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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Jade necklace of interlocking carved dragons
Item:Jade oak leaf brooch inlaid with a silver Ranger Guild crest
Item:Jade pendant engraved with a tree-shaped design (1)
Item:Jade pendant shaped like a fanged serpent
Item:Jade plaque engraved with the crest of the Paladins' Guild (door)
Item:Jade plaque engraved with the crest of the Paladins' Guild (freestanding)
Item:Jade plaque engraved with the crest of the Paladins' Guild (tree)
Item:Jade ring inset with amber
Item:Jade ring shaped like a turtle biting its tail
Item:Jade scorpion ring
Item:Jade sithannak earrings
Item:Jade statuette of a Dwarf with a whip
Item:Jade tailband inlaid with lapis lazuli moons
Item:Jade turtles
Item:Jade-handled straight razor
Item:Jade-hilted wrist knife with a gleaming silver blade
Item:Jewel-encrusted faery mask crowned with colorful jade roses
Item:Large gold pin inlaid with a mosaic of colorful gems
Item:Lustrous goldweave dress decorated at the hems with green jade beads
Item:Mahogany lockpick case embossed with a jade-eyed panther
Item:Massive black oak canopy bed
Item:Narrow gold engagement band inlaid with green jade leaves
Item:Narrow green jade vial shaped like a piece of bamboo
Item:Narrow jade wedding band inlaid with a twining golden rose
Item:Oiled leather carving case with a black jade panther clasp
Item:Olivewood contract case embossed with a jade sana'ati tree
Item:Onyx panther-shaped statue with one lifted paw
Item:Otterskin diver's thigh sheath decorated with silver fittings
Item:Pair of ivory dice inlaid with jade pips
Item:Pair of lapis and jade hairsticks
Item:Pair of white jade locust earrings
Item:Pale jade flame rose comb
Item:Pale jade foxglove comb
Item:Pale silverwillow flute inset with delicate jade sana'ati leaves
Item:Pitch black hooded cloak with a panther emblazoned on the back
Item:Plush Ranger doll cradling a wolf pup within its arms
Item:Polished bronze compass with a jade leaf fob
Item:Polished cambrinth turnip
Item:Polished ebony case inset with a ruby-eyed jade dragon
Item:Polished jade eyebrow ring wrapped in thin silver briars
Item:Polished mahogany psaltery inlaid with a fragile band of jade vines
Item:Radiant jade pendant
Item:Rectangular purple jade pendant etched with odd silver symbols
Item:Red backpack with a white flap embroidered with a huge strawberry
Item:Ring (1)
Item:Rosewood trinket case inlaid with jade ivy vines