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dung beetle- The beetle is a large insectile shape. Perhaps as big as a small Halfling. It runs about rapidly on many jointed legs. Colored a muck brown, its carapace glistens with a repulsive sheen. A large head, in which a quartet of enormous, multi-facted eyes refract all light into coldly glinting shards, is armed with a brace of wickedly serrated mandibles. A tiny mouth ringed with dozens of wriggling palps like boneless fingers serves to manipulate the grotesque fragments of flesh that it dines upon. The two front legs have been turned into fighting weapons, edged with hooks and jagged serrations curling back towards the waiting mandibles. Above all rises a horrid stink of indescribable rot and foulness. A reek that reminds you of an opened cesspit or a charnel house. Is extinct, used to punch mostly and sometimes had leather gloves on them, that was when boobries just about always dropped gweths and coins, but gloves didn't make sense so they stopped, cause extinct amimmals have to make sense, right?

dragon priest fanatic-

dwarf-like creature- The Dwarf-like creature is a queer creature, a product of some ill union between insect and dwarf. It looks like an over-muscled dwarf except for an extra set of long black "legs" that dangle from its midsection and a smooth, charcoal colored shell that shields its flesh body. A great horn grows out from the top of the shell, perhaps to scare off other beasts. Despite the Dwarf-like creature's grotesque appeareance there is obvious intelligence behind dark Dwarven eyes. You notice that the Dwarf-like creature is unnaturally quick.

Elpazi Commander Elpazi Mage Elpazi Swordsman this goes for all of them... Standing near 10 feet tall, this Elpalzi rivals a Gor'Tog in both height and brawn, but far exceeds one in intellect. Rippling muscles cover its body, while its darting crystal green eyes gleam with intelligence. This creature appears mostly humanoid, if one can somehow ignore the camouflaged fur that covers its body.

The farshel sibowen is a blob of darkness, with swirling rope-like tendrils. Fearsome claws form and reform from the intangible dark, and it ceaselessly seeks warmth and light to take to its embrace. Eyeless and featureless, it nevertheless senses your presence and and with cold delight seeks to devour you.

Standing on two legs the gentle marmozel is humanoid size. It looks back at you, a bit agitated.

Gorbesh Enchanter Behind the concealment of his dark robe, this hulking enchanter surveys his surounds. The careful movements of his limbs suggests untold decades of campaign experience, and great skill at doing his job better than any other living thing.

Field Goblin Standing on two legs the field goblin is somewhat small, like a dwarf. It looks passive but wary. Wildland Goblin Standing on two legs the wildland goblin is somewhat small, like a dwarf. It looks passive but wary.

Goblin Hordes Goblin Warrior Standing on two legs the goblin warrior is big. It is obviously agressive and looking for a fight. Goblin Bowman Standing on two legs the goblin bowman is big. It is obviously agressive and looking for a fight. bowmen carried LX's and slender tip bolts

Goblin Chieftan Standing on two legs the goblin chieftan is big. It is obviously agressive and looking for a fight.

Goblin Prince Standing on two legs the goblin prince is big. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely malevolent. It is wearing a full plate armor, a plate aventail, a great helm, a tower shield. It is carrying a massive double-bladed broadaxe.

Goblin Berserker Standing on two legs the goblin berserker is big. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely malevolent. It is wearing a chain helm, a chain aventail, a chain hauberk. It is carrying a two-handed sword

Goblin Mercenary Standing on two legs the goblin mercenary is big. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely malevolent.

Goblin Archer Standing on two legs the goblin archer is big. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely malevolent. Archers apparently carried poisoned arrows

Folsi Immola The immola resembles a troll in build, but the similarities end there. Large, curling black horns protrude from its broad forehead, and dark ridgesshade beady black eyes. The most outstanding feature is his boil-covered skin. Streaks of fiery-colored veins sit close to the surface, rupturing occasionally and leaking the immola's overheated blood. Between this and his penchant for violence, the immola is not a pretty sight. Tanri Immola The immola resembles a troll in build, but the similarities end there. Large, curling black horns protrude from its broad forehead, and dark ridgesshade beady black eyes. The most outstanding feature is his boil-covered skin. Streaks of fiery-colored veins sit close to the surface, rupturing occasionally and leaking the immola's overheated blood. Between this and his penchant for violence, the immola is not a pretty sight.

