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Mana Levels

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Mana Levels are a measurement of the Mana available to a magic user. The accuracy of this measurement is based on the Power Perception skill and is broken into four ranges as outlined in the table below. These ranges are strictly an indication of the accuracy with which one can perceive mana, and not the actual amount of mana available. At 100+ ranks of Power Perception skill, or in the "Normal" range, one achieves the best possible accuracy.

  • Clerics see golden Holy mana radiating through the area.
  • Paladins see golden Holy mana radiating through the area.
  • Empaths see bright blue and white Life mana flowing through the area.
  • Rangers see deep green and blue Life mana flowing through the area.
  • Bards hear harmonious Elemental mana coursing through the area.
  • Warrior Mages see roiling Elemental mana coursing through the area.
  • Moon Mages see cold, white Lunar mana available for each spellbook.
  • Necromancers see black streams of Arcane mana oozing through the area.

Weak ( <25 ranks ) Developing ( 25-50 ranks ) Improving ( 50-100 ranks ) Normal ( >100 ranks )
dim faint faint faint
dim faint faint/hazy dim
dim faint/muted hazy hazy
dim/glowing muted hazy/flickering dull
glowing muted/glowing flickering muted
glowing glowing flickering/shimmering dusky
glowing/bright glowing/luminous shimmering pale
bright luminous shimmering/glowing flickering
bright luminous/bright glowing/lambent shimmering
bright bright lambent pulsating
bright bright lambent/shining glowing
bright bright shining lambent
bright bright shining/fulgent shining
bright bright fulgent luminous
bright bright fulgent/glaring radiant
bright bright glaring fulgent
bright bright glaring brilliant
bright bright glaring flaring
bright bright glaring glaring
bright bright glaring blazing
bright bright glaring blinding