Hollow Eve Festival 392/Auction

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Friday, November 8, 2008

Item Buyer Price in platinum dokora Price in platinum kronar Special Description
a pure white moneybelt with a goild lion's head buckle Rmel 600.0000 831.4845 15 coin holding
a bright purple velvet pouch with a tasseled golden drawstring with a short Phelim statuette of glossy black jade and a short Huldah statuette of bright rutilated quartz inside Erinenne 801.5000 1,110.7259 plat dokora while the pouch appraises for 100 plat dokora
T'Kashi mirror shiv Synyster 7,000.0000 9,700.6621 mirror LE, m/m/p somewhat flimsey
a Dwarven puppet Krugler 159.4404 220.9534 Occular puppet, does playable races plus Merelew and Gorbesh
a salt-stained plaque Sothios 2,000.0000 2,771.6171 Someone will alter your ship pilot's gender, sex, name, race, and outfit along with a unique look to your captain's ring.
a great stone axe Magdar 4,950.0000 6,859.7541 Morphs between a warsword, spear, mace, mattock and kweldsisk. Works all the time for Dwarves; sometimes for non-Dwarves.

The Sverdh appears quite well suited for your short strong Dwarven arms.

A loud voice exclaims, "Kniwa vut sa shar ut sa Sa Karaagglof Sverdh!"
Your Dwarven blood tells you this means, "Kneel at the sight of The Stone Glove Sword!"
Sa Karaagglof Sverdh is a light thrown and medium edged melee-ranged weapon.
You are certain that it could do:

low puncture damage
low slice damage
severe impact damage

You are certain that the Sverdh is dismally balanced and is well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the Karaagglof Sverdh is incredibly hard, and is in pristine condition.
You are certain that the Karaagglof Sverdh weighs exactly 71 stones.
You are confident that the Karaagglof Sverdh is worth about 24750004 lirums.

a squat Wayerd pyramid with an inlaid cambrinth capstone Ruoy 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 Dries without sun
a black leather haversack reinforced with silvery grey steelsilk Xixist 968.2100 1,341.7535 Inside this wonderfully found haversack you'll find a smooth grey cotton shirt with a tall stiff collar, some distressed leather stalking boots secured by darkened iron grommets, a shadowy black nightsilk vest and some fitted nightsilk pants with shifting dark hues.
a lightweight repeating crossbow of salted driftwood set with a thick iron boltplate Phii 7,260.0000 10,060.9728 light crossbow, 10 bolt repeating crossbow
an iridescent white pouch graced with a stylized rainbow with a small white card printed with an overflowing treasure chest Solundul 3,500.0000 4,850.3306 The card reads: The lucky person to redeem this voucher will be entitled to a personal consultation with Blanve Bakofska. Negotiations will be made for the crafting of FIVE custom pieces of jewelry featuring her signature gems. Blanve reserves the right to have the final say on all designs to ensure that the items accurately represent the superior quality for which her works are known."
an empath puppet Khalikryst 175.0000 242.5159 guild changing puppet
a smooth obsidian sphere Malzard 1,500.0000 2,078.7126 Gwethsmasher that can be used once per day for a long time
a dark ebony sack embroidered with a crescent moon with a parchment scroll inside. Shalendrya 2,057.3310 2,851.0672 Auctioneer Cesiro says, "That the scroll entitles the bearer to complimentary Tokka painting session with Diansine Marindra, including up to five custom cards. Please bring your own deck."
a torn and battered leather moneybelt Whinsoul 856.1297 1,186.4317 Holds 10 coins
a bejeweled crystal staff Maitresse 1,496.0000 2,073.1694 Has sockets for fifteen runestones
