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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Black hooded cloak with a silver brocade lining
Item:Blocky slatted oak armchair
Item:Blood-red silk brocade shirt with a triple ruff cravat
Item:Blue brocade backpack embroidered along the straps with a wren-in-flight pattern
Item:Blue hooded cloak with a gold brocade lining
Item:Blue velvet brocade cloak with a sapphire-eyed golden hippogryph clasp
Item:Bright cerulean broadcloth trousers hemmed in green-gold brocade
Item:Brocade hip pouch with a teardrop pearl clasp
Item:Brocade silk kimono dyed the hues of sunset embroidered with a waterfall pouring into an aqua-blue lake
Item:Brocade thigh bag dyed in variegated purples and blues
Item:Brocade vest with a motif of phoenixes in flight
Item:Burgundy brocade gem pouch with a golden lightning bolt clasp
Item:Burgundy brocade wrist purse clasped with a gold raven
Item:Challis cassock brocaded with bluish white flames
Item:Challis cassock brocaded with purplish black flames
Item:Challis cassock brocaded with silvery grey flames
Item:Cinnamon brocade gown with a golden Elven silk underskirt
Item:Cloak (1)
Item:Close-fitting kirtle of pale ivory silk with long narrow sleeves and a sable-trimmed gold brocade overtunic
Item:Corseted silk brocade wedding gown with a full lace-draped skirt
Item:Cream brocade doublet embroidered with the Empath's Guild crest on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Barbarians' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Bards' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Clerics' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Moon Mage Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Paladins' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Rangers' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Traders' Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Cream brocade doublet with the Warrior Mage Guild crest embroidered on the chest
Item:Crimson brocade coat
Item:Crimson cashmere cassock with deep cuffs trimmed in black brocade
Item:Dark brocade sash
Item:Dark brown woolen greatcloak lined with light orange silk brocade
Item:Dark green brocade doublet trimmed with gold cording
Item:Dark grey brocade gown edged with rows of large arrowhead beads
Item:Dashing black brocade doublet with a flower on the lapel
Item:Deep forest green velvet cape trimmed with a wide band of black brocade
Item:Deeply hooded cloak of richly decorated silk brocade
Item:Deluxe black smoking jacket belted with deep blue nightsilk
Item:Deluxe black smoking jacket belted with deep bronze nightsilk