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Rare and bluish-white in color. May be Elothean in origin. Reputedly resistant to magic.


In its raw form, this is black, sort of like granite, only not as pretty, and very difficult to work with. In large quantities, it's even harder to work with. It isn't at all suited to jewelry use, but makes for nice weapons and maybe even armor, or so the rumor goes.
Availability: Very rare.
Forging Properties: Very hard, very flexible, and extremely heavy


This is a gorgeous metal -- sort of a glossy, near-translucent blue-black. If a smith is god-like in his abilities, it will go white in the forging process, at which point it can be colored with crushed gems. It is found in veins of lava, in extremely tiny quantities.
Availability: Extremely rare
Forging Properties: extremely hard, extremely flexible, extremely heavy


These are tiny blobs of silvery-black metal that comes from meteors and comets, so keep your eyes on the skies! Or, since it weighs a lot more than lead, maybe keep digging deeper, because when this hits the ground, it usually ends up several feet below it. Beautiful enough to be used for (weighty) jewelry, this extremely rare metal is much more commonly used by forgers.
Availability: Extremely rare.
Forging Properties: absurdly hard, fairly flexable, very heavy


Looks sort of like the dull side of tin foil. Not very pretty, and not used much for jewelry purposes, because, well, it looks like cheap silver, and if you're going to have something that looks like cheap silver, you might as well just have silver, get it scuffed up, and use this in a weapon anyway!
Availability: Very rare
Forging Properties: very soft, extremely rigid, extremely light


This is a sort of sedimentary substance, sort of like the limestone you'd find in the cracks of old igneous rocks. Its crystal form is a white powder, while its metal form is a dark blue-grey. It takes a LOT of heat to work with, and isn't in the least suitable for jewelry.
Availability: Very rare
Forging Properties: hard, somewhat brittle, very light


A silvery-white metal used by the Vykathi.