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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Rough jade block
Item:Rounded sea urchin studded with tiny topaz and jade gems
Item:Ruby rosebud carved from a single stone
Item:Scrimshaw driftwood box inlaid with jade
Item:Sculpted swan of snowy white jade
Item:Seated cambrinth mermaid
Item:Series of jade leaves
Item:Set of five ivory dice inlaid with jade pips
Item:Set of four ivory dice inlaid with jade pips
Item:Set of intricately carved jade combs
Item:Set of three ivory dice inlaid with jade pips
Item:Sharpened razor affixed to a carved jade handle
Item:Sheer cream silk shift accented with jade beads
Item:Signet ring
Item:Silver clippers inlaid with a jade and scrimshaw handle
Item:Silver engagement ring carved with a jade raccoon
Item:Silver filigree and green jade stylus
Item:Silver filigree circlet studded with small squares of jade
Item:Silver hairbrush inlaid with a jade and scrimshaw handle
Item:Silver mehath bracelet inlaid with jade
Item:Silver mirror inliad with a jade and scrimshaw handle
Item:Silverwood lockpick case inlaid with black jade
Item:Single ivory die inlaid with jade pips
Item:Slender braided silver necklace hung with a red jade disc
Item:Slender circlet of black jade and twining belladonna blossoms
Item:Small animite monocle edged with tiny jade leaves
Item:Small golden serpent coiled about an ivory tree
Item:Small jade kohl pot
Item:Small silver charm adorned with an unworked piece of green jade (1)
Item:Smoky jade armband etched with the image of shadowy cats
Item:Snow-white hiro bearskin with red jade eyes
Item:Soft leather talisman case set with a jade lizard
Item:Solemn grey prayer cloth embroidered with a sulking coyote
Item:Spiraling platinum tailband edged with a thin layer of red jade
Item:Square jade pin overlaid with a circle of gold bordered with silver herbs
Item:Square of purple jade
Item:Stunning gold engagement ring with a carved red jade rose
Item:Tarnished gold ring
Item:Translucent jade rose
Item:Translucent white jade whistle carved to resemble a playful squirrel
Item:Triple-strand red gold hip-chain set with carved scarlet jade
Item:Turquoise prayer beads with a leaping dolphin-shaped jade charm
Item:Two-toned engagement ring with a white diamond set on red jade
Item:Wedding ring
Item:Whimsical dress of bamboo patterned marblesilk
Item:White ash lap harp resplendent with gold-edged jade ivy leaf inlay
Item:White jade incense case with a gleaming beryl mongoose clasp
Item:White jade lotus blossoms
Item:White jade ring bearing the crest of the Bards' guild