The plated serpent's body consists of interlocking scales colored invarious tones of earthy grey and brown. Where the head joins the neck is aboney crest from which the beast draws its name. With a girth rivaling a deobar tree, and the long, curving fangs, this is definately not a creature to be discounted in battle.

poho moglin- Lines of harrowing agony stretch the face of this once noble Gor'Tog, replacing its features with twisted paraodies of their former grace. Untold years of frustrating undead existance have tortured it into a viscious,hateful being, massive of frame with bulging muscles honed iron-hard by a lifetime of forced labor. Now this creature seeks only to bring devastation to those that still live. You notice infected looking sores clustered on the rotten flesh surrounding the exposed fingerbones of the surmi orek's hands. Moglin's scales have turned dull and dry, flaking away to expose a pale underskin of mottled grey. Tattered remnants of once fine robes shroud his ancient corpse, partially obscuring this unliving thing.

The sweorkspine anginas's flesh body shed, it is now a nightmare spawned of primative legend. Blackened bones link together somehow to create a mockery of the former serpentine grace, clattering like an indakar rattle. Capping each vertebra of the spinal column is a glossy black spine, tipped in silver. Whatever foul being created this cursed beast was definately not a nice person.

The surly mistletoad is bulbuous and lumpy in peculiar places under its rubbery greenish hide where massive muscles for jumping and leverage flex and relax at curious intervals. Its mouth is wide with a sinister upward curl that never quite reaches the unblinking eyes.

S'lai Footsoldiers Looking like nothing so much as a ill-bred cross between a bat and some sort of diminutive lizard-man, the S'lai are a vicious breed of nocturnal cave-dwellers. The footsoldier's furry, reptilian head sits atop a dark, scaly torso which in turn is covered with a slight coat of dark hair. Two stubby legs, lizard-like in appearance, end in a pair of wide feet, each equipped with four long, bony toes. Its arms are more humanoid-looking, covered in a dense layer of dark fur from its shoulders down to its slender hands. Perhaps the oddest aspect of this S'lai's appearance is its vestigal pair of webbed, bat-like wings which protrude from its shoulders.

S'lai Scout

Looking like nothing so much as a ill-bred cross between a bat and some sort of diminutive lizard-man, the S'lai are a vicious breed of nocturnal cave-dwellers. The Scout's furry, reptilian head sits atop a dark, scaly torso which in turn is covered with a slight coat of dark hair. Two stubby legs, lizard-like in appearance, end in a pair of wide feet, each equipped with four long, bony toes. Its arms are more humanoid-looking, covered in a dense layer of dark fur from its shoulders down to its monkey-like paws. Perhaps the oddest aspect of this S'lai's appearance is its vestigal pair of webbed, bat-like wings which protrude from its shoulders.

S'lai Screamers

Looking like an ill-bred cross between a bat and some sort of lizard-man, the S'lai are a vicious breed of nocturnal cave-dwellers. The Screamer's furry, reptilian head sits atop a dark, scaly torso which in turn is covered with a slight coat of dark hair. Two long, scaly legs, lizard-like in appearance, end in a pair of wide feet, each equipped with four long, bony toes. Its muscular arms are more humanoid-looking, covered in a dense layer of dark fur from its shoulders down to its razor-sharp claws. A pair of half-developed bat wings folded against its back show that at least a few members of this race can fly, though not the creature before you.

scourge - Dangling hunks of flesh hang loosely off what looks to have once been a female S'Kra Mur, but it is hard to tell. It seems to be drawn to the living, pushing forward, grasping, clawing for what it may have once been. If it had a soul, it was lost long ago. They gave evil body sores.

ring-necked gidii - One of the many flightless birds which inhabit this particular area, the gidii is typically smelly, unkempt, awkward and ugly. This one is definitely typical.

The rhoat moda is bulbuous and lumpy in peculiar places under its rubbery greenish hide where massive muscles for jumping and leverage flex and relax atcurious intervals. Its mouth is wide with a sinister upward curl that neverquite reaches the unblinking eyes.

Baby Rat Black Rat Standing on four legs the black rat is small. It clearly views you as an enemy.

Ship's Rat Standing on four legs the ship's rat is small. It clearly views you as an enemy.

Water Rat Standing on four legs the water rat is small. It clearly views you as an enemy.

Black Bear The black bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal. Brown Bear The brown bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal.

Cave Bear The cave bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal.

Honey Bear The honey bear's hypnotic effect of swinging its head from side to side is dispelled when you realize that you have encountered a foe with sharp claws and a powerful jaw that is looking for its next meal.

construct - Standing on two legs the advanced construct is humanoid size. Its eyes blaze with a burning hatred, unfocused but entirely malevolent.

