Sister Seendra's Salvation Station

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Sister Seendra's Salvation Station
Event Guildfest
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Cleric shops, Weapon shops
Restrictions cleric
This store only accepts Lirums

[Sister Seendra's Salvation Station]]
A pathetic tin roof suspended from four lengths of misshapen sandalwood provides limited respite from the elements. Trampled yellowed grass spans the entire perimeter of the booth, providing a subtle indication of where the walls would be were this a classier establishment. From a stuffed bird nailed to one of the posts hangs a string of sloppily-made meerschaum beads.

Under the wooden table
Item Price Done
barb-tipped spear with a nickel-plated haft 11,000   No
blackened halberd with a sweeping incurved blade 30,100   No
heavily tarnished arbalest studded with a rusty goshawk figurine 50,201   No
wildly colored light crossbow beset with a pewter shrew 3,000   No
polished black throwing dagger with a pommel shaped like a preening imp 9,000   No
In the thorn basket
Item Price Done
clerical collar set with a troiliff-brown tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a hhyssk'et-red tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a shar'nath-black tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a phofe-purple tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a kelpbell-green tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a sirese-blue tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a lyrandia-yellow tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a glaysker-pink tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a vela'tohr-silver tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a geshiloira-white tab 250,000   No
In the glass bowl
Item Price Done
clerical collar set with a hemlock-white tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a tansy-yellow tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a periwinkle-blue tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a orchid-black tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a carnation-brown tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a bromeliad-orange tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a poppy-red tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a clover-green tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a begonia-purple tab 250,000   No
clerical collar set with a rose-pink tab 250,000   No