a large modwir chest with a circular silver clasp Kiterina 665.6100 922.4077 Inside this chest of modwir you'll find A translucent black glass teacup rimmed in silver, a translucent black glass teacup rimmed in silver, a translucent black glass teacup rimmed in silver, a translucent black glass teacup rimmed in silver, a glazed black coffee mug with a polished silver handle, a glazed black coffee mug with a polished silver handle, a glazed black coffee mug with a polished silver handle, a glazed black coffee mug with a polished silver handle, a polished silver teaspoon accented with a black enamel star, a polished silver teaspoon accented with a black enamel star, a polished silver teaspoon accented with a black enamel star, a polished silver teaspoon accented with a black enamel star, a stiff black linen napkin embellished with silvery scrollwork, a stiff black linen napkin embellished with silvery scrollwork, a stiff black linen napkin embellished with silvery scrollwork, a stiff black linen napkin embellished with silvery scrollwork, a stout black glass teapot swirled with glittery silver and a tall silver co
a blood-red voucher Kisuke 2,700.0000 3,741.6834 Gore voucher
a heavy steel war mallet with a chakrel-capped ironwood haft Airicka 2,500.0000 3,464.5216 superbly focused chakrel to refill inner fire. Swappable between heavy edged and heavy blunt
a cheery blue cloak depicting a shining sun in a clear sky Dakkurn 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 Will change description based on the sky
a maggot-white spidersilk cloak Flixx 4,100.0000 5,681.8160 spider cloak. drops dead bugs
a sleek magpie charm Aeviona 5,500.2200 7,622.2543 bird charm that delivers messages
a nijare Issus 2,662.2310 3,689.3431 elemental dagger who's look can be changed by elemental users
a T'Kashi mirror blade Sorcemar 3,7041.730 5,133.2762 ME mirror blade
a rough rawhide pouch with a stiff sinew drawstring with a mere scrap of rawhide inside Ysselt 2,500.0000 3,464.5216 The bearer of this voucher is entitled to FIVE custom items crafted by Satfiki. She will work on additions to most soft containers, clothing, and she can add adornments to most weapons and armor. She will not touch anything magical. Satfiki ONLY works with skinned creature parts, and all materials will be provided free of charge."
a menacing cambrinth death spirit Sortny 461.0000 638.8574 Shapeshifting cambrinth
a fanciful sack Tolena 597.0000 827.3271 Contains 80 glowing fragments
a golden ring engraved with the viper of Ushnish Noviastarr 2,080.0000 2,882.4820 Purges any and all poisons from wearer.
an old wooden telescope case etched with a faded insignia Aluriaz 1,321.1000 1,830.7920 Contains an invproved-lens telescope that can gaze 25% deeper into the sky
a weeping beanbag arachnid Lywyn 6,820.0000 9,451.2172 Auctioneer Cesiro says, "And he'll sit on your shoulder."Auctioneer Cesiro says, "And he likes to make arachnid-ish noises."
a steel double-bladed sword with a yellowed ivory hilt Ianhanse 1,331.2000 1,844.7886 Gore dagger
a crystal ball Breydon 2,050.0000 2,840.9080 Magic 8-ball that can also change it's description
a sequinned puce satin moneybelt Abison 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 Holds 15 coins
a black silk pouch decorated with a white chef's hat applique with a voucher inside Leucius 1,815.6400 2,516.1301 A voucher good for custom alteration work for FIVE items by Visionary Thipbeet. She will not change the makeup of weapons or armor or work with inherently magical items, but she will adjust the look of just about everything else.
a blood-red silk cloak with intricately worked bands of maggot-white Shame roses near the hem Kelela 1,280.0000 1,773.8348 Can hold 15 flowers for all to see. Embroidery can also be changed.
a water stained spyglass case with a weather worn mariner's spyglass inside Gnamnor 1,100.0000 1,524.3890
a beaded white silk pouch with deep green cord drawstrings with lock of hair and a small book inside Danoryiel 8,769.2269 12,152.4729 Rub the hair and it will fully heal you.
Friday's Total: Cesiro 89,481.0120 124,003.5689

