User talk:DRSircha

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Revision as of 22:02, 26 September 2010 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs)
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Ranik's Maps Updates

Hi! It's great that you are updating the maps. :)

May I ask what program you are using to edit the existing maps? Most image editing application I've come across has Copy & Paste as a standard feature. It seems quite odd that your application does not have it. Regarding Evran's reference to the poorly drawn remark is that the general gray room square looks odd in comparison to the other gray room squares because the inside square is tinier. It looks out of place. Copying an existing square and pasting it for the new room is a simple and super quick way to make sure everything matches. Also it's less trouble for you because you don't have to spend time creating the square and you can edit other maps faster. :)

Also, my suggestion for your future edits, the edit to the Theren map, for the Registrar's office has a line cutting into the green square. My suggestion for future edits is to zoom in the image to make it larger. That way it's easier to see if the line stops correctly. Just a QC thing, but it makes the map visually pleasing and consistent with all the existing maps--Pamdemonium 03:00, 27 September 2010 (UTC)

Howdy! I noticed that you've started to make updates to a few of Ranik's maps, which is great as they can always use updating. I also noticed that while the changes themselves so far look correct, you're not quite following the convention nor matching the quality of the current maps. For example, in your update to the Therenborough map, the connecting line to the extra room you added bleeds over the edge of the room you added. Also, directional labels are normally in bold type and not italicized not the unbolded, italicized one that you included. These issues are consistent across all the maps you have edited so far. I'm not trying to dissuade you from making updates to these maps as needed, but I encourage you to make them with the same level of quality and attention to detail that was originally invested in them since these maps are a true gem of the community. I thought I'd just pop in with this note sooner rather than later before you have to back through too many maps adjusting the little details. Happy editing!--Evran 19:23, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

I just noticed too that on RanikMap5, the room in Arnack's Tavern is a poorly drawn version of the normal rooms as another example of lesser quality. Cutting and pasting would go a long way to keeping the high visual quality of the maps intact.--Evran 19:29, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

DRSircha Poorly drawn? How so? It's a square, and there's not too many ways you can mess that up. The curtain leads to an extra room I presume a place where barbarians can do more than pick their teeth, and perhaps buy things.

Sorry program I use has no cut/paste function, however It does much more than MS Paint ever will.

Made a new mountain icon, and working on a new tree icon or two, and perhaps a river space, bushes, icon too. Will see.

Going to see about bolding all that text.