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Agonite warhorn shaped into a snarling wolf's headDrathrok's Duskruin 426/Drathrok's Assemblage
Battle-scarred oak warhorn etched with a faded imageGuildfest 398/Auction
Bone warhorn with crimson-stained etchingsItem:Battle-scarred war harness
Droughtman's Maze
Item:Battle-scarred war harness
Brass warhorn embossed with flamesSound the Hunt (1)
Brass warhorn inlaid with miniature onyx war hammersSound the Hunt (2)
Bright yellow warhorn painted with a pair of crossed swordsSound the Hunt (3)
Sound the Hunt (2)
Clear crystal warhorn capped with a gold mouthpieceBardic Journey (4)
Curved mistwood warhorn trimmed with electrumSound the Hunt (2)
Curved mistwood warhorn trimmed with orichalcumSound the Hunt (3)
Dawnfire steel warhorn studded with vengeance rubiesGuildfest 438/Auction
Item:Austere war bag composed of sanguinai
Delicate breccia warhorn embellished with bands of copperSound the Hunt (3)
Fiery-red warhorn carved from a bull's hornSound the Hunt (1)
Green jade warhorn capped with a flared brass mouthpieceSound the Hunt (1)
Grey ambergris warhorn etched with cinnabar-rubbed nagasBardic Journey (4)
Grooved alabaster warhorn adorned with pewter claspsSound the Hunt (3)
Haralun warhorn engraved with the barbarian guild crest
Intricate breccia warhorn embellished with bands of ironSound the Hunt (2)
Item:Battle-scarred oak warhorn etched with a faded image
Item:Bone warhorn with crimson-stained etchings
Item:Brass warhorn embossed with flames
Item:Brass warhorn inlaid with miniature onyx war hammers
Item:Bright yellow warhorn painted with a pair of crossed swords
Item:Curved mistwood warhorn trimmed with electrum
Item:Curved mistwood warhorn trimmed with orichalcum
Item:Delicate breccia warhorn embellished with bands of copper
Item:Fiery-red warhorn carved from a bull's horn
Item:Green jade warhorn capped with a flared brass mouthpiece
Item:Haralun warhorn engraved with the barbarian guild crest
Item:Intricate breccia warhorn embellished with bands of iron
Item:Kertig warhorn engraved with the barbarians' guild crest
Item:Mammoth tusk warhorn capped with a brass mouthpiece
Item:Mammoth tusk warhorn engraved with a volley of arrows
Item:Mammoth tusk warhorn gilded with gold flames
Item:Mistwood warhorn encased with gold filigree
Item:Painted oak warhorn decorated with crushed rubies
Item:Pitted iron warhorn surrounded by menacing spikes
Item:Polished brass warhorn engraved with flashing lightning
Item:Polished gold warhorn engraved with leaping flames
Item:Polished granite warhorn adorned with brass chains
Item:Polished silver warhorn engraved with raging stormclouds
Item:Rough granite warhorn reinforced with thick platinum bands
Item:Seordmaor scale warhorn encircled by cerulean leather bands
Item:Sickly green warhorn wrapped in moldering snake skin
Item:Silver warhorn inlaid with sapphire raindrops
Item:Silversteel warhorn wrapped in lava-drake hide
Item:Sky-blue warhorn set with deep cerulean sapphires
Item:Sparkling diamondique warhorn adorned with platinum bells
Item:Spruce warhorn decorated with a thatch pattern
Item:Steel-studded warhorn
Item:Storm bull warhorn encircled with a pewter band