Grizzly Claw (2.0)

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Spell Outline

Abbreviation: GRIZ

Prerequisites: See The Wind (STW)

Minimum Prep: 12

Casting Cap:

Valid Spell Target:

Description: The Grizzly Claw spell will magically enhance your empty palm, giving it the strength and accuracy of a mighty bear! When you cast this, the energy of the sharp claw can not be held back so it will strike out immediately, but the force will be greater than what you can normally deliver."

You'll also need to be close to your target or the spell will be wasted, but the trade-off is that the attack will always strike as if you were fully balanced. Sadly, this spell will not help you if you are not in the wilderness.


This spell is ineffective against undead critters, even Corporeal ones, such as Grendels. The spell may attack as if you were at full balance, but it does not directly give you any balance boost. A cast of this spell will attack exactly once and will not 'buff' up the caster in any manner.