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To do:


100th quest

Flesh out SLS table

Compile all Lohkrian comments on tools

Sect Descriptions (Unify and research extra info)

Confirm look on TC shard and Leth shard.

How does bonding work?

Predict Weather

Predict Event

General prediction overview - Observations, align etc


Enchantments (Consistancy!)

MM - (Include Ways)


Exactly how do merged predictions work?

Observation pool - Are they always equal (with multi fill)? How many observations to fill? Does it matter what you work off of?

Observation timer

dropped tools

Predictions - Visions in particular






Spell reviews?

Other MM abilities?

Quest walkthroughs?

What are sigils used in?


Refine times/power resolution. Find more messages

convert to 30%. Swap steely. Break down by 25 rank intervals.

Burn through a mirror with align curse (single obs)


Refine times/power resolution. Find more messages


Refine times/power resolution. Find more messages

Seperate item page

Match format to new mirror format

A faded vision

This vision is the equivalent of trained novice ability.

A slightly hazy vision

This vision is the equivalent of beginning practitioner ability.

A somewhat blurry vision

This vision is the equivalent of competent practitioner ability.

A glassy vision

This vision is the equivalent of competent practitioner ability.

A rather indistinct vision

This vision is the equivalent of proficient practitioner ability.

A finely outlined vision

This vision is the equivalent of experienced practitioner ability.

An obvious vision

This vision is the equivalent of skilled practitioner ability.

but one use left.

one that is good for at least two more uses.

at least half power left.

is hovering at three-quarters capacity.

is charged to maximum capacity.

Skies (Power)

Sky Min. bonus Max bonus
Brooding 17 21
Brooding 26 27
Sullen 24 33
Sullen 48 49
Murky 39 43
Murky 55 56
Steely 63 64
Steely 67 71
Steely 69 78
Steely 73 82
Darkened 74 75
Darkened 68 77
Darkened 73 82
Darkened 75 99
Twilight 78 82
Twilight 78 82
Twilight 94 95
Twilight 95 96
Gloaming 95 96
Gloaming 100 101
Gloaming 101 102
Gloaming 103 104
Gloaming 108 109
Rosy 117 118
Rosy 124 ++
Bright Blue 125 ++

Skies (Power)

Sky #1 Sky #2 Min. bonus Max bonus
Forbidding Sickly Yellow 1 20
Brooding Sullen 21 40
Lowering Murky 41 60
Darkened Steely 61 80
Gloaming Twilight 81 100
Rosy Sunset 101 120
Bright Blue Sun-filled 121 140
Aglow with Pastel Hues Pink-tinged Dawn ?? ??

I love SLS, and I fear for its future as an awesomely unique spell.

To spill the beans on the constellation effect because I'm so awesome:

Mongoose is the best because it is the only constellation that predicts off of both offense and defense which makes it both fast(defense) and powerful(offense).

The only other constellation that seems to get a dual boost is Albatross from speed and accuracy because it predicts off of lore(accuracy) and defense(speed).

Spider is the most reliable because it's the only constellation that's out yearlong that boosts power since it predicts on offense.

I'm positive on the impact of Defense and Offense. Lore also seems reliable, and the other skill sets don't seem to matter at all.

Defense - More Speed Offense - More Power Lore - More Accuracy Magic - Nothing (I use to believe it was duration, but it isn't.) Survival - Nothing

Of course these are old tests, but I'm sure nothing big has changed. At least, Mongoose was still king last time I was playing with SLS.