, Glythtide, Tamsine, Faenella, Chadatru, Urrem'tier 12 Symbols: coins, serpent, forkedbolt (of lightning), daggers, dragon tail, tree, hammer, grapes, shield, circlet, spear, helm.

(Select All)
gosub %0

echo ************
echo Options:
echo Gods, Kaneija, Xin'Alaudas(EmperorGod)
echo Gorbesh gods: Xosiurion, Orisas, Sraxaec, Tieheq, Merion, Eimeuz, Aniek, Misiumos, Aliesa, Sieben
echo Symbols: dragon, globe, torch, rimewolf, spearandgreatsword, anvil, ship, boltoflightning, clay, whirlwind
echo Kaldaran Thirteen: Kertigen, Hodierna, Meraud, Damaris, Everild, Truffenyi, Hav'roth, Eluned, Glythtide, Tamsine, Faenella, Chadatru, Urrem'tier
echo 12 Symbols: coins, serpent, forkedbolt (of lightning), daggers, dragon tail, tree, hammer, grapes, shield, circlet, spear, helm.
echo ************

echo The Gorbesh gods are:  Xosiurion, Orisas, Sraxaec, Tieheq, Eimeuz, Aniek, Misiumos, Aliesa, Sieben
echo The Thirteen observed by some Kaldar: Kertigen, Hodierna, Meraud, Damaris, Everild, Truffenyi, Hav'roth, Eluned, Glythtide, Faenella, Chadatru, Urrem'tier

echo Kaneija
echo The Kaneija, a snowglobe, holds within it a vast field of ice, and in the center, a city of bright life. The Lady of Spirit takes the souls of the dead and dying Gorbesh within the Kaneija.

echo Xosiurion
echo God of dragons and rules them with a mighty fist.  STands high in domination over the world.  Legends and stories surround mythic battle between Xosiurion and Xin'Alaudas.
echo His planet is Xosedas.
echo His symbol is a dragon skull.

echo Xin'Alaudas
echo Many legends and stories surround the mythic battle between Xosiurion and Xin'Alaudas, prior to the Emperor-God's Ascension. The Bone God and the Founder battled for eighteen days before the gates of Duvarqe, neither giving any ground nor showing any weakness. But on the nineteenth day, Xosiurion began to weaken. The Lord of Bone employed every power he had within himself, drawing upon all his greatness as he struggled to defeat Xin'Alaudas. For eighteen days more the two fought on, Xosiurion assuming the form of a dragon -- the Founder fought on. After thirty-six days, the contest was ended, the Dragon God beaten and humbled. Following the battle, Xosiurion and Xin'Alaudas spilled their blood and sealed themselves to each other as brothers. The thirty-six song Duvarqe Cycle, written by the Great Bard Namixeq details the battle between the two deities.
echo After the defeat of Xosiurion, and the brotherhood of the Dragon King and Xin'Alaudas, Sraxaec filled a goblet with his blood, and from that the Founder did drink -- his body burst into flames. 
echo It is believed that it was Tieheq that went to Xin'Alaudas and trained the Founder, and set him upon the path that led to the Gorbesh Empire -- many say Tieheq stood at the Emperor-God's side in the Battle of Coevoe, where the Gorbesh dealt the death knell to the Luethra Nation; they say Tieheq cheered on the Founder in his battle with Xosiurion and Tieheq's cheers filled Xin'Alaudas with strength. 
echo Aniek tried desperately to kill the young Xin'Alaudas, afloat in the sea -- she failed, and her anger assailed Albaria for a month.
echo When the Journey of Xin'Alaudas was complete, it was the Lord of Wood that gave his ship to return the Founder to Albaria. 

echo Orisas
echo Her Doman being Spirit, Orisas is the mightiest and most venerated goddess.  Known as the Ghostly Mistress, she is no more than an incorporeal soul, pale and ethereal white.  She carries a brightly shining glove, the Kaneija.  She takes the souls of the dead and dying Gorbesh within the Kaneija.
echo the Meumos Prophecies tell us that when the time of Ileahl comes, shew ill thrown down her glove in a fury, and the Kaneija will shatter into a million spears of light.  The souls will be freed and arm themselves and She will lead them into battle.
echo Her planet is Osec.
echo Her symbole is a white globe.

