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 ContainsGarnish or AccentRaritySource is
Dwarven ale (2)Dwarven aledwarvencommonODS House ,Bvarn
Dwarven ale (3)Warrior Mage Guildhall (Hibarnhvidar) ,Stony Hub,Laughing Nomlas (2),Laughing Nomlas (1),Item:Dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom
Dwarven ale (4)dwarvenTrader Guildhall (Hibarnhvidar)
Dwarven ale (5)Ale,Dwarven aledwarvenfestivalDrathrok's Duskruin (location)
Dwarven challenger's aleDwarven Deals
Dwarven challenger's lagerDwarven Deals
Dwarven challenger's porterDwarven Deals
Dwarven challenger's saisonDwarven Deals
Dwarven lager (1)dwarvenTrader Guildhall (Hibarnhvidar)
Dwarven lager (2)Lager,Dwarven lagerdwarvenfestivalDrathrok's Duskruin (location)
Dwarven meaddwarvenTrader Guildhall (Hibarnhvidar)
Earthenware jug of distilled S'Kra Mur amaranth ambrosia swirled with dried herbs
Eel stoutEelDenison's Pub
Eggnog latte sprinkled with cinnamonMilk,Coffee,Cinnamon,EggnogfestivalTis the Seasonings
Elderberry cordialBerry,Fruit,ElderberryWhitehaven Hope ,Tipsy Barmaid,Thornberry Dart,Talking Salmon
Elderberry meadBerry,Fruit,ElderberryWhitehaven Hope ,Tipsy Barmaid,Talking Salmon,Merelew Wench
Elderberry melomelElderberryelderberryEngine Room Roasting Pit (3)
Elderberry wineElderberry,Elderberry wineelderberrycommonSaltfisher Inn
Elegantly stemmed goblet of a cloudy white wineWhite wine,Wine
Elf wineelf wine,elfRothov ,Item:Dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom,Darkstone Inn,Item:Black oak beam mottled by weathering
Elothean Mist whiskeyDenison's Pub
Elothean aventenaEscogar's Magical Aids
Elothean basil blue lemonadeLemonade,Basil,Elothean basilelothean basil,elotheanHouse of the Revenant Fang 423/Incidental loot
Elothean dark roastCoffeeelotheanSweet Delights
Elothean jade teaElothean jade teaelothean jade,elotheanSilver Eye/Archive ,Rizadi's Outfitters (1),Gorbesh Fortress (Ilithi),Empath Guildhall (Crossing)
Elothean rice wineRice wine,RiceelotheanVillage Tavern ,Rothov,Houses Consulate,House of the Gilded Longleaf (location),House of the Floating Reed (location),Gorbesh Fortress (Ilithi),Item:Dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom,Darkstone Inn
Elothean windhaze (1)Elothean windhazeelotheanfestivalVaalrin House ,Gold Key Club,Estate Holder gifts,Drathrok's Duskruin (location),Barbarian Guildhall (Mer'Kresh),Ain Ghazal Estate Holder Club
Elothean windhaze (2)WindhazeelotheanfestivalHouse of the Floating Reed (location) ,Gorbesh Fortress (Ilithi),Chris' Mass ,Log Cabin (3),Log Cabin (2),Log Cabin (1),Item:Black oak beam mottled by weathering
Elothean windhaze (3)WindhazeelotheanKasine's Gauntlet
Eluned's Elixir (1)Eluned's elixirelunedfestivalDrathrok's Duskruin (location)
Eluned's Elixir (2)Eluned's elixireluned
Elven brandyBrandy,Elven brandyelvenfestivalVaalrin House ,Scholar's Museum ,Gift Shop,Rothov,Food Bazaar,Drathrok's Duskruin (location)
Elven frostwynneSnowpear,Elven frostwynne,FrostwynneelvenfestivalTrader Social Extraordinaire ,Silver Eye/Archive,Rummeltum's Catering,Rothov,Inner Vision (2),Item:Dirty canvas sack embroidered with a gladiolus blossom,Chris' Mass ,Log Cabin (3),Log Cabin (2),Log Cabin (1),Item:Black oak beam mottled by weathering,Ain Ghazal Estate Holder Club
Elven wineWine,Elven wineelven wine,elven,elfTheren Keep ,Edword's Accoutrements (3),Edword's Accoutrements (1)
Emerald Eyes lagerTelgi Ballroom ,Rothov
Empire brandyempireMilene's Rose Inn
Engraved golden flask with fancy letteringGoldsRaven's Court VIP Suite
Enormous whiskey bottle of dark green glassGlassdragonEstate Holder gifts
Etched pewter tankard (2)PewterfestivalOrigami Envelope
Etched silver distiller's flaskSilverJakuv's All-Trades Outlet (3) ,Jakuv's All-Trades Outlet (2),Jakuv's All-Trades Outlet (1)
Etched tin tankardTinHouse of Bardic Blues
Fang Cove fizzThe Shanty
Fenberry bloodwynn
Fenberry teaFenberryNardel's Dwelling
Fermented boar's milkMilkboarArnack's Tavern
Fermented goat milkMilkgoatNorth Roads Inn
Fermented goat's milkMilk,Goat milkgoatGarn the Grocer ,Darkstone Inn
Fermented lemon juiceLemon,Lemon juielemoncommonLemonade Stand
Fermented wheyFermented whey,WheywheycommonArmiger's Mansion
Festive glass of winter ale painted with bright and merry huesfestivalThat's a Wrap