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Status Active
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild Thief
Instance Prime
Relatives None

Public Records

Kasto Miron Edit.jpg

He is Merchant Marine Kasto del'Fawkraste, Speaker of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Rakash.

Also known as: Kasto of the Coast, Captain Kasto, The Captain, and others not yet documented.

Keeps a home on Blacksilt Beach in Chelsea Overlook and frequently seen around the city of Crossings.

  • Victim of a shipwreck.
  • Former slave aboard a Red Sash schooner.
  • Former Rissan citizen.
  • Current Speaker of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order.
  • Ship's Mate aboard the Shadowed Charger.
  • Part-Time Privateer.
  • Frequent smoker of Purple Lion cigarillos.
  • Occasional performer, showing proficiency with the fiddle.
  • May or may not own his own private vessel, the Raw Deal.
  • Suspected smuggler, trading with rogue Merlew groups and various pirate clans.
  • Claims to be extremely wealthy, though this has yet to be confirmed.


He has a square-jawed face, beady blue-grey eyes and a small nose. His mouse brown hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by a narrow black satin ribbon. He has weathered skin and an wiry build.

He is a bit over average height for a Rakash.

He is an underdog.

His forearm has a tattoo of a buxom pirate wench winking flirtatiously while holding an overflowing tankard of ale aloft.


He has a wolfish face, beady blue-grey eyes and an elegant muzzle, a brindled and silvered black coat with white masking, a straight tail and an athletic build.

He is a bit over average height for a Rakash.

He is an underdog.

His forearm has a tattoo of a buxom pirate wench winking flirtatiously while holding an overflowing tankard of ale aloft.


He is wearing a droluger-hide tricorne hat pinned with a skefne-shaped Katamba's spire, a solid iron earcuff hung with a small ship's anchor, a salt-crusted Rakash pirate marionette labeled "Kasto", a shovel-shaped badge stamped "Treasure Keeper", a wide thumb ring of polished platinum carved to resemble the remains of a sunken ship, a fitted shadesatin shirt with its high collar pinned open on both sides, a sailor's droluger-hide odaj hemmed with silver and emerald steelsilk, a scratched black leather tool belt affixed with several hooks and pouches, a pewter-hilted skinning knife displaying the Thieves' Guild crest, a looter's toolkit set with a clockwork ship's calendar, a tooled bolt quiver pierced with a skefne-shaped Katamba's spire, a black pair of droluger-hide nauda, a formal boat cloak of Katamba-black watersilk, a weathered haversack adorned with an assortment of sailor's knots, a tattered canvas sea bag slung from a salt-stained rope, and a tooled looter's pack covered with a myriad of leather pouches.

Early History

Kasto really has no idea who his parents are. His earliest memory is of waking up on the beaches of M'Riss, where he spent many of his youngest years. His love for the sea and desire to see beyond the volcanic rock spurred him to join various crews departing from the Wharf's End. It was while serving with one of these crews that he first crossed paths with the Red Sash Pirates. He was captured and taken aboard one of their vessels as a personal slave to the captain.

The details of his escape are unknown but somehow he returns to the island of M'Riss with a vessel of his own. The weather-beaten schooner was used for a few years to haul supplies for the Rissans and also as a looting vessel after naval battles. He began picking up crews in Hara'jaal which landed him in some trouble with the pirate clans and he quickly abandoned this practice, choosing to stick with his fellow Rissan sailors.

Having amassed a deal of wealth, Kasto was left with what to do with it all. He was able to persuade the Administrator of Orders of his honest business tactics and commitment to execellence which lead to him being given an exciting opportunity, the chance to re-open the Tavern Troupe Performing Order.

His schooner has not been seen at the standard ports, and he now claims a crew position as Ship's Mate aboard the Shadowed Charger.

A Pirates Life

As he became a more frequent figure around Zoluren, a mysterious book appeared on the shelves of the local library. Though it did not name him outright, the characters and places depicted were obviously taken from his past. The validity of the claims presented here have never been fully verified. Witness claim that Kasto himself destroys these books on sight and is currently paying handsomely for any copies remaining.

Kasto's Home

You also see a sturdy stacked stone cabin with a sign saying "Gone Fishing!" hanging on the front door.

[Kasto's Home]

A golden sand floor spreads across this small room into surrounding walls of rough-hewn oak. A fireplace built of rounded river stones, with a ship's wheel hanging above it, stands guard over the sailcloth hammock and driftwood desk that rest upon a supple blacktip sharkskin mat covering the floor. A mild scent of sea spray fills the air. You also see a drowned sailor, a rustic oak door, a white-painted wicker nest chair, a driftwood sea chest etched with nautical symbols with a sun-bleached shark's jaw on it and a dark steel weapon rack studded with sharp metal hooks with a pirate's scimitar tied with a black silk scarf on it.

  • On the sailcloth hammock you see a large stuffed sea turtle and a blue stuffed shark.
  • On the driftwood desk you see a creamy albatross feather quill with a metal nib and a squat glass inkwell with brass feet.
  • In the sea chest you see a deep blue silk wall panel painted with crashing ocean waves, a grey metal letter opener with a salt pitted blade and a ebonwood handle, a shark's tooth suspended from a braided cord and a deep black pirate shirt clasped at the throat with a large blood ruby pendant.