Talk:Appraisal skill

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Rank Achievements

Can someone who knows add in about when you get coin appraisal (both local currency and foreign exchange) as well as weight (and any other values I'm missing) on items? Thanks. --Thilan 23:24, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

Ways to learn Appraisal

I don't have time for an extensive rewrite, but here's what it works on:

  1. critters
  2. items
  3. directions into rooms with water (swimming)
  4. climbing objects (can give you a climbing bonus)

As a benchmark, and if anyone up and coming in the game is interested (I know I was) I've begun to get certain appraisals on my armor around 124 ranks of appraisal and armor each. I may have been able to get certain sooner, but wasn't paying attention. The certain isn't 100% at this time, but if I appraise careful, it becomes more likely to occur. --Celeres 19:41, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Unknown Stat Range

Where does, with regard to stats, "apparently as x as you are" go? -Moderator Caraamon Strugr-Makdasi(talk) 03:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Critter Appraisal

Based on the fact that I can easily hit a creature but yet it appraises as very difficult, I believe that Agility and weapon stats are not factored into skill comparison with creatures. -Moderator Caraamon Strugr-Makdasi(talk) 11:10, 8 February 2009 (UTC)


I added a bit to the training section. I'm not really sure how far the swimming/climbing appraisal training applies, so I just went with my rudimentary knowledge. I think this is good info for new characters however, particularly the untwinked, as they are unlikely to have the skills or the supplies to train it well via the other methods for some time. Valtur 21:58, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

More Critter Appraisals

I think the the list of creature stat comparison appraisals is incomplete, but I'm not sure what order these go in. That's my guess but I wonder if anyone can verify one way or the other? I get these with my empath (who has abnormally low strength and agility) versus BB peccs.

  • far more
  • uncomprehendably more
  • far, far, far more

I think perhaps that's the order but I can't be absolutely sure.


Does anyone have the timer for creature appraising? This is something we might want to mention here. --Ysselt 19:52, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

I've been looking at the timer for bundle appraisal (presumably it would work for gem pouches as well) and I've got it narrowed down to the timer for those being a minute or less. While collecting grass (15 second RT) I can appraise my bundle every 4 collections (1 minute) and get 3 mindstate fractions. --Khelek 01:56, 12 September 2009 (UTC)

Additional Levels

This is an appraisal I just got. It's a gold-plated tower shield emblazoned with a majestic lion with Divine Armor up. You are certain that the shield offers better than fair to very impressive protection. So, should we add the better than fair and very impressive? Or just note somewhere that it's possible, and it would be a halfway step between fair and moderate, or impressive and tremendous in this instance? --Celeres 03:54, 27 April 2010 (UTC)