The elba Darvager is a queer creature, a product of some ill union between insect and dwarf. It looks like an over-muscled dwarf except for an extra set of long black "legs" that dangle from its midsection and a smooth, charcoal colored shell that shields its flesh body. A great horn grows out from the top of the shell, perhaps to scare off other beasts. Despite the elba Darvager's grotesque appearance there is obvious intelligence behind dark Dwarven eyes. You notice that the elba Darvager is unnaturally quick.

they casted Lightning Bolts, and could grab your weapon from you, they also threw their war hammers. they have the same desc. as dwarf-like creatures

skin is " a grey horn "

* * * * * * * * * * 

a pavise

You are certain that it imposes a fair maneuvering hinderance.

This shield is medium in size.

You are certain that the pavise offers rather low to high protection.

You are certain that it could do:

 no puncture damage
 no slice damage
 heavy impact damage

You are certain that the pavise is poorly balanced and is fairly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.

You are certain that the pavise is of average strength, and is in pristine condition.

It appears that the pavise can be slung over one shoulder. You estimate that the pavise weighs around 140 stones. You are certain that the pavise is worth exactly 600 kronars. Roundtime: 8 seconds. >look pav You see nothing unusual.

Naissura squints at the balance beam needle and says, "The pavise weighs about one hundred forty stones," and puts the pavise on the counter.


You see Sewt, a Dwarven Tinker. His sweet face and cheerful demeanor seem out of place on a Dwarf. His eyes show a hint of unforgotten pain and his smile has just a trace of sadness at its edges. His bicepts and forearms are massive and would be more appropriate on a warrior rather than on an artist who works on pots and pans. His full red beard has been braided in the traditional Dwarven fashion sporting leather bands at equal intervals, the braids reaching to the top of his boots.

He is in his prime for a Dwarf. With his muscular build and quick mind, he looks like the type of person you would want to watch your back in a fight.

He is in good shape.

He is holding a tiny turquoise andalusite in his right hand and a fine silver chain in his left. He is wearing a leather tool pouch etched with an image of a welkin working a grinding wheel, a colorful tinker's apron with many pockets, a canvas miner's backpack, a white linen shirt with a row of carved ebony buttons, a golden arm ring, some loosely cut doeskin pants of a rich tawny hue and some simple black leather boots.

>look card A picture of a welkin working a grinding wheel is in the upper left corner of the card. Some text is printed on the right side. There appears to be something written on it. >r card > A Sewt card reads: Sewt makes tools and household items pretty. Sewt works on items made of metal, wood, or bone. Sewt does peaceful images and designs. Sewt makes Empath shields pretty.


Looking back at you is a massive bird of prey with snow-white feathers speckled with taupe. With a wingspan nearly seven Tog-lengths across, the hawk flies great distances from its nesting grounds in the snow-capped mountain peaks down to the forest canopy, where it hunts. Despite its great size, the hawk's quick, sensitive motions and deep black eyes communicate a litheness and intelligence that make it a feared predator. > A giant snow hawk suddenly enters a steep dive headed towards you!

The hawk snags you in its talons and quickly begins climbing back up. Struggling, flailing and kicking you manage to weaken the grasp enough that the hawk drops you back to the branches below. You fall thrust upon your right side! Ouch!

You are stunned. > A giant snow hawk suddenly enters a steep dive headed towards you!

The hawk snags you in its talons and quickly begins climbing back up. Struggling, flailing and kicking you manage to weaken the grasp enough that the hawk drops you back to the branches below. You fall thrust upon your head! Ouch!

The giant snow hawk cocks its head and considers your corpse for a moment before pecking out your entrails. >


The Haizeadar Performing Troupe comes to Zoluren! Date: Thursday September 1, 2005 Time: 10:00 pm - 12:00 am Location: Town Green South East As promised, the Haizeadar family will be putting on their famous circus on the Town Green in the Crossings. Join Soye the amazing acrobat, Yinlei the cat trainer, and Aiwendel the master juggler lead by thier mother, Teres as they put on a fabulous show for all of Zoluren! Arrive early to get good seats!

Location: Town Green Southeast, The Crossings.


Some trivia:

There are 16 prefix colors, 70 standard colors, and 7 patterns. Patterns will never show up in a random cast. There is a 50% chance of a random prefix color in a random cast. Each of the standard colors is weighted equally in the random selection.

There are 95 custom colors in Prime, 4 custom colors in Platinum, and 3 custom colors in The Fallen. These don't include GM custom colors.

There are also 3 GM-only 'colors' that we can use to impress and befuddle you.

- GM Wythor


(on gar zent) Targeting does not increase the accuracy of the spell. The only point in targeting is to remove the possibility of backfire, and at those magic ranks this shouldn't be an issue.

- GM Wythor War mage complaints 4540