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Posts about how to change Fends/Swamp Troll Map

>By looking at the map it looks like it's possible you could run into both types of swamp trolls, and at the south end of the swamp you could hit fendryads?

In the fens there are small peccaries, 2 different trolls, and fendryads.

In the northern and central portion you will only see peccaries and maul wielding (easier of the two) trolls. As you get to the water's edge (you need to "leap" between hummocks) you will run into peccaries, mace/shield trolls, and fendryads.

Elasraels are in the water.

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Re: After kra'hei hatchlings · on 3/16/2010 8:57:24 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 2095 reply Reply Ok on the map I didn't see anything about leaping anywhere, just a swamp section and a separate water section with no apparent link connecting the two. Am I to assume if I stay in the "swamp" section I should not encounter the tougher swamp trolls, fendryads and those other things?

I need to learn to use this apparently. :(