Talk:Crafting Materials

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Stumbled across this description for the material. Don't know if its accurate for DR but here is the info if someone wants to make the necessary page with it.

Wepwaet Feb 17th 2013

Metal Prices

Why Lirums? --TEVESHSZAT 22:55, 1 April 2012 (UTC)


So, I've got a chatter log from Plat with a bunch of leather types sorted by durability/workability/electric/thermal/physical. Someone put it all in a fancy table?

[18:44] Chatter[Uzmam] croc is 80/40/30/50/80

[18:44] Chatter[Uzmam] troll is 30/80/20/20/75

[18:44] Chatter[Uzmam] eel is 20/85/15/15/75

[18:45] Chatter[Uzmam] ghoul is 20/30/80/10/40 haha anti electric armor

[18:45] Chatter[Uzmam] rat is 35/75/30/40/45

[18:45] Chatter[Uzmam] cougar is 30/75/25/25/75

[18:45] Chatter[Hverkis] Eel's pretty easy to work with. Hmm.

[18:45] Chatter[Uzmam] Oh, and leucro is 50/60/35/35/75

[18:46] Chatter[Hverkis] Applause!

[18:46] Chatter[Vakroth] Ok, so what are those numbers?

[18:46] Chatter[Uzmam] snowbeast is 30/20/40/40/50

Ewood 00:57, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Done. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 01:15, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Oh, this is in Prime now? I was sitting on this data, hah. I'll update to be more specific too. As far as I know rock trolls might be different from... some other troll. --TEVESHSZAT 03:06, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Not in Prime yet, but I've been informed that GM Kodius has waved the usual requirements for Plat to keep things quiet. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 03:47, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Ah okay. As long as he doesn't beat me up for posting it, I'm good. --TEVESHSZAT 04:22, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, I asked him to be sure before I posted this. And that was kaerna rock troll Ewood 04:32, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
For now I'm assuming that a rock troll is a rock troll is a rock troll when it comes to skin quality/type. Shard and Kaerna troll skins have the same app. --TEVESHSZAT 18:09, 5 March 2012 (UTC)


I included the quality because I don't know if it will affect the other stats. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 09:45, 13 November 2010 (UTC)

I added the store bought stone crafting materials since this seems to be a general purpose crafting material page. It might just be best to split it into separate pages for each material type. --BlueRider 01:48, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

Audrualm is an alluvial metal and will be able to be found once the panning system is introduced, per Kodius. I believe orichalcum may not be unique, but I need to check around to see if I'm correct in thinking someone in Plat has found it. -Amonamarth 16:03, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

What specificaly does the Checked column mean? I mean, is it only for location found or all stats? I found some jade in metamorphic and soapstone in sedimentary if that helps any. Otterino 23:29, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

There were changes to metal stats (maybe stone too?) after the page went up. The checked column indicates that the item has been refound and it's stats properly match. -Moderator Caraamon Makdasi(talk) 00:11, 15 June 2011 (UTC)

Apps for metals changed, I changed glaes, kertig, darkstone, and haralun to the new values. Lumium, niniam, and damite are the same as before. 7-3-2011

Location Qualifiers

So I am just putting this out for a discussion. Right now, the materials list for mine-able items lists if something can come from any of the 3 soil types (igneous, metamorphic & sedimentary). I think there might also be a geographic location qualifier too.

For instance, I have spent (way too much) time mining the Ilithi Ice Caves, top section with only igneous. And I have never found a platinum vein or even a random platinum nugget from those mine rooms. According to the list, platinum *should* be spawning there, and even with horrible luck as far as a vein, because it is only 'rare', I would have expected the single random nuggets to drop at a rate on-par with the random gold nuggets (also 'rare') that frequently drop for me in that area.

In a nutshell, I am putting out the theory that not only do you have to have the correct soil type for the material you are looking for, but you also need to be in the appropriate geographic location. I definitely am not making a statement of fact to this idea, but wanted to open a discussion on it to see if anyone else has picked up on similar trends. And of course, if there is a location qualifier, if we should start compiling that data for the table. --Kythryn 09:41, 18 October 2011 (UTC)

I could have sworn that platinum was a very rare metal. --BlueRider 10:14, 18 October 2011 (UTC)