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Amethyst and citrine nightshade blossoms30
Battered rum bottles60Item:Midnight blue watersilk sack dotted with tiny silver star-shaped buttons ,Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Beaded toebones5True Path (3) ,Barbarian Paradise
Beady-eyed stuffed weasels with furry tails25Twilight Treasures
Befuddled-looking warrior mage dollsUnsourced raffles
Black marble spheres35Flight of Hand (2) ,Flight of Hand (1)
Black stone ravens with ruby eyes40Birds of a Feather (5) ,Birds of a Feather (4),Birds of a Feather (3),Birds of a Feather (2),Birds of a Feather (1)
Black wooden ravensSkull Bowling (2)
Blackened shark's teeth30Trintah's Herbal Remedies
Blackened silver knives20Flight of Hand (2) ,Flight of Hand (1)
Blackened steel twigs35Great Outdoors (4) ,Great Outdoors (2),Great Outdoors (1)
Bloodshot eyeballs10Blood and Gourd (5) ,Blood and Gourd (4)
Brass breastplates50Trader Guild ,Ratha Shop
Brass-tipped rib bones30True Path (3) ,True Path (2),Barbarian Paradise
Bright blue fuzzy sharks with pointy leather teeth20Twilight Treasures ,MegaSafari 413 game prizes,Basket of colored darts
Bright red wooden lobsters40Jester's General Store
Brightly colored peacock feathers1Silly Souvenirs
Brightly painted wooden oranges25Joirin's Puzzles
Brightly-scaled cobras with tiny leather hoods3Twilight Treasures
Broken loupesTrader Toys
Bronze-inlaid pelvises50True Path (3) ,True Path (2),Hollow Eve Festival 406/Raffles,Hollow Eve Festival 392/Raffles,Barbarian Paradise
Burlap starfish5Bacon Man's Birthday Bash 419/Pig Maze
Cambrinth acorn squashes20Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth anvils45Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth brandy snifters25Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth bumblebees15Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth chocolate cakes35Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth frogs5Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth pumpkins30Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth toads10Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth walruses40Cambripalooza!
Cambrinth war mammoths50Cambripalooza!
Carved amber pinecones20Great Outdoors (4) ,Great Outdoors (2),Great Outdoors (1)
Carved bloodwood centaurs with tiny onyx hooves50Twilight Treasures
Carved ebonwood beetles30Jester's General Store
Carved ebony skulls1
Carved glass stars1Pudgy red-nosed clown
Carved ironwood chickens20Item:Small green bag ,Item:Small green bag,Fenwyrthie's Curio Shop
Carved ironwood treasure chests45Curse of the Ghost Ship/Incidental Loot
Carved ironwood turnips with star ruby eyes5Terrific Turnip (3) ,Terrific Turnip (2),Terrific Turnip (1)
Carved oak rings35Joirin's Puzzles
Carved shoulder blades25True Path (4) ,True Path (3),True Path (2),Barbarian Paradise
Carved smokewood owls50treasure map,Item:Worn and tattered map
Clay pottery fragments5Museum of Imperial History ,Excavation sites
Clay squares1
Coiled ebonwood vipers with glittering garnet eyes45Twilight Treasures
Colorful beanbag scarecrows5treasure map,Thorkim Family Farm 429/Pig Maze
Colorful beanbag squirrels with fuzzy tails5Thorkim Family Farm 429/Pig Maze
Colorful beanbags1Joirin's Puzzles
Colorful fabric butterflies3Jester's General Store