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YASSE Hitbasic (script)
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This is part of the YASSE Combat Package. --Hithrael 03:48, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
(Select All)#Add more messaging #Search for the above language to find points in the script were more language is needed. #Global settings set predefined on setglobalvariable yetarrange [no] setglobalvariable knife [skinning knife] setglobalvariable arrangenumber [0] setglobalvariable skinningknifemessage [wrist sheath] setglobalvariable skinmax [3] #Local settings setvariable spell pd setvariable mana 15 #Action calls action [You turn to face] gosub loot action [specify a target] gosub loot action [There is nothing else to face!] gosub foewait action [At what are you trying to] gosub foewait action [You aren't close enough to attack] gosub foewait action [But you are already dodging!] put parry action [You are already in a position to parry.] put dodge action [To whom are you speaking?] goto end setup: pause boxmessage Enter weapon type now. \nClasses include: \n Blunt, Edged, lightedged, thrustedged, Pike, Halberd, Quarterstaff, Shortstaff, Thrown, and TM getline setglobalvariable huntingweapon [%righthanditem] goto %l MAGIC tm: put prep $spell$ $mana$ prep: match target You trace match target You are already put prep %spell %mana matchwait target: match face You are not engaged match cast You begin to weave match pausing put target matchwait cast: pause 2 match prep You gesture at match release The secondary spell pattern put cast matchwait face: pause match pausing There is nothing else to face! match prep You turn to face put face next matchwait pausing: put release waitfor closes to pole goto prep release: put release goto face BLUNT WEAPONS blunt: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put bash waitfor roundtime pause put sweep waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put swing waitfor roundtime pause put dodge waitfor roundtime pause goto blunt EDGED WEAPONS lightedged: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put slice waitfor roundtime pause put chop waitfor roundtime pause put dodge waitfor roundtime pause goto lightedged edged: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put sweep waitfor roundtime pause put slice waitfor roundtime pause put chop waitfor roundtime pause put parry waitfor roundtime pause goto edged thrustedged: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put lunge waitfor roundtime pause put thrust waitfor roundtime pause put jab waitfor roundtime pause put slam waitfor roundtime pause put parry waitfor roundtime pause goto thrustedged POLE WEAPONS halberd: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put slice waitfor roundtime pause put thrust waitfor roundtime pause put sweep waitfor roundtime pause put chop waitfor roundtime pause goto halberd pike: pause put dodge waitfor roundtime pause put jab waitfor roundtime pause put sweep waitfor roundtime pause put thrust waitfor roundtime pause put lunge waitfor roundtime pause goto pike STAFF WEAPONS quarterstaff: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put swing waitfor roundtime pause put thrust waitfor roundtime pause put sweep waitfor roundtime pause put chop waitfor roundtime pause goto quarterstaff shortstaff: pause put feint waitfor roundtime pause put draw waitfor roundtime pause put slice waitfor roundtime pause put parry waitfor roundtime pause put thrust waitfor roundtime pause put chop waitfor roundtime pause goto shortstaff THROWN WEAPONS throw: pause put throw %1 waitfor roundtime pause throwcheck: match throw You <insert verbage> match throwend <insert verbage if lodged> put get %1 matchwait throwend: echo ** Weapon Lodged ** #Action Call Scripts loot: setglobalvariable huntingweapon [%righthanditem] pause put look nextroom skin: if %youalsosee contains dead begin call skin pause end lootstuff: pause call loot pause if %righthanditem contains empty begin put wield $huntingweapon$ pause end pause return foewait: pause goto loot pause if %righthanditem contains empty begin put wield $huntingweapon$ pause end pause pausetext 30 melee range pause return end: exit