echo Sraxaex
echo God of new life, healing.  It is he that gave life to the peoples of Albaria.  His Doman is Blood:  pure, red, and fresh.  Especially favors those wounded in battles and will frequently ride with the armies to bestow blessings of life upon the warriors.
echo In the words of the Meumos Prophecies it is written that in the time of Ilaehl, Sraxaec's head will be severed; his blood will stain the earth, and set fire to the icy lands of Albaria. His head will regrow, and Sraxaec will bring new life onto the changed land.
echo His planet is Sidasas.
echo His symbol is a burning torch.

echo Tieheq
echo Master of the Doman of Iron, he is the fiercest of the gods.  Wielding the greatsword Ixiusks and the spear Namivy, Tieheq leads the forces of the Gorbesh in battle.  THe Iron lord delivers strength and courage to the hearts of the people.  He and his wife give victory.
echo His planet is Tliij.
echo His symbol is a crossed spear and greatsword.

echo Merion
echo The most favored of all of goddesses save Orisas, Merion is the protector, her flames bring safety, warmth, and comfort.  She is the kindly mother and like her husband, Tieheq, a great warrior.  She deviced the arts of Forging and her blessing is called for by blacksmiths and warriors.
echo It is the Lady of Fire that slays Misiumos to bring a reprieve from the ice and snow to Albaria; the battle of the sisters is told in the Miuhl Cycle.
echo Her planet is Maeben.
echo Her symbol is a flaming anvil. 

echo Eimeuz
echo Controlling the Domain of Wood, it is he that led our people ot the sea.  He is the God of Ships and constructed a great fleet by himself and sailed across the sea of stars.  Many of his ships can still been seen in the night sky.
echo The Builder was taught the arts of sailing and builing to our people.  He is especially fond of the forests and defends them from destruction.  The evergreens are his children.  He is a giant, more than two and a half times the height of even the tallest Gorbesh.
echo His planet is Eimarque.
echo His symbol is a ship.

echo Aniek
echo The cruel Goddess of Destruction, hers is the Domain of Storm.  Aniek is vindictive and spiteful and ruins for the sake of ruination.  Her rages are unimaginable and she disturbs the land with tornadoes, blizzards, and lightnings.
echo Raider ships will bear seals of Aniek.  Her and Sieben are hateful enemies and would do much to destroy the other.
echo Aniek's planet is Aneus.
echo Her symbol is three bolts of lightning. 

echo Misiumos
echo The cold, defiant goddress, hers is the shroud that covers Albaria with ice and snow.  She is venerated as the goddess of the land itself.  We are all children of Misiumos, she makes us stronger, tests us, and puts the frost in our bones.
echo From her union with Sraxaec, the beasts of the earth did come.  Hunters seek her blessing, for the vast expanses they range are hers.
echo Her planet is Misueshi.
echo Her symbol is a rimewolf. 

echo Aliesa
echo Domain of Clay, kind goddess of homes.  Like Eimeuz, she is a Builder and watches over and creates the cities and homes of the land, offering them her hand of gentle protection.  Potters and scultors revere her with their art.  She is the most peaceful of all the gods and she watches over truces and treaties.
echo She is also a great warrior with the fury of a mother and her palace is decorated with statues of her slain enemies.
echo Aliesa's planet is Kneisa.
echo Her symbol is three stacked bricks of clay. 

echo Sieben
echo Master of the Domain of Mist, he is a fickle and feckless god.  As insubstantial as his Doman, his appears as a hardened young man obscured by a great fog.  A master of changing shape, he often fools the other gods.  He works to foster chaos and frequently creates havoc among the mortals.  Father of trickery, deceit, and the Ocular.
echo Aliesa's planet is Kneisa.
echo Her symbol is three stacked bricks of clay. 

echo Kertigen
echo The god of craftsmen, commerce and merchants. He is a pacifist and inspires greed, criticism and covetous behavior. Worship of Kertigen is sparse, as those who follow him tend to be viewed as weak and flawed. Accusing a warrior of following Kertigen is considered a grave insult.
echo His symbol is a trio of coins; platinum, gold and silver. 

