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Formulas I'm maintaining

Since we don't have LaTeX installed, the math tags don't work here on Elanthipedia. Fortunately, I'm crazy, and I DO have a wiki installation with LaTeX math rendering enabled. Here's the formulas I've uploaded (and am willing to change if you've got a good idea).

TDP Related

TDP concise.png

TDP sum formula.png

TDPs from single skill formula.png

TDPs from all skill formula.png

TDP single precise formula.png

TDPs from all levels formula.png

Attribute initial state.png

Attribute total TDP cost formula.png

Character Statistic Related

Attunement formula.png

Fatigue formula.png

Fatigue recovery formula.png

Spirit formula.png

Concentration formula.png

Encumbrance formula.png

Forge Factor Related

Forge factor original formula.png

Forge factor generalized formula.png

Forge factor 2he formula.png

Forge factor armor formula.png

Miscellaneous Formulas

Khri cost formula.png

Effective Strength formula.png