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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Twisted white gold ring set with a large cambrinth adder
Item:Twisted white gold ring set with a large cambrinth cow
Item:Twisted white gold ring set with a large cambrinth unicorn
Item:Wheaten sun-shaped Berengaria emblem hung from a white gold chain
Item:White gold and diamond branch pendant
Item:White gold band set with a square-cut blood red ruby
Item:White gold cuff marked with three narrow rays
Item:White gold faiyka pendant bearing three narrow rays inset with amber
Item:White gold leaf necklace
Item:White gold mask shaped into a jester's face that is crowned with a jeweled cap
Item:White gold necklace displaying a large amethyst pendant
Item:White gold necklace formed of interlocking seven-pointed stars
Item:White gold pendant shaped like a globe
Item:White gold pendant with an etched star sapphire set into a mirrored backing
Item:White gold serpent earcuff coiled around a damaryn pearl
Item:White gold serpent ring gripping a damaryn pearl within its coiled body
Item:White gold wedding armband artfully curved into fanning spirals
Item:White gold wedding band carved with nuzzling unicorns
Item:Wide iroko bracelet carved with birds in flight
Item:Woven white gold hip chain adorned with cat's eye quartz beads
Item:Yavash-red leather cloak clasped at the neck with a glistening white gold star set with a dark sapphire
Jade mortar inlaid with a malachite dragon with flame opal eyesOrder of the White Rose/Gifts and prizesgift
Jade sithannak earringsTrader Shop (Muspar'i) Trader Shop (Crossing)
Jaunty oceanmist satin handbag accented by waves of tiny metallic studsExcess Baggage (1)
Knitting needles surmounted by white gold roses trailing blued-steel vinesOrder of the White Rose/Gifts and prizesgift
Large bolt of windstorm gossamer fabricHollow Eve Festival 406/Raffles Fabric Fantasies (4)Fabric Fantasies (2)
Large crystal prism suspended from a fine chainBreaking and Entering/Sanctum loot
Large green gold pendant shaped to resemble a ripe cluster of grapesTurialo's Haven (8)
Large oval diamond set in an intricately braided tri-color gold bandDadzi's Skrawt Stal
Lipka cotton hip pouchThryntyrlz BagMaker's Yurt (4)
Loose knee-length vest crafted from cerulean marblesilkTurialo's Haven (7)
Low-backed ivory raw silk gown with a white gold halter neckExplorers' Outfitters (2)Explorers' Outfitters (1)Explorers' Outfitters (4) Explorers' Outfitters (3)festival
Marquise ruby ring with milled white gold edgesTrevellyn's of Leth Deri'el, Trevellyn's of Leth Deri'el
Medium bolt of windstorm gossamer fabricFabric Fantasies (2), Fabric Fantasies (4) Fabric Fantasies (2)
Metal scissors with wood handlesBreaking and Entering/Work Room lootcommon
Miniature toy crossbow composed of woodBreaking and Entering/Armory loot
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Be'ort's coyoteForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Drogor's sharkForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Eluned's dolphinForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Firulf's owlForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Glythtide's ramForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Kerenhappuch's shrewForever Faithful (2)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Lemicus's albatrossForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Meraud's wolfForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the image of Saemaus's donkeyForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the symbol of DemrrisForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the symbol of EuForever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Mosaic cambrinth medallion depicting the symbol of TenemlorForever Faithful(2), Forever Faithful (2) Forever Faithful (1)
Narrow recipe box with hingesBreaking and Entering/Kitchen loot
Octagonal rose coral talisman case strung on a light white-gold chainJust In Case, Just In Case (2) Just In Case (1)