echo Hodierna
echo The goddess of life, trial and tribulations. She freely grants life, so that she might steal it away again from the undeserving. Endurance of her machinations proves one worthy of the life she grants, while death by her hand is considered proof that one did not deserve her gift. Her favored tools are mishap, malady and murder.
echo Her symbol is a fanged serpent. 

echo Meraud
echo The god of magic, passion and unrestrained destruction. Much as he is the source of volatility within magic, he is the also the source of love, desire, and adultery. While considered a fearless warrior he is known for his unpredictable rages in which he will lash out at friend and foe alike with storm and lightning.
echo His symbol is a forked bolt of lightning. 

echo Damaris
echo The god of night, duplicity and vengeance. He is the paramour of Hodierna, and is frequently a conspirator in her schemes, if not the actually perpetrator. Only the most despicable of Kaldar will openly admit to his worship, though many more pledge secret allegiance.
echo His symbol is a pair of parallel daggers. 

echo Everild
echo The god of warriors, battle and strength. It is he who gives the Kaldar strength to survive Hodierna's trials, and he who guides the blades of the worthy. Everild favors those who prove themselves exceptionally proficient in battle, granting them immortal life in his personal legion should they fall in combat. Worship of him is quite common, particularly among the young.
echo His symbol is a dragon's tail flail (a two-handed flail with a concave tetrahedral head). 

echo Truffenyi
echo The god of parentage, civilization, and morality. A stern, fatherly figure, it is Truffenyi who taught the Kaldar of civilization and honor, and he who warned them away from the Gorbesh's empire building. While highly respected by the Kaldar, his worship has waned since exposure to Kermorian beliefs, as he has become tainted by his strong association with weaker races.
echo His symbol is a pine tree. 

echo Hav'roth
echo The god of earth, flame and smiths. He is the guardian of the Kaldar\; he who warms them through the winter, he who defends against the Ocular, and he who guides the hammer of the smith. Weapons and armor that do not bear his blessing are not to be trusted, and even common tools are traditionally forged in his name.  (Like all the Gods, he is traditionally depicted as a Kaldar.) 
echo His symbol is a hammer wreathed in flames.

echo Eluned
echo he goddess of the ocean, frost, and ruin. While Meraud's destruction rages unrestrained, sudden and violent, many find it preferable to suffering under Eluned's hand; for she will not be content until her victims are ruined in all things.
echo Her symbol is an iceberg. 

echo Glythtide
echo The god of madness, depravity, and regret. While few blame Glythtide for planting the seeds of failure, it is he who makes them flourish. Worship of Glythtide is almost entirely limited to those who have already felt his touch, and have naught left to live for but to spread his misery.
echo His symbol is a bunch of grapes. 

echo Tamsine
echo he goddess of peace, family, and healing. Consort to Truffenyi, it is she who enforces peace between the Kaldar and the Gorbesh, and she who shelters warriors on the field of battle so that they may return to their spouses and children.
echo Her symbol is a kite shield. 

echo Faenella
echo The goddess of creativity, revelry, and pride. It is she who drives Kaldar to excel in all things, to do the impossible and prove themselves superior to all those who have come before. Celebrations are frequently thrown in her name and the greatest among Kaldar will be tempered by her flames, forever more free from chill and melancholy.
echo Her symbol is a golden circlet. 

echo Chadatru
echo The god of courage, honor and law. The blinded enforcer of law and the truth, he imposes the laws as worded and trusts to Truffenyi to keep them just. He will hunt criminals and the honorless to the furthest reaches of the realms, striking them down unerringly with his great spear.
echo His symbol is a great spear. 

echo Urrem'tier
echo The god of death, mercy and the afterlife. It is to him that the spirits of the dead are entrusted. While all eventually find death, only the best find it at Urrem'tier's hands -- escaping Hodierna's trickery. Few worship Urrem'tier, instead he seeks those worthy of his attention, taking them in battle or quietly after a long life well lived.
echo His symbol is a cloven great helm. 