Made for Walking (1)

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Made for Walking
Event Hollow Eve Festival 403
Owner Bertan
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Armor shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Made for Walking]
The smell of leather and polish permeates this large stall, creating a thick texture to the air. Tables, shelves and racks crowd together, displaying wares. In the center of the area, a glass display case holds a rather non-descript pair of boots. A small note is tacked to the case's wooden base. You also see a thin curtain and a narrow counter with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: none.

a low display table
Item Price Done
a pair of well-polished plate boots adorned with golden scrollwork 1.5p   No
a pair of thigh-high plate boots with thick leather straps 1.5p   No
a pair of gleaming plate boots 1.5p   No
a pair of silver plate boots inlaid with onyx dragons 2.2p   No
a pair of dark and gleaming mail boots 1p   No
a pair of mail boots formed from interlocking turquiose metal scales 1p   No
a pair of brightly polished boots of interlocking silver and copper scale 1p   No
a pair of thickly padded scale boots embellished with gold leaf 1p   No
several wide shelves
Item Price Done
a pair of tawny doe-skin boots burned with demonic shadowy visages 2.5g   No
a pair of vibrantly crimson boots embroidered with silver scorpions 2.5g   No
a pair of stiff boots crafted from multiple layers of stormbull leather 2.5g   No
a pair of studded leather boots with tufts of white fur peeking from the cuffs 2.5g   No
a pair of thick canvas boots 8s   No
a pair of thick thigh boots dyed a rich indigo 8s   No
a pair of reinforced boots with heavily embroidered cuffs 1.2g   No
a pair of heavy cloth boots covered in colorful patches 8s   No
an oak rack
Item Price Done
a pair of bleached boots crafted from several rib cages 8g   No
a pair of bone boots adorned with finely sharpened goat horns 8g   No
a pair of thigh boots made of fused-together rat bones 8g   No
a pair of yellowing boots made of shark cartilage 6g   No
a narrow counter
Item Price Done
a pair of gleaming scale boots painted with a tentacled sea monster 1.2 tickets   No
a pair of gleaming plate boots etched with a tentacled sea monster 1.5 tickets   No