Property:Balance is

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Description: A property for declairing what the balance of a weapon is.
Type: String
Allows Value: not, terribly, dismally, poorly, inadequately, fairly, decently, reasonably, soundly, well, very well, extremely well, excellently, superbly, incredibly, amazingly, unbelievably, perfectly

There are currently 8994 items in this property, 3731 of which are incomplete, and 2611 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
dismally  +
poorly  +
very well  +
extremely well  +
very well  +
soundly  +
terribly  +
reasonably  +
inadequately  +
extremely well  +
poorly  +
reasonably  +
extremely well  +
soundly  +
inadequately  +
excellently  +
incredibly  +
decently  +

Showing 4 related entities.

The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "not", "terribly", "dismally", "poorly", "inadequately", "fairly", "decently", "reasonably", "soundly", "well", "very well", "extremely well", "excellently", "superbly", "incredibly", "amazingly", "unbelievably", "perfectly" ] } }