Talk:Paladin titles by rank

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Revision as of 12:12, 17 March 2010 by CALLEK (talk | contribs)
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My title list:

Initiate Paladin, Apprentice Paladin, Journeyman Paladin, Paladin, Expert Paladin, Master Paladin, Grand Master Paladin, Legendary Paladin, Stonewall, Equerry, Groom, Squire, Guardsman, Sentry, Hostler, Stableboy, Stableman, Legionnaire, Cadet, Sir, Defender of the Faith, Ironguts, Ridder, Cavalier, Hussar, Leader, Holy Warrior, Sentinel, Guardian, Conservator, Warder, Rescuer, Templar, Lance, Knight, Officer, Advocate, Jouster, Lord Knight, Knight Templar, Justice Seeker, Champion, Guardian Lord, Sacred Sword, Baronet, Tactician, Peace Keeper, Justiciar, Paragon, Archon, Strategist, General, Master of Defense, Holy Guardian, Holy Soldier, Field Marshal, Vindicator, Warrior Zealot, Crusader, Sanyu Blarstil, Castellan, Lord General, Faithful, Illumined Warrior, Hallowed Helm, Righteous, Protector of Faith, Shadow Bane, Fist of Light, Champion of Faith, Sacred Fist, Sword of Faith, Chivalrous Shield, Reverant Shield, Divine Blade, Honorable Marshal, Chief Marshal, Aegis of Justice, Seneschal, Steadfast, Protector of the Innocent, Interceptor, Tower Guard, Avenger, Warrior of Virtue, Champion of Arms, Holy Vengeance, Footboy, Standard Bearer, Holy Questor, Alyda Darva, Hegessger rae Fostra

Assumed relevent skills: Shield 648, Primary Amor HP 652, Secondary armor LP 395, Primary Weapon HE 555, Brawling 239 Parry 509. Lore: Primary 330, Seondary 318, Tert 318. Animal Lore 58 (req for a lot of our titles, go fishing!) Spells: All except HOJ and RUE.

Russell 11:41, 17 March 2010 (UTC)

See also Category:Paladin Titles and
 Title requirement
Title:FootgirlMust be female
Must be at least circle 1
Title:Initiate PaladinMust be at least circle 1
Title:TaintedYou must have a blackened soul state.
FootboyMust be at least circle 1
TaintedYou must have a blackened soul state.
Title:PageMust be less than circle 10
FootgirlMust be at least circle 1
Title:FootboyMust be male
Must be at least circle 1
Initiate PaladinMust be at least circle 1
PageMust be less than circle 10
Holy QuestorMust be on a Paladin Quest.
StablemanMust be at least circle 10
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
SquireMust be at least circle 10
Title:SquireMust be at least circle 10
Title:StablemanMust be at least circle 10
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must be male
Guardswoman (Paladin)Must be at least circle 10
At least 40 in highest armor skill
At least 20 in Tactics skill
Title:GuardswomanMust be female
Must be at least circle 10
At least 40 in highest armor skill
Title:Legionnaire (Paladin)Must be at least circle 15
At least 15 in Charisma
Legionnaire (Paladin)Must be at least circle 15
At least 15 in Charisma
EquerryMust be at least circle 5
At least 5 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
Title:Journeyman PaladinMust be at least circle 20
Must be male
GroomMust be at least circle 5
At least 5 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
Journeyman PaladinMust be at least circle 20
Title:StonewallMust be at least circle 5
Standard BearerMust be at least circle 5
StonewallMust be at least circle 5
Title:PaladinMust be at least circle 30
PaladinMust be at least circle 30
Apprentice PaladinMust be at least circle 10
HostlerMust be at least circle 10
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
StableboyMust be at least circle 10
Must own a horse
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Title:Apprentice PaladinMust be at least circle 10
StablewomanMust be at least circle 10
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
Guardsman (Paladin)Must be at least circle 10
At least 40 in highest armor skill
At least 20 in Tactics skill
StablegirlMust be at least circle 10
Must own a horse
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Title:GuardsmanMust be at least circle 10
At least 40 in highest armor skill
Must be male
Title:StablewomanMust be female
Must be at least circle 10
At least 10 in Outdoorsmanship skill
Must own a horse
Title:SentryMust be at least circle 10
At least 45 in highest armor skill
SentryMust be at least circle 10
At least 45 in highest armor skill
OathbreakerMust be at least circle 10
At least 50 in Thievery skill
Must have a soul state of pallid grey or lower.
Hallowed HelmMust be at least circle 50
Must have at least 5 favors
Must have a soul state of at least ?
Title:Hallowed HelmMust be at least circle 50
Must have at least 5 favors
Must have a soul state of at least ?
CadetMust be at least circle 15
Title:IrongutsAt least 90 in highest armor skill
At least 70 in Brawling skill
Title:SirAt least 90 in highest Armor skill
Must be male
IrongutsAt least 90 in highest armor skill
At least 70 in Brawling skill
RidderAt least 90 in highest armor skill
SirAt least 90 in highest Armor skill
Journeywoman PaladinMust be at least circle 20
Title:Defender of the FaithAt least 90 in highest Armor skill
... further results