Maker mark

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Maker marks are a stamp that allows a crafter to apply a mark to their wares.


Forging of the mark requires the Maker Mark Design technique.

The mark's nature is set by the purchaser of the instructions, not the actual crafter of the mark. This allows someone without the skill to make a mark to give it to a crafter that does.

Each set of instructions will allow creation of one single mark.

The syntax is MARK <item> WITH STAMP but can only be done for a short period of time after the completion of the item.


The stamp can only be used by the person who purchased the original instructions. Advanced and Custom marks will be restricted to disciplines where the mark user has either careers or hobbies.


Basic maker marks are available after approximately 100 hard work orders in any craft (or about 300 challenging), assuming no prestige decay due to time. They will impress the persons initials into the item.


These marks are not available yet, but will consist of a set series of design elements that can be combined to a unique mark.


The marks are not available, but will likely be similar to the current marks.


Marks from the previous forging system will eventually be converted to the new one at an undisclosed time.

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