Saturday, November 9, 2008

Item Buyer Price in platinum dokora Price in platinum kronar Special Description
a Gnome puppet Mankaran 270.0000 374.1678 Can change races
a red leather belt covered with tiny pouches Mellicent 1,250.1000 1,732.3993 Has large pouches, maybe can hold 12 boxes
a heavy rowan repeating crossbow with a leather-wrapped stock Darkscale 4,400.0000 6,097.5587 10 bolt, repeating, heavy crossbow
a black velvet pouch with a glittering green diamond charm with a voucher inside Nonomis 1,400.1000 1,940.2711 Voucher is good for the alteration services of Jeweler Veshenke for five items. Most rare materials will be provided at the discretion of the artisan.
a cloud-grey spidersilk cloak Romeode 3,891.5782 5,392.9832 Living Spider Cloak that eats bugs and the spiders and will even change the description of the cloak for you at times.
a darkened Imperial bastard sword Geisin 2,000.0000 2,771.6171 HE/2he l/h/f and l/s/m p/f. Not the most incredible weapon of its era, it is nevertheless an excellent example of Imperial work.
an orange and black ball Shirakeru 1,800.0000 2,494.4553 bouncy ball that teaches LT
a rune-covered red backpack Martyka 5,500.0000 7,621.9486 holds up to 3500 stones
a squat Wayerd pyramid with an inlaid cambrinth capstone Worrclan 15000000 20787126 Dries without sun
a blood-red voucher Ryain 1,750.0000 2,425.1653 Gore voucher
a gilded origami workbook bound in ice silk and overlaid in platinum-leaf from inside his paisley satchel Liamora 1,750.0000 2,425.1653 contains all the gilded origami patterns sold at the festival, here.
an aged walnut telescope case with tarnished brass hinges with A tarnished brass key and a well-crafted dark walnut telescope with polished brass focusing rings inside Tzian 1,650.0000 2,286.5844 Twenty percent better than your average telescope
an intricate silver amulet with tiny stars dangling from delicate links Saet 2,000.0000 2,771.6171 Fills a random prediction pool everyday
a vibrant green silk moneybelt embroidered with a repeating pattern of galloping goats Kalira 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 Holds 15 coins
a snake charm Illeon 1,000.1000 1,385.9475 Really. A snake charm. The old kind, that barbs can't wear. No, I don't get it either.
a white ironwood toy box carved to resemble a skull Warchyld 242.5000 336.0583 A toy box: Inside you'll find a toy skeletal sailor, a toy vengeful shade, a toy dark fiend, a toy tortured soul, a toy spectral pirate, a toy bony fylgja, a toy skeleton, a toy revenant zombie, a toy death spirit, a toy snaer hafwa, a toy banshee and a toy ghoul.
an ash-handled broom with orange silk handgrips Sasper 4,950.0000 6,859.7541 Can ride on it to help with travel
a T'Kashi mirror axe Mithyl 7,000.0000 9,700.6621 Mirror Axe, n/m/m around 50 stones
a long gold scepter encrusted with sparkling jewels Resero 800.0000 1,108.6463 worth exactly 250 plat kro, 200 plat lirums, or 180.4 plat doks. Trader app item."
a bejeweled crystal staff topped by a twisted rhodonite stone Baelor 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 Has sockets for four runestones
a dark crystal ball Profesie 770.0000 1,067.0723 The crystal ball will be happy to answer your questions.
an encrusted origami grimoire bound in Fae-woven silk Aleyden 2,600.0000 3,603.1025 Every origami pattern available is in this grimoire
a salt-stained plaque Mingold 1,100.0000 1,524.3890 Someone will alter your ship pilot's gender, sex, name, race, and outfit along with a unique look to your captain's ring.
a large rough cut crystal box Jaelles 3,146.0000 4,359.7547 Personal Bank, deposits coin where you want
a tufted titmouse charm Smegul 5,600.0000 7,760.5295 bird charm that delivers messages
a deep blue sack embroidered with a crescent moon Fintrial 1,100.0000 1,524.3890 That the scroll entitles the bearer to complimentary Tokka painting session with Diansine Marindra, including up to five custom cards. Please bring your own deck." Includes a Tokka Deck
a chess board Valynn 1,400.0000 1,940.1317 You can play chess on it
a cheery periwinkle pouch with pastel yellow drawstrings Leucistic 1,600.4000 2,217.8487 THe voucher inside reads, "Beaumont Chesterfield deigns it acceptable to provide the esteemed bearer of this voucher with FIVE pieces of custom work, free of charge. He specializes in formalwear for men, but he occasionally makes an exception for a woman in desperate need of a wardrobe overhaul. All designs will be created based on his elite sense of style and fashion know-how after a consultation with the redeemer. No exceptions."
a leather-backed parchment Leonned 2,300.0000 3,187.3598 A bit from the Master Tinker Snidley, good for three pieces of his custom work. No stipulations beyond the three pieces... and he DOES work on a lot of different stuff.
a curved greatsword with a chakrel stone pommel Clarawen 2,150.1000 2,979.6274 The chakrel is of the quality that will refill barbaric moj. l/s/h p/w
a frowning beanbag chicken Akudyn 1,900.0000 2,633.0362 reactive beanbag toy
a pale cedar coffin Vinjince 700.0000 970.0654 Full of Thug powders that pull people out of hiding
a Gnome puppet Critter 495.0000 685.9746 Can change races
a shimmering bastard sword Celturian 1,005.7000 1,393.7080 magic users can change the description by focusing on it. Will changed based on the user's mana type.
a repeating crossbow with a leather-wrapped stock Suriaah 3,700.0000 5,127.4924 10 bolt repeating LX
a bejeweled crystal bottle Quala 3,080.0000 4,268.2910 genie in a bottle
a padded leather telescope case with an engraved brass telescope inside Aules 2,600.0000 3,603.1025 Twenty percent better than your average telescope
a sleek leather pouch with a weasel inside Tirsten 7,000.0000 9,700.6621 Cross-eyed Therengian weasel (like a marnet)
a blue leather belt Golilath 1,351.3000 1,872.6432 Has large pouches, maybe can hold 12 boxes
a grinning skull Meganlique 1,600.0000 2,217.2935 Bouncy ball that can teach LT
a gath mysanda Seducati 1,050.0000 1,455.0990 It'll store mana for your later use
a smooth obsidian sphere Pormithius 1,600.0000 2,217.2935 gwethsmasher. unlimited charges, one day use.
a silver etched war hammer (Hammer of the Immortals) Rajara 7,502.8428 10,397.5070 It can change the features of those you brandish it at into those of an Immortal avatar.
a deep brown marnet fur cloak Tasel 7,000.0000 9,700.6621 And.. I think it's haunted. That clasp looks at me a lot. - Cloak with a marnet in the clasp?
Total for Saturday Cesiro 108,305.7210 145,476.2689

Spreadsheet Form - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pXPZ4VXLr3TE-ywUTslZHcQ

Grand Totals

Total Price in platinum Dokora Price in platinum Kronar
Friday's Total: 89,481.0120 124,003.5689
Total for Saturday 108,305.7210 145,476.2689
Grand Total 197,786.7330 269,479.8378