Skull Bowling (2)

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Skull Bowling (2)
Event Hollow Eve Festival 399
# of Rooms Unknown
Store Type Game
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Skull Bowling, Entrance]
Tall brass braziers burn at the cardinal points of this large octagonal room, illuminating polished ebony paneling carved with images of goblins heaving skulls down narrow lanes. Sitting between two burning torches is a small glass counter, filled with dozens of oddly shaped trophies. A small door in the south wall leads back out. You also see a wooden sign with large lettering gouged into the face and a wiry imp standing on top of the counter.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest.

A wooden sign with large lettering gouged into the face reads:

Five hundred coins per game per person

Northwest: Lanes 1-8 Northeast: Lanes 9-16

>ask imp about bowling The wiry imp grunts, "What, so you want to know about bowling? It's simple! All you have to do is to THROW whatever kind of ball you've got when you're at your lane. Only a numbskull could mess that up.

>ask imp about lane The wiry imp yells, "You're not even registered!"

>ask imp about ball The wiry imp growls, "You're not even signed up to bowl. What does this look like, the charity chest for bowling balls? Ask me about registration if you want to register.

>ask imp about register The wiry imp glowers at you and mutters, "I can register your group, or I can register you for a specific lane. I can also just register you for any old game of bowling." [ASK IMP TO REGISTER [GROUP | LANE # | GAME] to register.]

[Skull Bowling, Fire Alley]
A large smoldering fire pit fills the center of this odd, claw-shaped room, and occasional crashing noises ring through the air. Dim, flickering light illuminates the flame-painted walls, which vanish into the shadows high overhead. Blazing red bloodgems hang from the ceiling high above, trapped in long spidery strands that slowly sway back and forth in the warm, dry air. You also see a wooden sign with large lettering gouged into the face.
Obvious exits: north, east, southeast.

A wooden sign with large lettering gouged into the face reads:

East: Lanes 1-4 North: Lanes 5-8 Southeast: Other Lanes and Exit